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WWItombl.jpg (63020 bytes)

 Whereever I go, I always make a point to visit the local cemetaries.  How a people bury their dead can tell you a great deal about the culture of the area.  It can also give you insight into their feelings about various historical events.   The grave pictured above is one such site.  It dates back to World War One and, while there was no plaque to tell the story, it seemed obvious to me that this was the grave of a soldier who did not return from World War One.   More than nine million men did not return home from World War One.   The figure of the woman weeping for the dead soldier would have been appropriate for many of these casualties of the war and the misery it wrought.  Judging from the dilapidated nature of the gravesite,  it's easy to surmise that this man's death and sacrifice have been forgotten.

To learn more about World War One, visit the following web site: