ALTERNATE RACES v1.04 0.0 ADMINISTRATIVE 0.1 What this document is all about 0.2 How to get a copy of this document. 0.3 New this edition 1.0 MONGRELMEN 2.0 SNOTLINGS 3.0 SLANN 4.0 ALPHA COMPLEX BLOOD BOWL 5.0 SUPER HALFLINGS 6.0 THE ORIGINAL NORSEMEN 7.0 TYRANID 8.0 NIPPON 9.0 FIMIR 10.0 GNOMES 0.0 ADMINISTRATIVE ================== 0.1 What this document is all about ==================================== This document is a collection of alternate races for Blood Bowl which are floating around the net. Many of them are untested and some are created as a joke. The decision of which is which is left as an excercise for the reader. This list is maintained by Dean Maki. Submissions or corrections should be sent to him at 0.2 How to get a copy of this document. ======================================== This document will be posted periodically to and BBOWL-L, along side the OBERWALD (On-Line BloodBowl Enthusiasts' Reference With Assembled League Doctrines). The current copy of this OBERWALD SUPPLEMENT is also kept at the MORG (Mail Order Retrieval Gizmo). Send a message to with the following in the body of your message: GET RACES.TXT QUIT 0.3 New this edition ===================== Gnomes and Fimir (from Sigurd Garshol) Nipponeese (From Jarrod Coad) 1.0 MONGRELMEN (From Chet Zeshonski) ============== A number of years ago, a friend of mine was looking for alternate races to play in 2nd edition Blood Bowl. Well, it occured to me the other week that I could mess around with the rules a bit and try to come up with something a little similar, however warped. I know people have often complained that several skills never get picked (particularly among the Physical Abilities), so I gave the matter some thought and came up with the "Mongrelmen". Please note that there is nothing official about this; furthermore, these rules haven't even been playtested. Anyone who wishes to do so is encouraged to, and I'd be more than interested in hearing the results. A number of "potential/possible" benefits and penalties for the race were toyed with, and I have decided to include ALL of them. Whether this makes for a playable race or not - I don't know. That's what you people (who I KNOW love new races, Star Players, etc., etc., etc.:) are going to tell me! Any section marked with an asterisk (*) indicates an optional rule that needs serious playtesting to see how it affects the race as a whole. I'm not sure the whole thing is comPLETEly balanced, but I'd caution against throwing out all the penalties to tes the race. Anyway, without further ado - here they are... MONGRELMEN ~~~~~~~~~~ History - Ages ago, the great primal force that is Chaos swept out of the North, corrupting the souls of all it encountered. All, that is, except for the strange race now known as the Mongrelmen. By some strange twist of fate, these humans were not completely corrupted by the Invasion of Chaos. However, a mark was left upon the people who survived "intact." Strange mutations began to develop with alarming frequency. Children were often born with strange abnormalities - dog-faced, lobster-clawed, even rat-tailed. The people survived, however, and have since devoted their lives to battling Chaos and all its forces (they've also developed a lot of even stranger mutations!). Player List ~~~~~~~~~~~ Qty Title Cost MA ST AG AV Skills ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ 0-16 Mongrelman 70,000 6 3 3 8 Special Rerolls: 60,000 gold pieces each Every Mongrelman starts with one randomly selected mutation (see below). Special Rules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mongrelmen often develop strange mutations, as has been noted. However, due to their (ironically) chaotic metabolism, such mutations are exceedingly random. To represent these two facts, any Mongrelman who rolls doubles for a skill is allowed to roll on the Mutations Table below. 1: Big Hand 5: Horns 9: Regeneration 13: Thick Skull 2: Claw 6: Hypnotic Gaze 10: Spikes 14: Two Heads 3: Extra Arms 7: Prehensile Tail 11: Stunty 15: Very Long Legs 4: Foul Appearance 8: Razor Sharp Fangs 12: Tentacles 16: Choose For the second (and any successive) mutations, a roll of 16 (Choose) or a mutation already possessed by the player allows the coach to choose any mutation. Skill Rolls ~~~~~~~~~~~ * Mongrelmen may normally choose General Skills only. Due to their highly warped nature, a player who rolls doubles for a skill may not automatically choose a skill. Instead, he must roll a d6 and consult the following table: 1-3: May choose a Skill from any category. 