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 There were many civilizations in Central and South America before Columbus and his fellow Europeans arrived. Two of the most impressive of these civilizations were the Mayans and the Incas. Please browse the following sites about these groups and answer the following questions to learn a little bit more about this advanced civilization.

Go to the following site at:

 Answer the following questions on the worksheet: 

1. (Maya World Home) Which region was the Mayan world centered on?


2. (Maya World Home) In which three areas do most Mayan people live today?


3. (Maya World Home) How many Mayan are there today? How many different languages do they speak? 

4. (Maya World Home) How did Mayan cities differ from modern industrialized cities? Explain.


5. (Maya World Home-Map) Label the approximate location of the following Mayan cities on your copy of the map:

Chichen Itza Uxmal Tulum Tikal Copan


6. (Maya World Home-Map) Choose two sites from those you just labeled in question 5 and describe their most outstanding feature.

7. (Maya World Home-Map) According to the map, which countries would you find Mayan ruins in?

8. (Maya World Home-Map) What is the most important Mayan archeological site in Guatemala? What is it famous for?

9. (Maya World Home-Map) What is the most important Mayan archeological site in Honduras? What is it famous for?

10. (Maya World Home) According to the article, the golden age of Mayan civilization occurred during the Pre-classic and Classic Period. How many years was it from the beginning of the Pre-classic period to the end of the Classic Period?

11. (Mayan Architecture) What purpose did pyramids serve?

12. (Mayan Architecture) What were the rules of the Mayan Ball Games? What happened to the losing team?

13. (Mayan Architecture) What were cenotes and why were they important to the Maya?

Both the Mayans and Aztecs practiced human sacrifice. Go to the following sites and answer these questions.

  1. What was the purpose of warfare for the Mayan and Aztecs?
  2. What was the name of the Aztec war god?
  3. What was the favorite method of sacrificing the victims?
  4. What were some other methods of sacrifice that were used?
  5. Why did these groups sacrifice people?

If you finish the worksheet before the end of the class, go to the following sites: visit the Mayan ruins of Copan - visit the Inca trail