---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MAGIC SYSTEM FOR BLOOD BOWL by Brice Terzaghi, adapted by Björn Nilsson ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction - The original BB (Blood Bowl) magic system, released through DZ (Death Zone), isn't detailed enough to me, so I decided to write a new one, based on WFB (Warhammer Fantasy Battle). For the moment, the only differences you could see between this system and the original one is that each race has its own spells. If someone has other ideas, he should feel free to improve it and send changes to the list. As the spells are taken from the WFB magic system, some of them use other templates than those supplied with BB. If it is the case, I write what kind of WFB template you have to use and which BB template you can use instead (depending of the size of the template). One last thing : I'm French and have only acces to the french versions of the spells, so don't mind if you can't find the name of a particular spell (maybe all) in WFB, as I translate names as I can. The Rules - Undead teams MUST now hire a wizard (of at least lvl 1) at start. Necromancers may in addition to a normal spell cast a "Raise Dead" per match. If the Necromancher is killed for any reason, the undead team must purchase a new one after the game, if they cannot afford one they still get one (at lvl 1) at the cost of all their winnings plus treasury. Chaos teams must pay allegance to one god of Chaos.Obviously, a Chaos sorcerer has access to the spells of his god. There's no sorcerers of Khorne, but if you have a Chaos team of Khorne (NOTE: alligience of a chaos team is chosen when the team is started.) you can instead purchase a special Khorne abilty. Human teams have access to eight types of wizards, each corresponding to one college. A human wizard can cast spells of the college he belongs to. There's no spell list for big guys teams. If you own one: - hire a wizard from any race that can take a big guy of your team as an ally Each spell has a name and eventually a template. When you want to cast a spell, you'll have to do three things: First, place you sorcerer on one side of the pitch, next, choose a target-player or a target-square, then, check if the range is good. If it is, you can cast your spell. To measure the range, use the pass ruler. Wizards can cast spells to a range equal to a Short Pass. A wizard can be used in two ways: To cast a spell or to dispell the spell cast by the other wizard. You can dispell a spell either when it's cast, which cancel it, or later when it's active. If a spell isn't dispelled in this way, it will be at the end of the drive, when the players come back in their dugout (the dugouts are equiped with a strong anti-magic field). To dispell a spell, you have to roll a 4+ on a D6. Coaches can hire a student wizard before a match. His price is 50,000 and he leaves the team after the match. A student wizard can perform a dispell during the match. In addition, some magic items can also be used as a dispel. If the wizard gets killed or leaves the team, the effects of his spell are immediatly canceled, as if dispelled. Wizards are divided into three levels: Level 1 costs 150,000 Level 2 costs 200,000 Level 3 costs 250,000. A level 1 wizard has access to the first spell of his list, level 2 has the two first spells and level three has all the three spells. Level 2 and level 3 wizards can cast a spell AND a dispelling during a match. Advancement After any game where your wizard has succsesfully cast a spell, you may increase him one level at the cost of 50,000 Familiars - You can buy ONE familiar for your sorcerer at the cost of 50,000. There's two types of familiars: - spell familiar - power familiar A spell familiar allows you to use one more spell than your level. A level 1wizard can cast the 2 first spells of the list, a level 2 can cast choose to cast one spell between the three. A level 3 wizard can use his familiar to dispell a spell. A power familiar allows the wizard to performs an extra action, i.e. cast one more spell OR one more dispell. Race Magic Humans One of the eight colleges of Magic Dwarves Stone Magic or Alchemist Halflings Master Chef High Elves High Magic Dark Elves Dark Magic Wood Elves Jade Magic Undead Necromancy Lizardmen High magic Orcs & Goblins Waaagh! Magic Skavens Skaven Magic Chaos Dwarves Chaos Dwarf Magic SPELL LIST Blazing College Fireball Template : Fireball (BB). Roll a dice for each player under the template. If the result is greater than the player's AG, he falls on the ground. Make an armour roll against him, as if he'd been hit with a player having the Mighty Blow skill. Crimson Circle Template : None. This spell can be cast on an opposing player. Roll a dice : if it beats the target's AG, he's stuck and can do nothing except defending himself when blocked. Lethal Conflagration Template : Fireball (BB). This spell is cast in exactly the same way as the fireball spell above. The only difference is that an injury roll (without