4-6: Most roll a Mutation. Mongrelmen who roll stat increases (MA+1, ST+1) may keep these without rolling, as these increases are physical mutations of a different nature. Thus, a Coach who rolls (6,6) for a skill may take ST+1 or a Mutation (randomly rolled). If the Coach rolls (6,6) or (2,2) and wishes to choose Dodge, for example, he must roll 3 or less on the chart above to do so. Apothecaries ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Due to their highly irregular physical nature (and penchants for misplaced hearts and the like), Mongrelmen are more difficult to heal than most races. To reflect this, any Apothecary trying to heal a Mongrel player succeeds on a roll of 3+ rather than 2+. Wizards ~~~~~~~ * Mongrelmen cannot hire normal Wizards. Rather, they have their own practitioners of magic, called Warpers (or "Channelers," as they are know to the Mongrelmen themselves). These truly odd specimens are capable of warping (or, more accurately, "channeling") the Taint of Chaos out of the Warper and into the world. Mongrelmen may hire a Warper at any time during team creation or the season, and he costs 150,000 gold crowns. A Mongrelman team with a Warper on it is allowed to choose 1 extra Magic Item card per game to reflect the Warper's control of the Taint of Chaos. Choose the team's Special Play cards normally, and then set aside the Warper's Magic Item card (note, then, that Mongrel teams with a Warper *are* allowed to circumvent the usual limit of 1 Magic Item card per game). If the Warper is injured in any way or otherwise made unavailable for the game (a "Better Offer" card, for example), the Magic Item card is returned to the deck if it has not been used already (thus, it is very important to set aside the Warper's card - preferably, under the Warper's model). The Fans ~~~~~~~~ * Because Mongrelmen are so - well, UGLY - and few in number, they rely largely on fan support from other races. However, because these fans are so fickle, Mongrelmen must subtract an additional -1 from their Fan Factor roll after every match, in addition to any other modifiers which may apply. Mixed Race Teams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mongrelmen, due to their ugly and bizarre nature, must fight a lot of prejudice on the Blood Bowl field. A Mongrel team may hire Human players, but must first roll a 6 to do so (using the Mixed Race rules from Citadel Journal No. 7). Humans may hire Mongrel players, but must similarly roll a 6 to do so (this is because the players will often not want the Mongrel player on the team). 2.0 SNOTLINGS (From Dan Kast) ============= (I thought the 2nd ed. Snotlings were so much fun, I brought them back.) Snotling (Cost 20,000) MA 6, ST 1, AG 3, AV 5, Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty A Snotling may select Agility skills (if he lives long enough). SPECIAL RULES Snotlings are MUCH smaller than Goblins and Halflings; therefore, they may be thrown without the normal one-band range penalty (ie., they can be thrown up to Long Bomb! distances). However, this also means that they have trouble handling the ball. They cannot pass (although they may hand-off), nor can they ever attempt to intercept the ball. When a Snotling catches the ball, roll a die. On a 4-6, he is just fine; on a 1-3, the Snotling is knocked over and the ball scatters from his square (and if he is in the End Zone, a touchdown is not scored). Snotlings usually do not have their own teams (although if you want to play one, the cost of re-rolls is 40,000). Any Chaotic team (see above) can hire up to 4 Snotlings. 3.0 SLANN (From Dan Kast) ========= The Slann are an ancient race who once roamed the stuff of Chaos in their marvelous silver spaceships. But no longer -- the Slann have long since degenerated and the technological marvels they once produced are now a thing of the past. So low have they sunk into barbarity that they even (shudder) play Blood Bowl. How uncivilized can you get?! Qty. Type Cost MA ST AG AV Skills Skill Picks 0-12 Lineman 80,000 6 3 3 9 Leap General 0-4 Catcher 90,000 7 2 4 8 Leap, Catch General, Agility 0-4 Blitzer 110,000 7 3 3 9 Leap, Block General, Agility Re-rolls: 70,000 4.0 ALPHA COMPLEX BLOOD BOWL (From Dean Maki) ============================ *************** ATTENTION CITIZENS *************** Your Friend The Computer had invented a new game for your enjoyment. This new game is so fun and exhilarating that only a Commie Mutant Traitor would not sign up immediately to play. You and your fellow players are instructed to carry a ball over the opposing team's goal line. You must also use any means to prevent the opposing team from crossing your goal line with the ball. Your health is secondary to the enjoyment of the game. The Computer likes it that way. You do too, right Citizen? No Clearance MA ST AG AV Skills Skill Picks Cost ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-12 RED 6 3 3 8 None General 50,000 0-2 ORANGE 7 3 3 8 Block General 70,000 0-2 YELLOW 8 3 3 8 Catch General,Agility 80,000 0-2 YELLOW 6 3 3 8 Pass, General,Passing 80,000 Sure Hands Rerolls: 70,000 Notes: Alpha Complex Blood Bowl teams may not use an apothecary. Alpha Complex teams may not hire players from other races, nor may other races hire Alpha Complex Players. On a Doubles skill roll, the team member must choose from the R&D Skill set Each player starts with 5 clones. If a player dies, the next clone will be activated and placed in the Reserves Box. If at any time a player has amassed 5 Treason Points more than he has Commendation Points, he will be terminated and replaced with his next clone in line. This clone has all the skills and memories as the previous player, but no Treason or Commendation points. The following will earn Treason Points: Fumbling the Ball : 1TP Throwing an Inaccurate Pass : 1TP Failing to Catch the ball : 1TP Entering a Zone you are not cleared for : 2TP Choosing a skill you normally cannot have : 1TP On field when TD scored against you : 1TP Falling for any reason : 1TP Failing to pick up the ball : 1TP Getting Injured : 1TP Failing to return R&D Equipment : 2TP Failing to use issued R&D Equipment : 1TP Dropping the Ball : 1TP Performing an action not cleared for: 2TP Causing someone to miss a game : 1TP Getting ejected : 1TP Awarded MVP : 2TP The following will earn Commendation Points: Scoring a Touchdown : 1CP Catching the Ball : 1CP Completed Pass : 1CP Knocking an opposing player down : 1CP On field when TD scored for team : 1CP Causing an Injury : 1CP Awarded MVP : 2CP Other Notes: The ball is Security Clearance ORANGE. Getting control of the ball if you are not ORANGE or greater earns you 2 Treason Points. The Endzone is Security Clearance YELLOW. The BLITZ action is Security Clearance ORANGE. The PASS action is Security Clearance YELLOW. The FOUL action is Security Clearance GREEN. When entering the End Zone, roll 2 dice. On a result of 2, The Computer has determined that the square entered into is Security Clearance ULTRA- VIOLET. The Player will be terminated (and the next clone activated) and a Touchdown will not be awarded. Scatter the ball. The Security Clearance of that square will revert back to Yellow after the corpse is removed. R&D Skill Set When using any of the R&D Skills, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the device blows up, knocking the player to the ground. Roll for armour. This causes a turn over and may not be rerolled. The player will gain 2 Treason Points, but the device will be replaced for the next game. Pogo-Shoes: The player may Leap, as per the skill. He may also Go For It four times. The shoes are rather clumsy, and as such, the player suffers a -1 when dodging and has his base MA reduced by 1. Drill: This power assisted hand drill gives a +1 bonus when rolling for armour and injury rolls on any blocks, or any fouls the player is involved in. If the player is knocked down, he suffers a +1 on his armour and injury rolls. Steam Powered Epoxy Gloves: A boiler unit is strapped to the back of the player, with conduits leading to a pair of gloves. The steam heats up the Epoxy disks on the gloves. This allows the player to pick up or catch the ball on a 2+, regardless of tacklezones. The player may never voluntarily give up the ball. If he is knocked over while carrying the ball, he will land on the ball, causing it to burst. Eject the player for Delay of Game and kick off the ball again. If the player scores a Touch Down, roll a D6. On a 1-3 the dissolving solution does not remove the Epoxy, and the player cannot let go of the ball. A replacement ball is used, and the player must sit out the rest of the game. Ballzooka: This device allows a