anyone that has ripped me off in any way....especially REFUSE TO ABIDE DISTRO., PUNKRAWK99'S DISTRO.....GO TO HELL!!! DON'T WORRY I'M COMING FOR 'YA!
people that bitch to me about stealing shit + think that I care or am going to give it back or change whatever it is. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
anyone who ever has said that I wasn't going to make something of myself or even put me down just because of how I dress or even my fuckin beliefs!!! A BIG FUCK YOU TO ALL OF YOU THAT THIS APPLIES TO!!!
people who call people 'poser' for no reason
fuckin 'fashion punks' theres nothing more un-appealing to me than buying a $500.00 leather jacket with your mommies credit card, $90.00 bondage pants, getting a mohawk and bitching to everyone that doesn't dress like you..FUCK YOU!!!
people who say bands like Blink-182 or Greenday sold out or are just POP-PUNK, but then they say that they aren't even punk..YOU PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!
homophobic people
racist people, especially those who think it is cute to go to a punk show and harass ARA punks or punks in general or try and start fights with everyone and basically ruin the show and the scene.
anyone that stereotype's somebody else.
sXer's that beat up people that drink,smoke, etc. They are nothing but a bunch of Fascist assholes that destroy the punk scene and give other sXer's a bad name.
people who think that they are either better that you, or MORE PUNK THAT YOU, or that they think that they know more stuff in the punk scene SIMPLY JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE OLDER...soooo not true!
people who bitch about bands selling out...who really cares???
people who talk shit in my guestbook but don't even leave a fuckin email address!!!!!
people who go to shows and kickbox or throw punches/kicks in the moshpits, you people are nothing but jocks ruining our fuckin shows
anyone who goes to shows and steals things from people such as stealing someones patch or ripping off someone's pin/button while they're in the pit.
anyone who forces something on someone such as religion or a particular belief
anyone who conforms to those beliefs just because they can't think for themselves....THINK FOR YOURSELF!!!
abusive parents
any kind of authority
racist fuckers
rich people
dumb jokes
stupid humor
annoyances of any kind
school in general
organized religion
mainstream crap
cops (pigs)
bananna flavored candy-canes
old people
old people that drive cars
corporate whores
fashion punks
laws, esp. STUPID laws
my dad
people that talk shit in general, yeah you know who you are you fuckin cunts!