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Review and Rating
Theater of Salvation Yet another great melodic band from Germany! Edguy are a quality band and it is suffice to say that they are as good if not better than 90% of the competition. They have a great vocalist that sings with a slight German accent which I happen to like. The songs are very catchy, filled with wondrous melodic guitars that you cannot help but be drawn along with. This is a near perfect, it's just that I rarely give full marks!!!

Rating - 9


Nightmare World This is a great melodic power metal disk. There is very little to find fault with here. This band is fairly obscure and therefore hard to find, but if you like a band to have power and crunch in the same mould as Iced Earth and Nevermore then check out this album. The songwriting is of a high class with a powerful vocalist doing the business over the top of those heavy melodic galloping riffs. The guitarist now plays with King Diamond so you know they can definitely play!

Rating - 8


El Nino Italy is the breeding ground for progressive power metal bands that like to mix it up between prog and power to create a powerful sound. This is the latest album from Eldritch and sees them at their most straight ahead. They riff like hell and the interplay between guitars and keyboards is very good. The vocals are very good and do not seem to have an accent which is surprising for Italian bands. This is top class power/prog metal from a very classy band that knows how to write catchy songs filled with quality instrumentation.

Rating - 8


To Ride shoot straight and speak the truth I bought this album because it came in nice digipak with abonus CD. Otherwise I don't think I would have bought it! The songs have moved on further from Wolverine Blues in that they are even less death and more of a rock'n'roll type death groove thing. They are still trying to be catchy and one or two of the songs are fairly decent but there is no way way I would waste time listening to the whole album. The cover of the Black sabbath song Under the sun is very good though!

Rating - 5

Wolverine Blues When I first got this album I thought it was very good death metal but that was before I discovered the joys of melodic death metal. This album features an almost punk death attitude with plenty of decent riffs thrown in. Some of the songs groove along nicely but on this album Entombed have tried to make death metal song orientated. There is no room for technicality or showing off here. As I said when I first got this I played it to Death so to speak but now I have moved on and would never buy this sort of album now. Still I think it is a good album!

Rating - 7


Dancing Under Glass An English doomy power metal band. This album is very good in my opinion. Especially because it is played by someone from England which is not normally known for this type of metal these days! This features melodic guitars that swoop and dive around with keyboards adding colour to the songs. The only problem I have with this album is the vocals which should be more melodic. There are time when the singer uses a melodic voice but mostly he sings in a semi melodic growly gothic voice. It's OK but it would be better to sing with a powerful melodic tone at all times!

Rating - 8

Eternity X

Mind Games review here

Rating - 7

The Edge Very individual sounding heavy progressive metal from this US band. This really is an interesting disk full of melody and great songs whilst at times retaining that progressive edge. The songs flow nicely with quite unique vocals which change from a nice melodic edge to almost King Diamond style wails! A brilliant album!

Rating - 8


The Dark Discovery Dark heavy doomy power metal from Sweden. This is a great disk really. It's very hard to find fault with this. The production could have been a little better but I don't really know what I'm talking about there! Still to these ears the guitars lose a little clarity at times. Everything else is great especially the moody keyboards that add a great feel to the songs. Fans of heavy power metal would love this disk. The vocals are also a little different in that he doesn't try to hit any high notes and stays in a nice heavy but melodic register all the way.

Rating - 8

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