player to make an accurate pass to any square on the board. The player may not move or otherwise take another action during the turn. Unfortunately, its front is identical to its back. When using this device, roll a D6. On a 1-3, the ball fly backwards. Further unfortunately, the Ballzooka is aimed by looking through the device. If the ball is sent backwards, it will hit the operator in the face, injuring him. Do not roll for armour, go right to the injury table. Slippery Suit: An energy pack is used to hyper-excite silicate molecules across a full body jump suit. This makes the wearer virtually ungrabbable. The player may ignore tacklezones when dodging, and the Tackle skill may not be used against this player. The suit also makes it impossible to pickup or catch the ball, or get a good grip on an opponent. Therefore the wearer of this suit has no tackle zones, and may not block or foul or assist in a block or foul. Hydraulic Boot: The player gains the skill Kick and has a +2 bonus when committing a foul instead of the normal +1. The player's base movement is reduced by 3 due to the size of the foot wear. Turtle Shell Battle Armour: The wearer of this devastating piece of gear has his AV raised to 10 and ST raised to 5 and gains the skill Block. His movement, however is reduced to 1, and he may not Go For It. If the player is ever knocked over, he may not get up without assistance. (He may roll over if he was stunned.) To stand up, the player needs assistance from players with a combined ST of 17 or more. These players may not do anything else during the turn they are helping the downed player. 5.0 SUPER HALFLINGS (From Chet Zeshonski) =================== Super Halflings have the exact same stats as their "normal" cousins, but have access to General skills, and cost 10,000 more. If your league uses Super Halflings, then ALL halflings should be Super; mixing Super and "normal" halflings is not advised. 6.0 THE ORIGINAL NORSEMEN (From Jacob Jonsson) ========================= Num Position MA ST AG AV Cost Skills Skill Picks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-16 Lineman 6 3 3 8 50,000 None General 0-4 Blockers 5 4 2 9 90,000 None General, Strength 0-2 Berzerker 7 4 3 8 120,000 Frenzy, General, Strength Thick Skull Rerolls: 70,000 Norse teams may hire rookie or star Ogres. They may also hire as allies: Dwarves (6+ roll), 1 Halfling or 1 Human. Norse players may be hired as allies by Dwarves (6+ roll), Halflings (6+ roll) and Humans (1 player). 7.0 TYRANID (From Tom McCarthy) =========== Num Position MA ST AG AV Cost Skills Skill Picks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-4 Tyranid 7 4 3 8 110,000 None General 0-6 Genestealer 7 3 2 8 80,000 Extra Arms General Mighty Blow Hypnotic Gaze 0-1 Magus 6 3 3 7 60,000 Sure Hands General, Passing Hypnogic Gaze Agility 0-12 Hybrids 6 3 2 7 30,000 None General 0-4 Squigs 5 2 3 7 30,000 Dodge, Stunty Agility Mutation to match model 0-4 Hunter-Slayer 6 2 3 7 30,000 Dodge, Stunty Agility BIGUNS Zoat 5 5 2 8 110,000 Sure Feet, Strength Thick Skull Carnifex 4 6 1 10 160,000 Claw, Thick Skull Strength Stand Firm Razor Sharp Claws Rerolls: 70,000 Biguns count against the total of four star players Tyranids may not ally with anyone The Carnifex may not catch or carry the ball. If the ball is in the possession of a Carnifex, it will burst. If a Carnifex trys to throw a teammate, he must first make an unmodified armour roll to see if the little guy is injured. Tyranid players do not acquire Star Player Points. Star Player Points are gained by the entire team as one through the hive mind. Skills are acquired with levels based upon twelve times the normal: 0-60 SPPs No skills. 61-122 1 Skill/player. 121-130 3 Skills/player etc... 8.0 NIPPON (From Jarrod Coad) =========== No. Player MV ST AG AV Skills Skill Picks Cost ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0-2 Samurai 6 3 3 9 Block Strength, General 80,000 0-16 Ashigaru 6 3 3 8 None General 60,000 0-2 Thrower 6 3 3 8 Sure Hands,Pass General, Passing 70,000 0-2 Ninja 8 3 4 7 Dodge, Catch General, Agility 100,000 REROLLS: 60,000 May hire Apothecaries and Wizards. SPECIAL RULES Samurai may not use Foul actions, as this is deemed dishonorable by the Bushido Code. SENSEI (Cost 50,000) A sensei will allow the players on a Nippon BBowl team to be trained in the fabled Martial Arts...once per game, a player on the Nippon team may use