OBERWALD SUPPLEMENT No 3 From The Journal 0.0 Administrative 1.0 Mixed Race Teams (Allies) 2.0 Rookie Big Guys 3.0 Chaos Daemon Rules 4.0 Norse Teams 5.0 Coaches 0.0 ADMINISTRATIVE ================== 0.1 What this document is all about ==================================== This document is a collection of alternate rules for Blood Bowl which were originally presented in the Citadel Journal and Blood Bowl Update Sheets provided by Games Workshop Mail Order Articles in the Citadel Journal and Update Sheets are unofficial and may or may not be presented with the nod of approval from Jervis Johnson. This list is maintained by Dean Maki. Corrections should be sent to him at dfmaki@makivel.synapse.net. 0.2 How to get a copy of this document. ======================================== This document will be posted periodically to rec.games.board and BBOWL-L, along side the OBERWALD (On-Line BloodBowl Enthusiasts' Reference With Assembled League Doctrines). The current copy of this OBERWALD SUPPLEMENT is also kept at the MORG (Mail Order Retrieval Gizmo). Send a message to MORG@makivel.synapse.net with the following in the body of your message: GET JOURNAL.TXT QUIT 1.0 Mixed Race Teams (Allies) ============================== Each team is allowed a total of two (2) players from other races. A player of another race costs 50% more than his list price. Star Players and Rookie Big Guys cannot be bought unless already allowed. These players contribute their list price for Team Rating purposes, not the price actually paid. Team May Hire Chaos Dwarf: 1 Chaos, 1 Goblin, 1 Orc Chaos : 1 Chaos Dwarf, 1 Dark Elf, 1 Skaven, Undead (6+) Dark Elf : 2 Chaos Dwarf : Halfling (4+), 2 Human, 2 Norse Goblin : Chaos Dwarf (6+), 2 Orc Halfling : Dwarf (6+), 2 Human, 2 Wood Elf High Elf : Human (4+), 2 Wood Elf Human : 2 Dwarf, 2 Halfling, 2 Norse, High Elf (4+), Wood Elf (4+) Norse : 2 Human, 2 Dwarf Orc : Chaos Dwarf (4+) Skaven : 2 Chaos, Undead (6+) Undead : Chaos (6+), Skaven (6+) Wood Elf : Halfling (6+), 2 High Elf, 1 Human If you attempt to hire from a race which has a number in parenthesis, you must roll that number or higher on a d6. If you do so, you may purchase this player. Otherwise you must wait for five (5) games before you may try again. You do not lose any money if you fail, but you do lose any special play cards used in the attempt. You can trade for a player from another race. You must pay 50% of the player's list cost for 'arbitration'. If you trade a player with 26 or more Star Player Points to a team of another race, you lose one Fan Factor. (The 'Gretzky Rule') 1.1 Goblin and Skaven Mixed Teams ================================= Num Position MA ST AG AV Cost Skills Skill Picks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-6 Goblin 6 2 3 7 40,000 Dodge, Stunty Agility Right Stuff 0-6 Lineman 7 3 3 7 50,000 Gen, Phys 0-2 Storm Vermin 7 3 3 8 90,000 Block Gen, Phys, Str 0-2 Gutter Runner 9 2 4 7 80,000 Dodge Gen, Agil, Phys Reroll: 60,000 A Goblin/Skaven mixed team may buy any player or Star available to Skaven or Goblin teams except: Varag Ghoulchewer, Fungus the Loon, Morg'n'Thorg and Bommer Dribblesnot. After every touchdown or end of half, roll a d6 for each player on the team. On a one, the player will remain in the dugout, refusing to play with players of the other race. Whenever a skill roll for a Goblin comes up doubles, the Goblin may take a Physical Ability instead of a skill. It is suggested that your league allow only 1 Goblin/Skaven team for every seven other teams. 