MB) is made against the target, without making an armour roll. Jade College Mist of Duthandor Template : None. Unless the player avoids it by rolling Ag or less on two dice: The player is surrounded by a green mist and can't see anything. If he holds the ball, he can't pass it, nor hand it off. He can't receive it neither. If the player wants to move, he'll move in a random direction for each point of movement he has. If he enters a square occupied by a player, he will block him (even if that's one of his team mates). The mist surrounds all players in adjacent squares, so no one can help on either side. Jade Coffin Template : None. This spell can be cast on a kick-off, just before the players are set on the pitch. One of the players of the team can be resurrected and can take place on the pitch. If the spell is dispelled, death is permanent. Flesh to Stone Template : None. The target player is changed into a kind of stone golem. He can still move but his skills are modified that way : MA/2, STx2 (max. 10), AG/2, AV 10. Celestial College Azure Shield Template : None. The target-player's AV is uppered by 2 points (max. 10). The spell remains active until an armour roll is made against this player and is passed, or the end of the drive, whichever comes first. Cristal Sphere Template : None. Roll a dice. If the result beats the target ST, the player is emprisonned in a cristal sphere. In the target-player's turn, it's the opposing coach who can decide of the movement of the player : he can move him in the direction of his choice (straight line). The sphere ignores death zones andcan go out of the pitch. Destiny Template : None. The target-player can re-roll every dice roll he makes. (until the end of the drive) Amethyst College Prison of Caloe Template : None. If the wizard beats the target's ST with 1D6, the player is surrounded by a prison and can't move anymore. (He may still block/pass/foul etc. though) Amarant Template : None. The target's AV is doubled (max. 10). Purple Sun of Xereus Template : Purple Sun of Xereus (WFB) or Fireball (BB). The wizard summons a sphere of black fire which moves straight towards the target. Every player standing on its way can try to avoid it by rolling under his agility with 1D6. If the sphere hits, the player(s) fall over as if hit by a player with the Mighty Blow skill. Golden College Golden hand Template : None. Unless the player can avoid the spell by rolling lower or equal to his Ag on two dice he is changed into a golden statue and can do nothing until the end of the drive. His AV changes to 10. Fake Treasure Template : None. The targeted player won't move anymore. (He can still pass etc. tough) If any player enters his death zone, he'll put a block at him. If the result of the block is pushed back, the player won't follow, even if he has the frenzy skill. Aramar's Fear Template : None. This spell can be cast against a player of the opposing team. The target is surrounded by fear and it's the opposing coach who'll move him. The player won't enter any opposing death zone and won't leave the pitch intentionnaly. Bright College Apek's Claw Template : None. The targeted player is blocked as by someone with a ST of 5. If the player hits the ground, he'll stay in the square he was standing in. Amyntok's net Template : None. Unless avoided by rolling Ag or less on two dice: The target can't move nor fight. If attacked, don't use the block dice but make an armour roll with a -2 modifier. The Ones from Above Template : None. If the target-player don't get a result less than is ST with one dice, he's taken underground. Place him in his reserves box. Grey College Grey Wings Template : None. A player of the team can perform a blitz action. The action is free but counts as the team blitz for the turn. Tarn's Traitor Template : None. The wizard choose a player of the opposing team and rolls 1D6+6. The opposing coach rolls 2D6. If the wizard's score beats the coach's one, the wizard gets control of the player. The player will now count as a part of the other team and perform actions in their turn. Well of Tarnus Template : None. The sorcerer choose a square and rolls a dice: On 4+ it hits the intended target square, otherwise it scaters as many squares as rolled. Roll another dice: 1 : the square collapses 2 : the second rows of squares collapses 3 : the third rows of squares collapses 4 : the third rows of squares collapses 3 : the third rows of squares collapses 6 : the sixth rows of squares collapses All the players in the collapsing zone must score less than their ST to avoid being taken underground. If they are, make an armour roll for them. If they get a "stunned" result, place them in the reserves box. The same goes if the armour is not passed. Amber College Convulsions of the Worm Template : None. A worm, formed of pure magic energy, attacks the target. The player must roll under his ST (on one die) or be paralyzed. (i.e. he can do nothing, including free actions such as asists, he still has full ST against