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In December of 1989, the world was captivated by the series of revolutions that swept through Eastern Europe and overthrew the Communist regimes that had dominated those countries for more than 40 years.  Possibly the most fascinating of these revolutions occurred in the Czech Republic.  Within the only a few days, the people of Czechoslovakia brought down the hardline communist government with little violence and no deaths.  Because of this, it came to be called the Velvet Revolution.   This picture was taken in the town of Karlovy Vary, in what is today the Czech Republic, shortly before the county's first democratic election in more than 40 years.   (Note the election posters above the boys head.)    The country was filled with the euphoria of its Revolution and the poet and playwright, Vaclav Havel, was swept into the presidential office.  It was a great time to be an American in Czechoslovakia.  America was seen as a shining symbol of democracy and everywhere I went I was treated like a long-lost relative by the people.   Since then, reality has set in and the Czechs have realized that democracy is hard work.   However, if ever a people could rise to the challenge, it is the Czechs.

To read more about the Velvet Revolution, visit the following sites:

Radio Free Europe's: Ten Years After-  The Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe

Velvet Revolution-'89