2.0 Rookie Big Guys =================== [From Star Player Updates 2 and 3 and adaptations] Rookie Big Guys, as presented in Blood Bowl Star Player Updates II and III, count as unpeaked star players on your roster (ie. one of four stars you may hire). [GWUK] It is _highly_ recommended that Treemen not be allowed to take agility skills, even if doubles is rolled. [JJ] Big guys with throw teammate and strong arm may throw halflings and goblins with the right stuff for long bomb ranges. [GWUK] Big guys _may_ throw teammate using hail mary pass. [JJ] All big guys take up one square, either when standing or when prone. [JJ] Treemen with 3 or more MA can stand up using 3 MA without rolling. Unpeaked monster players are given below. All have access to Strength skills, but not General, Passing or Agility skills, unless "doubles" are rolled on a Star Player Roll. Minotaurs and Rat Ogres may gain Physical Abilities on a "doubles" roll. The first list of Rookie Big Uns below are from the Star Player Updates released by GW mail order and Citadel Journal. These were created by GW mail order without play testing or input from Jervis Johnson. Jervis himself considers them a mistake, and does not play with them. The second list below are adaptations or creations by various members on the 'net. Jervis has written a 'discussion paper' for his own, new rules for rookie Bigs. They are included in a separate document. SEMI OFFICIAL Player Cost MV ST AG AV SKILLS Play For ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Minotaur 130,000 5 6 2 9 Horns Chaos, Chaos Dwarf Ogre 140,000 5 6 2 10 Thick Skull, Block Human, Orc, Chaos Goblin Rat Ogre 120,000 6 5 3 9 None Skaven Treeman 140,000 2 6 1 10 Stand Firm, TSkull Wood Elf, Halfling Troll 120,000 4 6 1 10 Regenerate Orc, Goblin, Chaos UNOFFICIAL Player Cost MV ST AG AV SKILLS Play For ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bull Centaur 140,000 6 5 2 10 Sure Feet, Block, Chaos Dwarf Thick Skull Snow Troll 110,000 4 6 1 9 Regenerate Norse Ulfwerner 110,000 6 4 3 8 Razor Sharp Claws Norse Woof Woof -1- Vampire 130,000 6 4 3 9 Regenerate, HGaze Human, Undead &Zombie Ogre 170,000 4 6 1 10 Regenerate, Undead Mighty Blow -1- See the section on Norse Teams (6.0) for a description of Woof Woof. Be warned that the unofficial Big Uns, for the most part, may not have had very much play testing. They are all subject to future modification or deletion. 3.0 CHAOS DAEMON RULES ====================== [From Citadel Journal] A Chaos team must be dedicated to one of the four major Chaos powers when created. Chaos teams which wish to use Daemons must have a wizard on their staff. The Daemons will disappear if the wizard is killed or leaves without being replaced before the next game. All Daemons except the Bloodthirsterhave a Daemonic Aura. The Aura prevents all modifiers from being applied to armour rolls against the Daemon. Minor Daemons are dispelled if badly hurt, seriously injured or killed. Greater Daemons are dispelled if seriously injured or killed. Remove dispelled Daemons from your roster. Greater Daemons have penalty rolls, like secret weapons and fill a Star Player slot on your roster. NURGLE 0-2 Plaguebearers 120K 6 4 3 7 Horns, Foul Appearance Great Unclean One 230K 3 7 1 9 Foul Apearance, Multi Block, Thick (Penalty 9+) Skull, Pile On, Stand Firm Steam of Corruption STEAM OF CORRUPTION: Replaces block of blitz action. Place lightning bolt template from Daemon. Players half or more under must make an dodge roll or fall and take armour rolls. Players do not actually leave their squares. KHORNE 0-2 Bloodletters 130K 6 5 3 7 Frenzy Bloodthirster 240K 6 8 3 10 Block, Break Tackle, Dirty Player (Penatly 8+) Mighty Blow, Chaos Armour SLAANESH 0-2 Deamonettes 110K 6 3 4 7 Claw, Hypnotic Gaze Keeper of Secrets 230K 6 7 3 9 Block, Claw, Extra Arms, Horns, (Penalty 8+) Mighty Blow, Aura of Slaanesh AURA OF SLAANESH: Within the daemon's tackle zone, any attempted action fails horribly unless preceeded by a successful base AG roll. TZEENTCH 