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2 Level Ups:

When you fight in a battle field, fight the first 9 battles and leave 1. Go somewhere other than a battle field (for instance, the Bone Dungeon) and get to where your exp. points are extremely low. About 1-100. Go to a battle field where you don't win anything and defeat the last battle. You'll get 2 level ups, instead of 1.

Kill Dark King With Just Two Or Three Attacks:

Kill Dark King which without this is pretty hard. But the easiest way to kill him is just use Cure on him a few times. You can use this cheat on any undead moster such as Zombies, Skeletons, and Ghosts.

Kill Skullurus Rex Easily:

The 1st part of Doom Castle is guarded by another version of Flamerous Rex, called Skullurus Rex. Most people would just use up all of their magic left in their inventory. Instead just equip the hero with the Dragon Claw and scratch Skullurus Rex once, and that should kill him. The other 2 ninjas you have to fight shouldnt be too hard to deal with, just use exit on them.

Quick Item Trick:

This trick will work anywhere in the game, where there is a treasure box with an item in it. Take the item(s). Leave that room, come back, and the potions or whatever's in the box will be back! You repeat this over and over until your potions or whatever are full.

Full Heal:

Just use the life spell instead of potions or cure over and over.

Get Phoebe With 680 HP:

When Phoebe joins press A 3 times to get her to join with 680 HP. Normally she starts with 300 something. Without this cheat she's still powerful but this will make her even more deadly (or healthy to you).

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