Kennys Garden Spot/Gardening Terms

Below is a list of Gardening Terms. I will strive to make it as complete as possible, and will be adding to this list often. Hopefully it will be useful to us all.Thank You.

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ACID SOIL: soil having a pH below 7.0 and containing no limestone
ACRE: a measure of land totaling 43,560 square feet.
ALKALINE SOIL: soil having a pH above 7.0, usually found where limestone is present and/or rainfall is sparse
ANNUAL: a plant that grows from seed, matures, and produces seed all in one year or season.
AQUATIC: growing in or living in or upon the water.


BIENNIAL: a plant that usually only lives two years, usually producing flowers and seed the second year.
BLANCHING: a process of excluding light from a plant to keep it from turning green. Usually used on veggies like endive,asparagus,cauliflower,& leeks
BLOOM: the state or time of flowering; a flower or blossom.
BLUFF: a high steep bank or cliff.
BOG: wet,spongy ground; small marsh or swamp.
BONE MEAL: a great fertilizer used for its high phosphorus content,usually upwards of 30 percent. Most will also contain 1 to 2 percent Nitrogen.
BOTANICAL NAME: the latin or "scientific" name of a plant,usually composed of two words,the genus and the species.
BOTANY: the science that deals with plants, their structure, growth, and classifications.
BRAMBLE: any prickly shrub of the rose family, such as Blackberry, raspberry, etc...
BULB: a term commonly used for a whole category of spring-or-summer-blooming perennial plants.


CACAO: a small evergreen tree grown in tropical America; its seeds are used to make Cocoa and Chocolate.
CALLA: a plant of the arum family, with a large white leaf surrounding a yellow flower spike.
CAROTENE: the yellow pigment found in many fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, corn, bananas,etc..Also the yellow found in flowers such as Buttercups and Daffodils. It changes into Vitamin A once inside the body.
CATNIP: a plant of the mint family with bluish flowers, Most cats LOVE its scent.
CHARD: a kind of beet whose large leaves and thick stalks are very tasty.
CHICORY: a plant with blue flowers whose leaves are used in salads.
CHIVE: an herb in the onion family, with small, hollow leaves used to flavor soups, stews, salads,etc...
CHLOROPHYLL: the green pigment in leaves. When present and healthy usually dominates all other pigments.
COMPOSITE: a large group of plants having flower heads consisting of clusters of small flowers.
COMPOST: a mixture of decomposing elements used for fertilizing soil.(A must for Gardeners)
CONIFER: a large group of cone-bearing trees and shrubs,(mostly evergreens).
COREOPSIS: any of a group of plants of the composite family, with daisy-like flowers.
CORIANDER: a European plant,(Herb) of the carrot family.
CULM: the jointed stem of various grasses, usually hollow.
CUT-AND-COME-AGAIN: a procedure used in harvesting in which only leaves or stems are removed leaving the plant and roots intact to remain healthy.Used mostly in harvesting herbs and leaf lettuce.


DAFFODIL: a spring flowering bulb in the narcissus family with long, narrow leaves and usually yellow or white flowers.
DANDELION: a common wild growing weed with yellow flowers, and jagged, edible leaves.
DEAD-HEAD: the process of pinching off used or spent blooms in order for the plant to continue to bloom continuously.
DECIDUOUS: something that will shed its leaves annually in the fall and/or winter.
DEHISCE: to burst open; as a seed pod to discharge its contents.
DIBBLE: a pointed tool used to make holes in the soil for seeds, bulbs, or young plants.
DIOECIOUS: plants that have flowers of only one sex per plant.
DIVIDE: the process of splitting up plants, roots and all that have began to get bound together. This will make several plants from one plant and needs to be done to mature perennials every 3 to 4 years.
DROUGHT: prolonged dry weather.


ENDOPHYTE: a plant that lives inside the tissues of another plant
EPIPHYTE: a plant that grows on another plant but gets its nourishment from the air; an air plant.
EVERGREEN: having green leaves throughout the entire year.

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F1 HYBRID: a first-generation hybrid produced by cross-pollinating two compatible parent plants.
FALLOW: land plowed but not seeded for one or more seasons, (to enrich soil and kill weeds).
FERTILIZE: to make fertile, fruitful, and productive; to amend the soil in order to improve the quality or quantity of plant growth.
FORCE: induce a plant to grow,bloom, or set fruit out of its natural season
FRIABLE: term describing soil that crumbles readily and is easy to work
FROND: the leaf-like, spore-bearing organ of a fern; a particular type of leaf, especially of the palm family.


GENUS: Group of related plant species that share many common characteristics and are believed o have evolved from the same ancestor
GERMINATE: to start developing or growing; sprout or cause to sprout from seed.
GINSENG: an herb with a thick, forked, aromatic root that is used medicinally.
GRUB: to clear ground of roots by digging them up; uproot.


