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The Intercom

The Intercom
By Alicia Torres

Basic Disclaimer: Paramount created Star Trek: Voyager and all characters. I do not own any of this, I'm just borrowing it for the purpose of this story.

Copyright October 1999

Dedicated to the girls in Art class: Kelly for not listening to a word I was saying, Crystal who read every sentance as I wrote it, and Christina who was just..there.

Author's Notes: This story contains racy contents. Please do not proceed unless you can handle it. There. You have been warned.

"Captain, the intercoms in Turbolifts 1-4 have been installed and are fully functional." Tuvok informed Janeway.

"Thank you, Mr. Tuvok," she smiled warmly at the dignified Vulcan in front of her. Tuvok gave a slight nod of his head and departed stiffly to his station. Janeway was about to make a ship-wide announcement when her commbadge chirped.

:::Kes to Janeway:::

:::Janeway here. Go ahead Kes:::

:::Captain, there is a problem with the Doctor, and I cannot get a hold of B'Elanna. Could you come down?:::

:::I'm on my way. Janeway out:::

"Chakotay, you have the bridge," she said, nodding her head towards the Commander. She headed to Sickbay, all thoughts of the intercom pushed out of her mind.


"Going my way?" Tom asked, stepping up behind B'Elanna. She was perched impatiently by the closed doors of the turbolift, her hands on her slender hips and a scowl on her face. Hearing Tom's voice cheered her slightly, and her face brightened as she turned to face him.

"I certainly hope so. I'm going to my quarters to grab a few PADDs I forgot," she said after giving him a quick hug and a peck on the fair skin of his cheek.

"I'll go with you, I guess. I'm just trying to keep my distance from Janeway," Tom said, giving her a warm smile.

"And why would you be doing a thing like that, Paris?"

"She's trying to get me to work double shifts tonight," he admitted. "But I am not going to break yet another date with you," he amended when a dark look passed through her eyes. Her face softened at his last statement.

"That's good to know. Come to think of it..when is the last time we've been truly alone together? When is the last time we made love?" she asked, a look of seriousness on her face. She knew the answer all too well. It had been much too long since her last intimate encounter with her lover.

"It has been quite some time," he agreed. "But tonight we can change that," he purred in her ear. She laughed throatily and stepped back as the doors to the turbolift whooshed open. Ensigns Garibaldi and Wildman stepped out and offered the two lieutenants small smiles. Tom put his hands on B'Elanna's hips and ushered her inside the lift.

The doors closed behind them and the movement started. They stood in comfortable silence until the lights began to flicker, finally going out. The turbolift was plunged into darkness and they suddenly slowed to a halt. "Damn. :::Torres to Engineering:::

No answer. She tried again. :::Torres to Engineering. Can you hear me?::: Still no answer. "Communications are down. It would really help if the intercoms were functioning," she complained, heaving out a deep sigh. She had way too much work to do without being stuck in a turbolift. "If central communications are down, then the trackers must also be down," she realized. "Which means..we could be in here for hours," she concluded glumly.

"Uh..B'Elanna?" his query was met with a half-hearted grunt from his hostile companion. "Is this so bad?" even in the dark, he knew that B'Elanna's expression was enough to kill someone. No doubt, her hands had moved to her hips and her eyes narrowed. Right about now she was brewing up some cocky remark.

"Excuse me? Did you get hit in the head during the jolt?" she asked incredulously. "Of course this is bad, Tom! I have work to do!"

"And you also have a boyfriend who is in serious need of some TLC," Tom's body was suddenly very close to hers and she felt her defenses lowering. His lips came down to hers with impeccable proximity. The kiss started out gentle, but she soon felt his tongue prying her lips open. She surrendered to the feeling of Tom's lips on her own and their tongues met furiously, dancing in an erotic duel. He brought his hand up to cup the side of her face and she laced her hands around the back of his neck, pulling his body closer to hers. She pulled back, breathless.

"We..we..can't do," she moaned as Tom tilted her head back and kissed his way down her throat. She tangled her fingers in his unruly mass of golden hair and attempted to cool herself down.

She failed miserably.

"Why not?" he asked, bringing his mouth to her ear. "You said yourself that no one would be around to get us out for hours, possibly. I think I can manage with that amount of time. That is..if you're up to the challenge." She was about to resist and push him away, but his lips suddenly found her earlobe and began nibbling gently at it, sending shivers down her spine. "Tom..." was all she could manage.

"Mmm..can I take that as a' yes, go ahead'?" he teased, flicking his tongue at her earlobe. She nodded her head slightly, giving him all the affirmation he deemed necessary. B'Elanna pulled herself away from Tom and moved across the turbolift, trying to regain at least a shred of her composure. "Oh, no. I don't think so. Get back over here."

Encouraged, B'Elanna let out a low growl and grabbed Tom by the shoulders. She slammed him hard against the control panel, and he caught his head on an array of buttons. He regained his breath and sought out her lips in the dark.


Janeway and Chakotay were having a heated argument on the bridge. "Captain, while your motives are pure, I think that—" he was cut short by the beep of the intercom.

"Tom..." a low voice moaned. No doubt B'Elanna. A series of pants ensued, followed by one word: "now..."

Janeway clamped a hand over her mouth. "What in the hell are they doing?" she demanded, more to herself than anyone else.

"I think we already know that much, Kathryn," Chakotay said, desperately trying not to smile. "The question is..why are they announcing it to the entire ship?"

"Captain," Tuvok interrupted. "I have noticed that Turbolift 2 has stopped moving. That is where the intercom transmission is coming from. There appears to be no power in decks nine through eleven as well," Tuvok explained. "I think I can reroute power—"

"Mmm. You tell me. Here..." Tom's voice came over the intercom, followed by a gasp of approval from B'Elanna. "" that earned him a gasp and a moan. Janeway and Chakotay looked at each other before simultaneously replying: "There."