Blocks) Curse of Anraheir Template : None. The player can't block anyone unless he scores 2+ on one dice. If he succeeds in blocking someone, he must re-roll the armour roll once if it's passed. Besides, his MA is divided by 2. Amber Trance Template : None. The target rolls 1D6+AV. The wizard rolls 3D6. If the wizard's roll beats the player's, the target is changed into an amber statue. The statue can't perform any action and can't be injuried. (Or pushed, consider him a "terrain feature".) Stone Magic Weight of stone Template : None. For the rest of the drive, the target player has to roll ST or less on one die to be able to move. Stone wall Template: none. You may place a stone wall of lenght 1d6+1 squares anywere on the field. The wall remains until the end of the drive, (consider every square of the wall to be filled by an immobile S. firm player). The wall must be along one of the directions of the squares. Meteorite shower Template : None. All players on the field are bombarded by meoerites. Your players may avoid beeing hit by rolling Ag or less on two dice (since they were prepared) your opponent's players are automaticly hit. Each player hit takes a ST3 block with Mighty blow, whatever the result they stay in the square they were in. High Magic Resurrection Template : None. This spell can be cast on a kick-off, just before the players are set on the pitch. One of the players of the team can be resurrected and can take place on the pitch. If the spell is dispelled, death is permanent. Tempest Template : None. The pitch is subject to a tempest. If any player wants to move, he has to roll under or equal to his AG (or his action is over, but no T-over) with one dice. If a pass is made, there's a -2 modifier. Last until end of the drive. Banishment Template : None. Daemons and undead players that can be reached by the wizard suffer an immediate injury roll. All the active chaos and necromancy spells are dispelled. Dark Magic Dark Lightning Template : Lightning Bolt (BB). The first player in the course of the lightning is hit as blocked with a ST of 5. If the target is a big guy or a machine, the block counts as ST 10. Power of Chaos Template : None. When this spell is cast, roll a dice. On a 2+, the coach can take 1D3 Random Event cards. On a 1, the sorcerer is called into the realms of Chaos and killed. Curse of Khaine Template : None. The target can't block nor throw the ball. If blocked, the player counts as having is ST reduced by 2. At the start of each turn, the target suffers an armour roll if on the pitch (if the armour roll is passed, an injury of "stunned" results in the player moving to the reserves box). Necromancy Macabre Dance Template : None. This spell can be cast on a skeleton, zombie, mummy, wight or ghoul. It allows the target to perform a free (extra) action. If the target blitzes, it counts as the team blitz. Vital Fluid Template : None. Every living player that can be reached by the wizard suffers a ST 3 block. If this results in any deaths, which are not countered by an apothecary, the player(s) leaves the team to enter the undead team as a zombie. Death Wind Template : Purple Sun of Xereus (WFB) or Fireball (BB). Place the template outside of the pitch and use the throw-ins template to get a direction. The Death Wind moves in this direction at 1D6 squares per turn (roll at each turn). If a living player is under the template, he suffers an injury roll. Waaagh! Magic Mork Wants You ! Template : None. A giant hand lift an opposing player in the air. If he rolls Less or equal to his ST on one dice, he manages to get free. If he can't, a friendly player in an adjacent square can attempt to free him with the same roll. If he doesn't score enough, the imprisonned player can try to free himself on each subsequent turn. If he succeeds, he falls on the ground. Treat this as if he was being blocked by a ST 4 player. Whatever the result of the block dices could be, the player stays in his square. If he falls on a player, push this one back from one square and do a blocking roll at ST 4 too. Lets Go ! Template : None. Can be cast on an orc player. His ST and AV gain 1 point (max. 10). Krunch ! Template : Foot of Gork (WFB) or Fireball (BB). Place the template on the square aimed at and roll 1D8. Use the Bouncing Ball template to move the foot one square. A player under the template suffers a ST 10 block, execept if he succeeds in avoiding the foot by rolling under or equal to his AG on 1D6. Skaven Magic Teleportation Template : None. The target disappears and reappears in a random direction (Bouncing Ball template), 1D6 squares away. If the player reappears in the death zone of an opposing player, he has to block him. If the player reappears in the square occupied by a player, make an armour roll for both players. (Then scatter the teleporting player one square (rerolling occupied squares)) Madness Template : None. Can be cast on an opposing player. Each coach roll a dice. If the skaven coach obtains a greatest number, he