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Extra Credit

Extra Credit can be earned by any student who has completed all the assigned work for the course during the current quarter. Any extra credit assignments must be turned in one week before the end of any quarter.

Extra credit can be earned in a number of ways, all of which require you to do independent research and writing on a topic. The assignments vary from listening to the radio, reading a book, working on the Internet, or watching a movie. Every assignment requires a written report and it is the quality of the written report which will be graded. In particular, you will be graded on your ability to follow directions and write clearly. Points will be taken off for poor grammar. The amount of time and effort you put into these is obvious when I read your report and you will be graded accordingly.

Click on the assignment that interests you below to learn more about it.







(40 points possible) The best source for news and music from around the world in the Chicago area can be found at 91.5 FM- WBEZ, the local public radio station. Every evening between 7:00 and 8:00 pm, a show called "The World" is broadcast. It is about current events and culture from around the world. Each show features a geography quiz and highlights an international musician (at the end of the show). For extra credit, listen to "The World" for three evenings. In your report, list the subject of all of the stories featured each evening and the location in which it takes place. Write a short paragraph on the story you found most interesting from each evening (three paragraphs in all). The paragraph should include a sentence summarizing the story. It should also explain why you found the story interesting and whether the story dealt with the human or physical characteristics of the place.


(30 points possible) Read a book, fiction or non-fiction, which takes place in a historical period that is covered in our textbook. Write a book report that includes the following: 1. A brief summary (one paragraph) of the plot which includes information about the location and time period in which the book takes place. 2. Explain in detail three things you learned about that time period from the book (at least one paragraph for each). Tell why you found these points interesting.


(30 points possible) The Internet is a wonderful source for information on history from around the world. As we explore the world's history, you can explore the Internet and help your grade. For extra credit, choose a subject that interests you from the textbook and search the Internet for at least five sites that deal with this subject. Broad subject headings like "Ancient Egypt", Ancient Greece", "The Roman Empire", and "the Middle Ages" will give you the most options. Write a report on the sites that you have found. In this report, include the following: 1. List the address of each site 2. Rank the sites according to their usefulness and interest. Discuss the content of each site and decide which would be most useful to a student in this class. (Write at least one paragraph about each site.) 3. Print out the welcome page (first page) from each site and include them with the report.


The following movies were made about WWII, Viet Nam, and the Cold War.

Most of them should be available in your local library or video store. To

receive up to 40 extra Credit points, watch the movie and write a report that

includes the following:

1. The name of the Movie and its director.

2. The basic plot of the movie. (at least one paragraph)

3. Which countries or groups are in conflict? What are they in

conflict over? (at least one paragraph)

4. What historical event or character is being portrayed or serves as

the backdrop for this film- What are the attitudes of the people

involved towards that event? Are they positive or negative? Why

or Why not? (at least one paragraph)

5. A paragraph on why you would or would not recommend this


NOTE: Some of these movies are rated "R" so ask your parents permission before you rent an "R" rated movie.



Battle of Britain( 1969) Lawrence Olivier, Robert Shaw

Battle of the Bulge (1965) Henry Fonda, Robert Shaw

Cross of Iron (1977) James Coburn, James Mason (Eastern Front - Russia)

Desert Fox(1951) James Mason, Jessica Tandy (Hitler's Germany, Rommel)

Devil's Brigade(1968) Willaim Holden, Cliff Robertson ( Europe)

Dirty Dozen (1967)Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine (Europe)

The Enemy Below(1957) Robert Mitchum, Curt Jergens (Atlantic U-Boat)

Four Horsemen of The Apocolypse(1961) Henry Fonda (French Resistance)

Saving Private Ryan (1998) Tom Hanks ( Europe, Normandy) ** rated R for graphic violence

Patton - Excellent movie about the blood and guts General

Von Ryan's Express- Good entertainment

The Great Escape- Escape from a German Prison Camp- Excellent

Stalag 17- the movie upon which Hogan's Heroes was based but more serious.

Das Boot- The Best submarine movie ever made

The Longest Day- Excellent dramatization of the D-Day Invasion

Where Eagles Dare (1967)- Clint Eastwood, Richard Burton

The Guns of Navarrone- Good war drama set in the Mediterranean


Attack Force Z, (1981) Mel Gibson, Sam Neill (South Pacific, Australia)

Battle of Coral Sea (1959) Cliff Robertson (Pacific)

Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) Alec Guiness, William Holden (Pacific, Burma)

Destination Tokyo (1943) Cary Grant, John Garfield

Flying Leathernecks(1951)John Wayne, Robert Ryan (Pacific, Guadalcanal)

Flying Tigers (1942) John Wayne (Pacific, Japanese in China)

Midway (1976) Charlton Heston, Henry Fonda (Pacific)

Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) Joseph Cotton, Jason Robards ( Pacific) Pearl Harbor


Between Heaven and Hell (1956) Robert Wagner, Buddy Ebsen ( US, about the Draft)

The Big Red One (1980) Lee Marvin, Mark Hamill ( All theaters)

Diary of Anne Frank(1959) Millie Perkins, Shelley Winters ( Holocaust)

The Eagle Triumphant (1989) Documentary with footage from Pearl Harbor to V-J Day

Empire of the Sun (1987) John Malkovich, Christian Bale (Japanese Internment)

Schindler's List (1993) Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley (Jewish forced labor,Holocaust)

Europa, Europa (1991) Jewish teenager passes himself off as German

Swing Kids- (1992) Teenagers growing up in Germany during the Nazi Era

Heaven and Earth- Japanese internment camps in the US during WWII

VIET NAM WAR- all are Rated R for language and violence

Platoon- Oliver Stone's take on Viet Nam- the best Viet Nam combat film- Charlie Sheen, Tom Berenger- excellent but intense

Apocalypse Now!- Francis Ford Coppola’s classic take on Viet Nam- not very historical but interesting

Full Metal Jacket- From Boot camp to Viet Nam- an excellent movie

Hamburger Hill- not as good as the others but still good

Coming Home- Drama about Viet Nam veterans and what they face when they arrive back home

The Deer Hunter- excellent drama about soldiers in Viet Nam and what they faced both at war and in peace


Under Fire- Nick Nolte and Gene Hackman as journalists under fire in Nicaragua-

Salvador!- Excellent and intense, but scary movie about the war in El Salvador -Rated R for language and violence

Missing- A father searches for his son who disappeared in the Chilean coup de tat


Dr. Strangelove, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the Bomb- the classic Cold Warmovie satire

Fail Safe- Tense nuclear war drama

"Seven Days in May" and "The Missiles of October"- The Cuban Missile crisis

The Russians are Coming, The Russians are coming!- satire on Americans and Russians meeting

The Manchurian Candidate- a great movie about a Russian plot to control the presidency

Red Dawn- The US is invaded by Russians and Cubans and a band of teenagers help fight them off.

On the Beach (1959)- the end of the world is observed from a beach in Australia