KENNY'S- Shelf Life For Vegetable Seeds

Storage Life of
Vegetable Seeds

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Collecting your own Seeds

* Collect seeds when they are fully mature.
* Take seeds from fruiting crops (such as tomatoes,melons and eggplant), when the fruit is very ripe- even overripe- but before it starts to rot.
* Collect seeds of beans,peas and grains when they, (and the pods) are fully dry.
* Gather seed heads from herbs and other seeds in small capsules before they shatter and drop from the plant.
* Clean seeds carefully before storing them. Remove them from the fruit or pods, and wash them in clear water.
* Let seeds dry THOROUGHLY before storing.

Storing Your Seeds

Whether it be seeds you have gathered, or seeds you have purchased, they all require the same storage. Store all seeds in a clean, sterile container. Make sure it is not exposed to harse heat or allowed to get damp. And store all seeds in airtight containers in a dry place.(The refrigerator works great if you have room). And ALWAYS remember to label the containers so you will know what seeds are in each container.


You will not have total germination with the finest seeds in the world. Reports show that only about 80% of all seeds will actually germinate. This list below is only based on the average life of good,viable seeds.

Storage Life of Vegetable Seeds

Below is the average number of years
seeds will remain viable
if properly stored

Asparagus - 3 years
Beans - 3 years
Beets - 4 years
Broccoli - 3 years
Brussels Sprouts - 4 years
Cabbage - 4 years
Carrots - 3 years
Cauliflower - 4 years
Celeriac - 3 years
Celery - 3 years
Chard,Swiss chard - 4 years
Chicory - 4 years
Chinese Cabbage - 3 years
Collards - 5 years
Corn - 2 years
Corn Salad-(mache) - 5 years
Cress - 5 years
Cucumbers - 5 years
Eggplant - 4 years
Endive - 5 years
Kale - 4 years
Kohlrabi - 3 years
Leeks - 2 years
Lettuce - 6 years
Muskmelon - 5 years
Okra - 2 years
Onions - 1 year
Parsnips - 1 year
Peas - 3 years
Peppers - 2 years
Radishes - 5 years
Rutabagas - 4 years
Salsify - 1 year
Scorzonera - 2 years
Sorrel - 4 years
Southern Peas - 3 years
Spinach - 3 years
Squash & Pumpkins - 4 years
Tomatoes - 4 years
Turnips - 4 years
Watermelon - 4 years


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