0-2 Pink Horrors 120K 6 3 3 7 Big Hand, Stunty Blue Horrors ---- 6 2 3 6 Big Hand, Stunty Lord of Change 240K 6 7 4 9 Jump Up, Leap, Pass Block, Leader (Penalty 7+) Random Event Pink Horrors aren't dispelled, but are replaced by two Blue Horrors, one in the Pink's square, the other D6 in a random direction. Blue Horrors may not gain SPPs, and if both are dispelled, the pink is dispelled. Otherwise the Pink Horror returns next game as the Blues merge. If the second Blue is the 12th player on the pitch, roll D6. On a 1-3 one is sent off for the match. RANDOM EVENT: The Lord of Change may draw a Random Event at any kickoff for which he is on the field. It is played as normal so long as the daemon is on the field, and discarded if the daemon is sent off, dispelled or banished. 4.0 NORSE TEAMS =============== [From Citadel Journal #10] The Norse are northern humans, with their own special abilities. Sweltering Heat affects Norsemen on a 1 or 2, but a Blizzard only trips them up on a 1, and they may attempt long passes. Num Position MA ST AG AV Cost Skills Skill Picks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-12 Thrall 6 3 3 7 50,000 Block General 0-2 Throwers 6 3 3 7 70,000 Block, Pass General, Passing 0-2 Huscarl 6 3 3 7 70,000 Block, Daunt General, Strength 0-2 Berzerker 7 4 3 8 120,000 Block, Frenz General, Strength Jump Up Reroll: 60,000 The following are Star Players who will play for Norse teams: Wolfhowl Blackscar Norse 6 4 3 7 Block, Frenzy, Jump Up, 160K Dauntless Mighty Blow Icepelt Hammerblow Snow Troll 4 6 1 9 Regen, Block, M Blow 160K Urik Wuulfson Ulfwerner 7 4 4 8 Block, Dodge, Frenzy, 170K Razor Sharp Claws Woof Woof Woof Woof: Skeletons destroyed by this player may not regenerate. The player is placed in reserves box for the remainder of the match. If a Treeman is on the pitch, roll D6 before taking an action with this player. On a 1, the player moves towards the Treeman. If the player is adjacent to a Treeman, roll a D6. On a 1, the player may take no further action that turn. 5.0 COACHES =========== [From Citadel Journal #10] A team may hire coaches to train players and teach them skills without SPPs. The players are still limited to seven skill or statistic gains and peaked players may not be taught. The coaches come in three levels of ability, with a class of skills that they teach and a favourite skill. A team may not start with a coach. Coaches count as assistant coaches for Brilliant Coaching rolls. Retired players may only become assistant coaches, not coaches. The three levels of ability are Experts (50,000gp), Old-Timers (100,000) and Ex-Players (150,000). The four areas of expertise are Fouling (General Skills), Blocking (Strength), Passing (Passing) and Catching (Agility). You may only hire one coach from each area of expertise, and only if a player on your basic team roster may normally receive those skils taught by that coach. Coaches may be used once after each match. Select a player and name a skill from the coach's area of expertise. Roll 2D6 and apply all modifiers. On a 11 or 12, the player gains the skill. MODIFIERS: +2 Coach is an Ex-Player +1 Coach is an Old Timer +1 Coach is teaching his favourite skill -2 Player normally cannot learn that skill Availability: Fouling Coach (General) All but Halflings and Goblins Blocking Coach (Strength) Dwarf, Human, Skaven, Orc, Undead, Chaos, Chaos Dwarf Passing Coach (Passing) All but Undead, Halfling, Goblin, Chaos, Chaos Dwarf Catching Coach (Agility) All but Dwarf, Orc, Chaos, Chaos Dwarf, Favourite Skills: Expert Old-Timer Ex-Player ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fouling Block Dirty Player Tackle Blocking Mighty Blow Guard Break Tackle Passing Pass Safe Throw Accurate Catching Catch Sure Feet Diving Catch