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Africa is approximately: 1/5 of the land surface of the earth

1/10 of the world’s population

PANGAEA: Heart of the continent- as continent broke apart, deep rifts on the Earth’s surface were formed in East Africa. Ex: Red Sea

Plateau Continent: -Most places at least 1000 ft. +,

-no dominant mountain range


-Little is known of early civs b/c there is no written record

-Early States: Kush, Axum, Mali/ Songhai, Ghana

-Slave Trade- based on the West Coast

Up to 30 million people transported

Strong coastal kingdoms grew from the slave trade

-Cape Town, South Africa: settled by Dutch in 1650 and the heart of "White Africa"

-1885: Africa is carved up between European powers at the Berlin Conference

France, Britain, Belgians, Germans, and Portuguese are the main colonizers.

Independence attained for most countries by 1970

AFRICAN REGIONS: 1. West Africa 2. Equatorial Africa

3.East Africa 4. Southern Africa

    1. North Africa

AFRICAN LANGUAGES: 1/3 of the world’s languages

Arabic North of the Sahara

Sub-Saharan Africa has approx. 1500 Lang.

Ex.: 250 langs. in Nigeria- use English as the Lingua Franca (common language)

STUNTED DEVELOPMENT: Due to physical geography

Tropics breed diseases: Malaria (mosquitoes), Sleeping Sickness (Tetse fly), bilharzia (snails), river blindness (parasitic worm)

AFRICAN RELIGION: Islam in North, Christian/animist in South