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The beheading of Louis XVI

This lab requires that you visit two different web sites. The first web site was designed by a group of students from Woodberry Forest High School. This web site describes the most important events and people of the French Revolution. It can be found at :

The following questions can be answered by visiting the Events section of this web site:

  1. What years of the French Revolution does this web site cover?
  2. Who took the oath at the tennis courts June 20, 1789?
  3. In your own words, restate the oath that was taken?
  4.  What was the mob searching for when they stormed the Bastille?
  5. What happened to de Launey, the commander of the Bastille and his troops?
  6. Who "marched to Versailles"? What was the march’s main purpose?
  7. How is Versailles described? How did the King and his court spend their time at Versailles?
  8. Why was bread important? How much did people have to spend to buy bread? What happened to the price of bread in August of 1789?
  9. What did the women demand of the King? What did the king give them?
  10. How did the King and his family attempt to escape Paris to the town of Varennes?
  11. After the escape attempt, why were Marie and Louis imprisoned?
  12. What happened to the people at the Tuileries palace who were soldiers or servants of the King?
  13. Why did Austria and Prussia want to go to war with France? (Tuileres Palace)
  14. In his trial, what was Louis XVI found guilty of and what was his sentence?

 Go to the Guillotine Page at to answer the following:

15. (History) In 1789, briefly summarize the first two (of six) articles presented to the French Assembly by Dr. Guillotine.


16. (construction) What was the purpose of the "shield"? What was the job of the assistant executioner?


If you finish these questions, search the web for sites on the Industrial Revolution for extra credit.