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Mr. Landreth's Photo Gallery

Prior to becoming a teacher, Mr. Landreth lived to travel and traveled to live.  He spent three and a half years backpacking through (and occasionally working in) Latin America and Europe.   He then spent another six years working as a tour director, taking people to destinations all around the world.  In the course of these travels, he has been exposed to the history, culture, and geography of more than 40 different countries.   Below you will find some of his favorite photos from his travels.  These pictures will change occasionally, so check back again if you find it interesting.

Just click on the photo to see a larger image and background information. 

Photo One

pagodal.jpg (4211 bytes)

Kiyomisadero Shrine

Kyoto, Japan


Photo Two


hagiasophiass.jpg (5391 bytes)

Hajia Sophia

Istanbul, Turkey

Photo Three

peoplesPalaces.jpg (6598 bytes)

People's Palace

Bucharest, Romania


Photo Four

birkenaus.jpg (3952 bytes)


Krakow, Poland



Photo Five

riots.jpg (4448 bytes)

Aftermath of a Riot

Santiago, Chile


Photo Six

peaces.jpg (4384 bytes)

International Peace Park

Hiroshima, Japan


Photo Seven

WWItombs.jpg (7826 bytes)

WWI Soldier's Grave

Budapest, Hungary


Photo Eight

nics.jpg (4333 bytes)

Granada, Nicaragua


Photo Nine

cordobaferrias.jpg (4350 bytes)


Cordoba, Spain


Photo Ten

canrocks.jpg (10141 bytes)

Canadian Rockies

Banff, Alberta



Photo Eleven

mines.jpg (5044 bytes)


Potosi, Bolivia

Photo Twelve

democracysczech.jpg (3899 bytes)


Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic


Photo Thirteen

islands.jpg (3937 bytes)

A Slice of Paradise

Roatan, Honduras


Photo Fourteen

llamas.jpg (3623 bytes)

Lake Titicaca

Copacabana, Bolivia

Photo Fifteen


Maxwell Street

Chicago, IL