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The 1930s- Depression and Totalitarianism

1(Timeline) Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was the President during most of the Great Depression. What were the years of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Presidency? 

 (99 Days)

2. What were the three most important things FDR accomplished during the first 99 days of his presidency?

3. What were four purposes of FDR's New Deal?


4. What one food item did a typical poor family of five eat the most of during the Depression?

5.  How much did one loaf of Brown Bread cost?

6. According to his site, did poor families make enough to feed themselves during the depression?

7.  (Family Roles) Generally speaking, what effect did the Depression have on fathers?

8. (The Wall Street Crash)  List two ways the lives of Americans were changed by the Wall Street Crash of 1929?

9.  (The Wall Street Crash) Approximately how many people were unemployed in 1933 in America? (Hint: look at the graph)

10. (The Wall Street Crash) Generally speaking, how did the crash of 1929 affect Germany?  Give one example to support you answer.

The depression was a global phenomenon that made many people desperate.  In some countries, these desperate people turned to strong leaders to pull them out of the Depression.  This is one reason why dictators  like Hitler and Mussolini came to power.  Visit the following sites about these men and the events they influenced during the 1930s.

(Timeline of WWII in Europe)

Using the timeline, give the date and significance of the following events.

11. The Reichstag burns    Date:______  Significance:___________


12. Nazis open the Dachau Concentration camp   Date:_________


13.  German Jews Stripped of rights by Nuremburg Race Laws

 Date:______   Significance:________________________________

14. Kristallnacht     Date:______   Significance:_________________


15. Nazis and Soviets sign pact    Date:______ Significance:______ ________________________________________________________

16.  (Hitler Youth)  According to the quote by Hitler, what type of youth did he want to create?

17.  (Mussolini in pictures)  According to this poster of Mussolini, what kind of image did he wish to portray of himself?

18.  (Mussolini) In what year, did Mussolini lead Italy into WWII?

19.  (Mussolini)  What event led to Mussolini's overthrow?

20. ( Rape of Nanking-  Text    Photos )Europe was not the only place where genocidal crimes were being committed during the 1930s. Japan was also committing atrocities. Read and view the pictures on this site about the Rape of Nanking, a Chinese city invaded by Japan in 1937.  Write several sentences on why you think the Japanese army would commit these atrocities.  What possible purpose might they have?  Could any purpose justify such actions?