Mighty Blow, Hypnotic Gaze - a nerve pinch version - and Leap - the player does not need to have these skills, and the same player does not have to use all the skills. The Sensei allows all three skills to be used once each during the match The Nippon may also have a SHINTO PRIEST - instead of a Wizard - (with thanks to Gavain Sweetman) SHINTO PRIEST (Cost 200,000) The shinto priest acts as a normal wizard except that they have an additional spell "Call Kami spirit". The spirit will take possession of a Samurai, if more than one the coach chooses which will get the spirit. Possession by a Kami spirit gives the Samauri exceptional vitality and endurance which is represented by +1 ST and MV. However, spirits have their own associated skills, which are randomly determined roll d6: 1-2 Evil Kami - player can foul and gains Dirty Player. 3-4 Good Kami - player gains Sprint and Sure Feet 5-6 Berzerker Kami - player gains Frenzy A Samurai possessed by an Evil Kami must foul if he has a downed player in his tackle zone at any point during his move - from either team - but does not gain any SPP's for doing so. If a Samurai possessed by an Evil Kami fouls anyone during the possession, he must roll on the Serious Injury table to see what injury he commits on his own person to atone for the dishonour. The spirit can be summoned at any time but the possession will only last until the next kick-off. The Nippon call all Freebooters RONIN - the masterless grey warriors - and do not respect them, feeling they have no honour. If Freebooters are used in a game by the Nippon team, all Samurai have armour and injury rolls made by them on opposing players reduced by one. However, if Freebooters are used by the opponent, all armour and injury rolls made on the Freebooters by Samurai are increased by one. If both sides use Freebooters, the Samurai make rolls as normal... STAR PLAYERS Oroku Saki - Samurai Star Player MV 6 ST 4 AG 3 AV 10 Block Dodge Mighty Blow Leader - 180 000 Hamato Sarami - Ninja Star MV 9 ST 3 AG 4 AV 8 Dodge, Catch, Leap, Sure Hands - 170 000 WhisperingWindHeraldsYourDeath - Ninja Star MV 8 ST 3 AG 4 AV 7 Dodge, Catch, Throwing Stars* - 170000 Throwing Stars - New Skill Penalty Roll 10+ (if 10,11,12 is rolled , ninja is sent off) A player with the Throwing Star skill has a supply of Poisoned shuriken that allow him to make a one die block against any player - no matter what their strength - within range of a Quick Pass but not actually in an adjacent square. If a Opponent Down is rolled, this is resolved as normal; Both Down - opponent goes down, ninja must make agility roll - if failed, a star slips out of his sleeve and rolls to the feet of the Referee - ninja sent off as if a penalty roll was failed; Skull - ninja must make agility roll, as above, but if failed the ninja has poisoned himself and must make armour and injury rolls to see what happens when he hits the ground. NIPPON BIG'UN Temples in Nippon are guarded by statues of ancient Samurai warriors that will come to 'life' when the temple is threatened. By twisting the animating spell a little, a few priests have managed to change 'the temple' to 'the team'. The Temple Statue follows all the same rules as the Samurai position players - ie will not foul; if playing on team with Ronin (Freebooters) same rules appy as Samurai... Nippon Big'Un - Temple Statue - STAR PLAYER MV 4 ST 6 AG 2 AV 9 Block, Thick Skull, Stand Firm - 190 000 Rookie Temple Statue MV 4 ST 5 AG 2 AV 9 Thick Skull, Block - 150 000 Please send comments or suggestions to 9.0 FIMIR (From Sigurd Garshol) ========== "Through the choking Mists they came, the One-eyed and thrice accursed Demon-spawn known to Man as the Fimir. They came to raid our Homes and steal our Daughters. And none could stand against their Might." Adiomus of Boehmenbad No. Player MV ST AG AV Skills Skill Picks Cost --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-12 Fimir Shearl 5 3 2 8 General 30,000 0-6 Fimir Fimm 5 4 2 9 Block, MBlow General, Strength 100,000 0-2 Lesser Demons 6 3 4 7* Dodge, Wings General, Agility 100,000 SPECIAL RULES Due to incredibly poor depth vision, Fimir double all negative range modifiers when making a pass. In addition, all ranges are treated as being one band longer than measured (see Halflings) Fimir Magic Special Rules The Team may hire either a Dirach Wizard (150k) or a Meargh Hag Queen (300k). A Dirach may either