Episode Guide and Summary
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Episode Guide and Summary

'The Pilot' Aired March 15, 1999

Station 77 paramedics Wick Lobo and Michael Bell hesitantly welcome back their veteran partner Kathleen Ryan, who is returning from a stress-induced leave of absence. Straight off, she gets warning from the tough but affectionate Captain Durfee not to expect any special treatment. The team is quickly called into action facing a methane explosion, followed by a deceiving dispute to a dangerous plane crash where Ryan proves to her partners that she is indeed okay. Later, Bell tries to impress R.N. Megan (recurring guest star Robia LaMorte) who believes that she's not really the one he's interested in...Ryan is.

'Career Day' Aired March 16, 1999

Wick's brave rescue at a high school makes an impression on a number of students. A false alarm later in the day turns terrifying when the unit is caught in the middle of sniper fire. Meanwhile, Wick struggles with community affiliations when an argument heats up between him and a young Russian woman (guest star Ingrid Beer) who calls 9-1-1 for her stubborn grandfather who then refuses treatment. Bell and Megan share a tradition breaking, yet very romantic, dinner.

'A Bumpy Ride' Aired March 22, 1999

In the aftermath of a victory for California University, Station 77 is plunged into sheer chaos as the town takes a vacation from sanity. Wick, Bell and Ryan face emergencies ranging from drunk co-eds to a massive traffic accident. Wick risks a tricky procedure in a bar and grill, and is blasted by Griffith (recurring guest star Terence Knox) . Later, Griffith tags along to the scene of the car collision where Wick assists him in a surgical procedure. Meanwhile, Bell's father (guest star John Cypher) continues to try and convince him to take the reins of the family business, but ends up taking an enlightening ambulance ride. Ryan continues to annoy Wick with her beloved crossbow, Ulrich.

'The Wedding' Aired March 23, 1999

In the aftermath of a victory for California University, Station 77 is plunged into sheer chaos as the town takes a vacation from sanity. Wick, Bell and Ryan face emergencies ranging from drunk co-eds to a massive traffic accident. Wick risks a tricky procedure in a bar and grill, and is blasted by Griffith (recurring guest star Terence Knox) . Later, Griffith tags along to the scene of the car collision where Wick assists him in a surgical procedure. Meanwhile, Bell's father (guest star John Cypher) continues to try and convince him to take the reins of the family business, but ends up taking an enlightening ambulance ride. Ryan continues to annoy Wick with her beloved crossbow, Ulrich.

'Remember Me 1' Aired March 29, 1999

Days of inactivity at Station 77 pass before the crew is called to the scene of a raging dock fire. While Durfee battles the blazing inferno, Bell and Ryan make a perilous rescue of a terrified little girl who dies almost right after the rescue, which emotionally shakes Bell. Meanwhile, Wick is drawn into the middle of an arson investigation of a serial arsonist. His home life suddenly takes a turn for the worse when he his forced to move in with Bell, due to relationship failure.

'Remember Me 2' Aired April 5, 1999

Wick suspects the identity of whoever's behind the arson, but his accusation proves futile as the game turns deadly when Ryan is put into harm's way. Wick then begins to realize that he is being set up to take the fall for the crimes. Meanwhile, Durfee alerts the station that they are once again in danger of losing the coveted Golden Ax award to loathed rivals, Station 27. Ryan devises a clever plan, and they emerge victorious. Bell and Megan continue fighting tight schedules and utter exhaustion while trying in vain to make a love connection.

'Tunnel Vision' Aired April 26, 1999

The team is called to the rescue of a small boy who has fallen down a shaft. Ryan tries in vain to free his foot from the rocks, while the rain outside is causing the water level in the shaft to rise. She puts her life on the line so the boy won't face death alone. Above, Durfee, Wick and Bell come to the realization that Ryan might not come back out of the shaft alive. Luckily, the crew come to their aid in the nick of time. Later, Wick's rescue of a beautiful actress leads him to a powerful casting agent.

'Mustard Gas Hold the Mayo' Aired May 3, 1999

A deadly chemical explosion leaves Bell facing the implausible decision of choosing between shutting the door, which means the likely death of Ryan and Wick, or leaving the door open and causing the mass contamination of hundreds of people to the lethal fumes. Durfee and the crew rush to Bell's aid, while Ryan and Wick face their most personal demons, fears, and desires in what might very well be their last minutes alive. Irreversible things are said and done, leaving the tight unit to wonder if anything will ever be the same. Ryan later saves the life of an infant, shedding light on the whole situation her and her partners were facing....

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