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Built by the Roman Emperor Justinian, this was the largest church   (with the largest dome) in the world at the time of its completion in 537 AD.    In 1453, Hajia Sophia was converted into a mosque  (note the four minarets) and today it stands as a museum for the enjoyment of all.   Located in the heart of Old Istanbul, the grounds outside of the Hajia Sophia are a great place to relax and watch the world go by or to strike up a conversation with a Turkish carpet salesman (the best salesmen in the world).

To learn more about Hajia Sophia, the Byzantine Empire, and Istanbul, visit the links below:

Byzantium 1200-  has computerized reconstruction of Hajia Sophia as it looked when it was built.

Byzantium: The Romaioi Site-   excellent images and history of Byzantium

Explore Turkey-  a great place to learn about modern Istanbul