gains control of the player. Re-roll the dice on each turn to know if the skaven coach keeps control of the player. The spell remains in play until the end of the drive or the skaven doesn't obtain more than the other coach. Lethal Frenzy Template : None. The target must be played first in the team. The target adds 1D6 to his MA and 1 to his ST. He must perform a blitz if possible (and has to Go For It if needed). If no opposing player can be blitzed, the target can move where the coach wants. The blitz must be done against the nearest player and the target counts as having Frenzy. The blitz counts as the team blitz. Chaos Dwarf Magic Curse of the Wizard Template : None. The player affected has to roll under his ST or do nothing for the turn. Roll on each turn until the roll is less than the ST of the target. Cloud of Ashes Template : None. If the target can't get less or equal to his AG, his stats are divided by 2. This spell doesn't affect daemons or undead players. Eruption Template : Purple Sun of Xereus (WFB) or Fireball (BB). All the players under the template must roll a dice and obtain less than their AG or suffer an automatic injury roll. Tzeentch Magic Incandescent Assassin Template : None (a miniature ?). A magical creature appears in the death zone of a player at range. The wizard roll 1D6+6 and the target 1D6+ST. If the wizard's roll beats the other one, the target suffers an armour roll with a modifier equal to the difference between the two rolls. (If armor is not penetrated he's left standing.) Boon of Tzeentch Template : None. Roll one die, on a "one" the wizard is sucked into the realms of chaos and killed on any other result the coach can draw 1D3 cards from the Random Events deck. Tzeentch's Firestorm Template : Lightning Bolt (BB). All players covered by the template suffer a ST 5 block. Do not roll for armour but make an injury roll instead. If a player is killed (and not saved by apoth.), a pink horror appears. Pink horror: 6 3 3 7 Stunty, Big Hand (if the P.H. suffers a Cas, it divides into two blue horrors, second appers in a random empty adjecent square.) Blue horror: 6 2 3 6 Stunty, Big hand Horrors disapear after the game. Slaneesh Magic Lash of Slaanesh Template : Lightning Bolt (BB). The Lash of Slaanesh hits the first player in its path and inflicts a ST 4 block. Beam of Slaanesh Template : Lightning Bolt (BB). The lightning hits the first player in its path. If the target can't avoid the lightning by rolling under or equal to his AG on two dice, he becomes stupid, as if having the skill Really Stupid (see big guys rules from JJ). The target's stats are halved. (round up) Chaos Spawn Template : None. If the target fails to avoid the spell by rolling under or equal to his AG on two dice, he turns into a Chaos Spawn ! He gets 1D6 (random) Physical Abilities and is moved randomly at the start of each turn (use the Bouncing Ball template). Roll 1D8 for each of his movement points. If the spawn enters a square occupied by a player, he will throw a block at him. Player will return to normal at the end of the drive. Nurgle Magic Cloud of Flies Template : None. Unless avoided by rolling Ag or less on two dice: The player is surrounded by a cloud of flies and can't see anything. If he holds the ball, he can't pass it, nor hand it off. He can't receive it neither. If the player wants to move, he'll move in a random direction for each point of movement he has. If he enters a square occupied by a player, he will block him (even if that's one of his team mates). The mist surrounds all players in adjacent squares, so no one can help on either side. Miasma of Pestilence Template : None. All players in the range of the wizard see their stats halved. (until the end of the drive) Chaos warriors (of nurgle) and Daemons of Nurgle are not affected. Plague Wind Template : None. Roll a dice. On 2+, the target suffers an automatic injury. If he is killed (and not saved by apoth.), a plaguebearer appears. Plaguebearer: 6 4 3 7 Horns, Foul apperence Plaguebearer disapears after the game. Khorne abilities You may only have one of these abilities. In addition the abillty can be lost in either of two ways. If you at any time have no Chaos Warriors on your team, it is automaticly lost. In addition, after every game were your CWs fail to score any Cas, you must roll one die, on a one Khorne is so upset with you that you lose your ability! Bloodlust of Khorne Cost: 50,000 You may activate this power whenever one of your Chaos warriors score a cas. Until the end of your NEXT team turn all your CW count as having the frensy and mighty blow skills. May be used once per game. Collar of Khorne Cost: 50,000 Your Chaos warriors each wear a collar of Khorne, which means that they can avoid the negative effect of any spell if they roll 4+ on one die. Blood for the blood god Cost: 50,000 Your Chaos warriors get a bonus, depending on the total number of cas your team has caused so far: 0-4 Cas No bonus 5-7 Cas Mighty blow 8 + Cas Mighty blow and +1 ST