HABITAT: a native environment; where something is ordinarily found.
HACKBERRY; an American tree of the Elm family, with small cherrylike fruit.
HARDENING OFF:the process of gradually acclimating greenhouse-or indoor-grown plants to outdoor growing conditions.
HARDINESS: the ability of a plant to withstand low temperatures without artificial protection.
HARROW: a heavy frame with spikes, used for leveling and breaking up plowed ground and covering seeds.
HARVEST: the gathering of a crop; the time of year when the crops are reaped and gathered.
HEELING-IN: Temporarily planting a bare-root tree or shrub to keep the roots from drying out until it can be planted in its permanent location
HEMLOCK: a poisonous weed of the carrot family, with small,white flowers and finely divided leaves.
HERB: any seed plant whose stem withers away annually: any such plant used as medicine, seasoning, etc...
HUMUS: the brown or black organic part of the soil,resulting from the partial decay of leaves and other matter.
HYBRID: the offspring of two plants of different species; anything of mixed origin.
HYDROPONICS: the science of growing in mineral solutions instead of in soil.



INDEHISCENT: not opening at maturity to discharge its seeds.
INDIGO: a plant of the pea family that yields a blue dye, (dye is also called Indigo).
INTERNODE: that portion of the stem between the places where two successive leaves are attached.


LAUREL: an evergreen tree or shrub with large, glossy, aromatic leaves, (also called the Bay Tree. ).
LEEK: a vegetable related to the onion but of milder flavor, with long, broad, succulent leaves.
LICHEN: a group of mosslike plants, such as Algae and Fungi, that grows in patches on rocks and tree trunks.
LOAM: a rich soil composed of clay, sand, and organic matter; any rich,dark soil.
LOBLOLLY: a thick-barked Pine tree native to the southern U.S. that is often found in or around swamps.
LOCO-WEED: certain plants of the pea family which causes Loco-Disease in cattle that eat it. (Found in western U.S.).
LOVE APPLE: what some people call the tomato.


MESOPHYTE: a plant that grows best in a moderately moist environment.
MULCH: organic or inorganic covering laid over garden soil to discourage weeds and slow evaporation of moisture from the soil


NATIVE PLANT: a plant that occurs naturally in a specific region or locality.
NEUTRAL: soil with a pH of 7.0, that is neither acid nor alkaline.
NODE: that part of a stem from which a leaf starts to grow.
NUTRIENT: any substance which a plant can use as food.


OVULE: the part of the plant which develops into a seed.


PERENNIAL: a plant with a life cycle more than Two years.
pH: a measurment of soil's acidity or alkalinity.- 7.0 is neutral, readings above 7.0 are alkaine, and below 7.0 are acid.
PHOTOSYNTHESIS: the formation of carbohydrates in plants from water and carbon dioxide, by the action of sunlight on the Chlorophyll.
PISTIL: the seed-bearing organ of a flower, consisting of the ovary, stigma, and style.
PITH: the soft, spongy tissue in the center of certain plant stems.


RECEPTACLE: that part of the stalk from which the flower grows.
RELATIVE HUMIDITY: a measurement of the amount of moisture in the atmosphere.
RHIZOME: a horizontal,rootlike stem under or along the ground, which usually sends leafy shoots from its upper surface.


SCION: a shoot or bud of a plant, used for grafting.
SELF-POLLINATION: the process by which a flower is fertilized by its own pollen
SEPAL: any of the leaf divisions of a plant
SPERMATOPHYTE: any seed-bearing plant
STAMEN: a pollen-bearing organ in a flower
STIGMA: the upper tip of the pistil of a flower, receiving the pollen


TANNIN: the brown pigment found in leaves and stems,usually the weakest of all pigments and only visible in fall and winter as other pigments have left.
TENDRIL: a threadlike part of a climbing plant, serving to support it by clinging to an object
THATCH: layer of dead stems and leaves that can build up at the base of the turf in a lawn faster than the material can decay- it hinders the passage of water and fertilizers to the soil beneath.
TOP-DRESS: spread compost,fertilizers,or other soil-enhancing material on top of the soil around plants, without working the material into the soil.
TUBER: a short, thickened, fleshy part of an underground stem, (as in a potato).


UMBEL: a cluster of flowers with stalks of nearly equal length which spring from about the same point.


VARIEGATED: plant whose leaves are irregularly marked with a second color, most often yellow,ivory,or white
VERMICULITE: lightweight,water-absorbent material used in potting mixtures and manufactored from heat-expanded mica.


WEED: any undesired, uncultivated plant that grows where it is not wanted,as to crowd out a desired crop.
WHIP: a young, unbranched tree.

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