generate the fog described below, or cast a normal spell. The fog seeps in on the field just before the players set up. The fog allows the Fimir to ignore their normal Passing Restrictions, and imposes the same penalty to all Non-Fimir Players. The fog may be generated at the start of the drive before both teams set up, provided the weather is Nice. The fog disappears if a 4+ is rolled on a D6 after each drive, or the weather changes to anything other than Nice. Only one Fog may be generated each match. A Meargh Hag Queen can generate fog AND cast a spell as an ordinary wizard. Demon Special Rules If you have a Dirach or a Meargh you may purchase Lesser Demons as players. If you have a Meargh, you may purchase Greater Demons as players. All Demons have a special armour value: The opponent does not add any modifiers to his armour roll. Injured Demons never suffer any permanent injuries, but are temporarilly banished from the Mortal Plane. The may be resummoned at some expence. Badly Hurt: resummon in the next Make Purchase Phase buy paying 25% of original cost. Seriously injured: Resummon in the Make Purchases Phase AFTER the FOLLOWING match by paying 50% of original cost. Killed: Sorry, but the demon is banished for a so long time that he counts as dead. A Demon that is not resummoned at the designated time, is lost. Demons retain any skills/increases obtained when resummoned. A Demon fitted with Magic helmet loses his special ability of ignoring Armour modifiers. Note that Demons assosciating with Fimir are non-Chaotic. They are merely considered Evil... Special Physical Ability: Wings. This player may Leap as described under the skill LEAP. There are some exceptions. The Leap allways succeeds on a 2+. If the roll to leap was a natural 6, the leap only costs 1 square of movement. It is impossible to use WINGS during a Blizzard, and Pouring rain imposes a -1 modifier to the roll. Fimir Star Player Shrang Highcrag -Fimir Fimm Noble 5 5 3 9 Block; Mighty Blow; Break Tackle; Leader 160k Greater Demon Starplayer Hjrkkakk, The Dark Disembowler 6 6 3 9* Block; Mighty Blow; Horns; Prehensile Tail; 220k Work in progress. Please send comments or suggestions to: 10.0 GNOMES (From Sigurd Garshol) =========== No. Player MV ST AG AV Skills Skill Picks Cost --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-16 Gnomes 6 3 3 7 Stunty General 40,000 0-2 Blitzers 6 3 3 7 Stunty, Block General, Strength 70,000 0-4 Runners 7 2 3 6 Dodge, Stunty, General, Agility 60,000 Sure Hands REROLLS: 50,000 SPECIAL RULES: Gnomes suffer under the same rules as Halflings and Goblins regarding Passing and Injuries. Magic: Gnomes does not have the same limitations to their magic as Dwarfs do. They may hire "normal" Wizards. As an option (in place of a wizard) they may go for the Trickster (same price). The Trickster is used at the start of the match. The Trickster allows the Team to take an extra number of Dirty Tricks. Roll a D6: 1: No Extra Dirty Trick 2-5: 1 Extra Dirty Trick 6: 2 Extra Dirty Tricks Make this roll after the ordinary Special Play-cards roll. Starplayers: Hercules D'Chantaux -Gnomish Blitzer 7 4 3 7 Stunty; Block; Dodge; Guard. Cost: 120k Jarek Thunnelswype -Gnomish Runner 8 2 4 6 Dodge; Leap; Nerves of Steel; Sprint; Stunty; Sure Hands Cost: 130k Brognil the "Mental" -Gnome 6 3 3 7 Special: Chainsaw Insane. Cost: 70k Insane: When an action is declared for an an insane player, roll a D6. On a roll of 2+ the player is used as normal. On a roll of 1, the player goes absolutely bananas. The player. Stand the player up if it is lying down. If it has the ball, it is immediately dropped (Does not count as a turnover: See the Turnover Rules) Move the player D6 squares in a straight line dictated by the scatter template, ignoring all tackle-zones. If another player is standing in the way, the Insane player will throw a block at the opposing player, pushing him out of the way if possible, and will then strive to complete it's move. This may mean blocking several players. Prone or Stunned are Pushed Back, out of the way if possible. No assists are counted for these blocks. If the player has a functional Weapon that can be used in place of a block, it will use these. If the opponent of the insane player is removed from the board, the Insane player may continue his move. Note that the player will only block players that actually stand in a square he is supposed to enter.