The bridge erupted into laughter. "Captain," Tuvok said again. "Shall I reroute power to Turbolift 2?"

"Normally, Tuvok, I'd say yes..but this is just too damn funny."


"What's the matter?" came Tom's voice. "This damn turtleneck.." B'Elanna replied, gasping for breath.

Harry Kim was rooted to the same spot he'd been standing in when the transmission first began. He could not believe it. His two best friends were about to have sex in a turbolift..with the whole ship listening. Neelix interrupted his thoughts.

"Ensign Kim?"

"Sshh!" Harry hissed.

"Better?" Tom asked after a brief silence. No doubt, B'Elanna was currently topless. "Mmm. Much," she agreed. "My god, Bella, you feel so good..." he panted.

Harry felt kind of bad, intruding on such an intimate moment.. But if he'd had a sex life of his own, he wouldn't be so apt to listen. Unfortunately, he had been dubbed the Celibacy King.


In Engineering, Ensigns Wildman and Grear listened gleefully to the sounds of their boss literally having sex..or about to be having sex..with the pilot. It was so hilarious.

A series of grunts, groans, moans, and screams were transmitted over the intercom, causing Grear to chuckle. "Tom..oh..yes..right there. Don't you dare stop!" Samantha Wildman suddenly perked her head up. Oh my gods! Naomi. She's only six..she does -not- need to be listening to this! Grear, you have Engineering until I get back!" Samantha declared, quickly exiting. Grear nodded absently. They were working on Tom's clothes now...


Inside the turbolift, Tom and B'Elanna were completely oblivious to the intercom button that was flashing a dull shade of red. Maybe if they hadn't been so deluged in passion, they would have realized that the little red button reading ‘INTERCOM' was jammed. Maybe they would have realized that their lovemaking was being broadcast to all of Voyager.

But Tom was busy taking his uniform off. B'Elanna's talented fingers danced over his chest, now clad only in turtleneck. Once she had worked it over his head, she let her fingers dance over the reddish blond curls on his chest. He put his head back and groaned as she sank to her knees and slowly unzipped his uniform pants.


Every member on the bridge heard it. The distinctive sound of a fly being unzipped. Kathryn bit her lower lip, cursing herself for not having a personal life of her own. She knew she should stop the lieutenants before the ship heard even more than they already had. But somehow she could not bring herself to give Tuvok the command.

"B'Elanna.. Don't do that..oh gods, I don't know how much longer I can hold off!" he warned. Chakotay choked on the sip of water he had just taken, and Tom's replacement who was sitting at the helm flushed crimson. Janeway chuckled. They had heard enough.

"Tuvok. Can you get that intercom off?"

"Negative, Captain. I can, however, reroute main power. They'll get lights, but I doubt I can have the turbolift running before they...finish," he informed the bridge.

"Begin the process."

"Aye, Captain."


The lights flickered but didn't stay on. B'Elanna pulled her face away from Tom's for a split second. "The lights.." she murmured. They were on for a split second, but flickered off again, leaving them in the dark.

"Oh well.." Tom murmured. He wrapped himself around B'Elanna's quivering body and pulled her down to the floor. She hit her head on the way down and swore loudly. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. Tom..I don't think I can hold off much longer. I need"

"Yes, ma'am!"


"Ensign?" Neelix asked again.

"Hmm?" Harry said distractedly. He knew what was coming next..enough with the foreplay. Time for the actual thing. Things were bound to get they usually did.

"Are you okay? You haven't moved," Neelix commented.

"I'm fine. Neelix?"


"Go away. Please."



"Mr. Tuvok, how is it coming?"

"I'm not able to keep full power in the lift, captain. I can, however, get the lift moving. It will take only a few moments. I can also turn the intercom off. But it'll be awhile."

"You'd better hurry. They're getting aggressive," Janeway warned as a series of Klingon mating calls were shouted. "Step on it. She's getting vicious."


Janeway chanced a glance at Chakotay, who was sitting with his hand on the bridge of his nose. He saw her looking at him and raised his head. "Poor B'Elanna. She'll never live this one down."


She was so close. She could taste the climax. Tom gave one final thrust and they both screamed, the climax hitting them both at once. At that second, the lights came on to stay and the turbolift started moving again. "Shit!" B'Elanna hissed ,rolling Tom off of her and standing. She searched for her clothes in the heap piled on the floor. "They're going to find us at any moment!" she realized, throwing on her turtleneck and smock. Tom nodded and jumped into his boxers and uniform pants. They looked at each other and erupted into laughter. Just the sight of each other standing half naked in the turbolift somehow struck them as funny, and they were still chuckling as the turbolift doors opened and two hysterical ensigns greeted them.


B'Elanna walked into Engineering fifteen minutes later and was greeted by a heavy round of applause, followed by whistles and catcalls. She looked down at herself confused. Same uniform..same hair..what were they cheering about?


On the bridge, Tom was getting the same treatment. Tuvok, stony-faced as always, made his way towards the confused pilot. "Mr. Paris. I believe this should be in your possession," he commented, handing Tom an audio recording.

Janeway was having trouble keeping a straight face. Perhaps you should take this to your quarters and listen to it now," she suggested. Tom looked confused, but complied. As soon as he left, the bridge erupted into uncontrollable laughter. Even Tuvok smiled slightly.


Ten minutes later, decks one through six heard the same pained scream: "OH MY GOD!!!"


As far as archiving goes, please ask me first. I don't mind if you want to link my stories to your own page, but I'd like to have a link to yours as well! Thanks!

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