Imzadi Dreams
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This page will delve deeper into the relationship of William Thomas Riker and Deanna Troi. For their personal history, visit the links at the bottom of the page.

Will and Deanna met at a Betazed wedding (attended in the nude) and she immediately sensed the effect she had on him...if you get my drift. After the ceremony, she caught the headband, which traditionally meant that her true love was at the gathering.

Will found Deanna through a friend of his and went to the college she was attending. But our then-Ice Princess refused to give him the time of day. She finally breaks down and agrees to go on a picnic with him.

Let's just say that when Lwaxana Troi (Deanna's mother for those of you who are clueless) meets Will, they hit it off about as well as he and Deanna did. And that aint saying much. So anyway, Will and Dea go on their picnic, Mr. Cocky decides to kiss her, and she knees him in the gut. Ahh, amore!

So it turns out Will's too primitive for our highly evolved half-Betazoid. After much prompting, Deanna agrees to let him be her personal guinea pig. She's going to try to change him and teach him Betazed ways: concentration, control, all those good things. I have to stop here and ask: what the hell did she just get herself into?

I'm not going into specifics, but Deanna's first..oh 100 or so... attempts at changing Will fails. So finally she comes up with the perfect solution. They take off all their clothes...spoon up toghther...and talk. Wonder of works!

We skip ahead in history to when this race called the Sindareen decides to take Deanna hostage. Well their helicopter goes down in the middle of the Jalara Jungle, and only her and this one nappy dude survive. SO he's got her hostage and their hiking through the jungle when who should come to the rescue but Will. Well our little Ice Princess is melting quick, and she's so grateful to Will that she kisses him. But they don't stop there. That's when Imzadi is born. And I'll go into deeper meaning a little later. They're a few days late for the meeting point, and I'm sure you can guess why.

Will's all ready to begin a relationship with his Imzadi, so he goes to see her. But our dear Lwaxana won't let him. And worse yet, she's convinced Deanna to turn Will away as well. He finally goes, abd ends up doing the owrst possible thing. He gets drunk and hops into bed with one of Deanna's friends, Wendy Roper. Well guess what: Deanna told her mother off and left the house to find Will. She finds him alright. In bed with Wendy.

She sees him a few days say goodbye. He wishes they could stay together, but they both know after what happened between them, it's impossible. So he goes. *Sob*

Ten years later, fate pulls them back together, and they both end up working on the Enterprise D, him as Commander, her as Counselor. They decide to remain just friends.

Deanna pursues a relationship with Worf, a Klingon. It's obviously tearing Will up, but he says nothing. In the end, Worf ends up breaking off his engaement with Deanna because he feels their love could never be as strong as the one Will and Deanna have. Had. Whatever.

Insurrection left us wondering what will become of the wonder couple. The metaphasic radiation (which made everyone's hormones run rampent) pulled them together. They even bathed together, at which point she shaved of his beard (I could've killed her for that, but it's not the point). That is where fanfiction comes in :o)

Imzadi means simply 'beloved'. But you have to know the full understanding to get the full impact of the word. Deanna and Will are Imzadi. They were each other's first. Of course, she wasn't Will's first time, but she was the first woman to ever touch his soul. They're bond is so strong that nothing can ever break it. They can sense each other, communicate within their minds, and just have a better understanding of the other. It is a truly beautiful thing.

Will's History Deanna's History