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Greek Links




In the course of the next two weeks, you and your editorial support group will create, design, and write a newspaper as you think it would have appeared in Ancient Greece. The creation and design of this newspaper has been broken into six different steps:

 STEP ONE: In your group, decide which city-state your paper will be from- Athens or Sparta

 STEP TWO: Decide on the name of your newspaper. Typically, one of the following words is combined with the name of the city the newspaper is from:  

Times Tribune Post  Monitor Herald Daily News

(ex. Athens Daily News, Sparta Post)

You may also make up your own newspaper name. Be Creative! 

STEP THREE: Decide which team members will write which articles. Each newspaper will contain at least five articles describing life in either the Ancient Greek city-state of Athens or Sparta. Each group member will write two different articles. One of these articles will be your narrative theme from Mrs. Harmeyer's English class and the other will be written especially for this newspaper. Each of the following five types of articles must be present in each newspaper:

1. A news story- about a particular event that happened in Greek history written as though it happened yesterday. This could include various battles or political occurences.
2. Profile of an important person- Choose an important historical figure of Ancient Greece and write about his or her accomplishments.
3. Feature Story # 1 on an aspect of family life, art, drama, religion, philosophy, and/or literature.
4. Feature story #2 on significant achievement in medicine, science, and technology
5. Narrative story/myth- each student will write this for Mrs. Harmeyer. The group will choose one myth to include in the Newspaper from those written by group members .

STEP FOUR: Decide on a subject for your article. Using chapters 3 & 4 in the textbook as well as other sources such as the Internet, CD Roms, encyclopedias, and books on Greece, research your topic. Make sure your article is relevant to the city-state that you have chosen. If possible, try to connect the various articles in the newspaper around a common theme.

STEP FIVE: Write the article.

STEP SIX: Choose possible illustrations. Make sure they are connected to the content of the various articles. Maps, drawings, graphs and pictures are all encouraged.

STEP SEVEN: Design the layout of your newspaper. Cut and paste the completed articles and illustrations onto the newsprint in an appealing fashion. Mr. Landreth will supply you with the newsprint.


The grade for this project is worth two test grades and can significantly improve your overall grade for the quarter. Grading will be determined in the following fashion: 

1. Individual story content and style (50%)- Each member of the group will be graded on the quality of their written work. The content, grammar and punctuation, and overall effectiveness of each article will be considered. Is the article understandable and does it make a point? Is the grammar and punctuation correct? (See Steps for writing a newspaper article)

2.  Overall newspaper content, layout, and organization (25%)- Is the newspaper well coordinated and laid out? Are the illustrations appropriate? Do they add to an understanding of the various stories?

3. Peer grades (25%)- You will have the opportunity to grade the other members of your group according to their cooperation and the work they did or did not do.

Schedule and homework for Greece Unit

Mon., Oct. 18-    Divide students into groups of Four- Give groups time for steps one and two / Athens- Sparta Introduction, Notes, and wkst

HW: Athens-Sparta Wkst / Notes on Ch. 3, Sec. 3

Tues., Oct. 19- Research Day- Ancient Civs CD-Rom exploration-

Students will be looking for News and Feature topics- Pass out Possible Topics Sheet

HW: Notes on Ch. 3, Sec. 4

Wed., Oct. 20- Research Day- Time to research topics and begin writing

HW: Decide on topic- hand in story idea

Thurs., Oct. 21- Research Day- Time to research topics and begin writing

Research and begin task of writing

HW: Write a first draft to be handed in on Monday

Fri., Oct. 22-      In-class writing

Mon., Oct. 25-     First Draft due- Show fellow students / Notes on Greece-

HW: Status of Women wkst- begin in class/finish at home

Tue., Oct. 26 -    Clash of the Titans and wkst

HW: Notes Ch. 4, Sec. 1

Wed., Oct. 27-    Clash of the Titans and wkst

Thurs., Oct. 28-   Final Draft Due (2 copies)      Design newspaper layout

Fri., Oct. 29-       Newspaper Design

Mon., Nov. 1-     Final Newspaper Presentation


Guidelines for Writing the Newspaper Article

1. Choose an appropriate subject. Make sure your subject is connected to life in either Athens or Sparta depending on which city your group has chosen. See the subject list below for possible suggestions.

 2. Write the article as though you are a reporter in Ancient Greece between the years 800 and 400 BC. Everything should be written in the present or past tense. Write as though the events just happened and you are there.

 3. The content of the article must be based on historical fact.

 4. Insert some personality into your articles. Try to make the story interesting for the reader.

BE CREATIVE!!!!!!!!!

 5. As always, write in complete sentences and use correct grammar and punctuation. The one exception to this is the headlines which should precede any articles.

 6. Each article should be a minimum of one page long. All final articles will either be typed or written on theme paper. The rough drafts can be written on lined paper.

 7. Include a list of at least three bibliographic sources that you used to write this article. Look at page 20 in your Proviso Handbook of Style to see how to list the various sources.


Plagiarism is when you copy something directly from a book or any other source. This is unacceptable and is also very easy to spot! Avoid it at all costs because it will result in an "F" for your project grade.


Possible Subject List

These are just a few possible topics. There are many more possibilities

News Article

Spartan slave revolts

Athenian Democracy

Reforms by tyrants


Peloponnesian War



Death of Socrates

Profile Article









Feature #1

Role of Women

Fashion trends

Trade and travel


Review a play


Greek food and drink

Life as a Spartan soldier

Feature #2

Greek architecture

The Acropolis



Euclid and geometry


Greek medicine

Hints For Writing a Newspaper Article

 Every newspaper article is written with the same basic structure and answers the same basic questions. A newspaper story has to tell the reader the who, what, when, why, and how of each story. These are called the five W's and the H. Below are six questions that every article written for your newspaper must answer. In the course of your research in the library on Friday, answer the following questions about your topic. Once these questions have been answered, you will be ready to write the article.

 1. Who are the people involved in the story? (What are their names? Where are they from? What is their background?)

 2. What is it that these people have done that makes them important?

 3. When did these events occur?

 4. Where did these events occur?

 5. How did these events occur? Give details of the events.

 6. Why are these events and the people involved important? How did they effect Greek culture and history?