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Project Lift World Civ

Welcome to the Project Lift World Civilization Class Home Page. This page links us to the various projects and internet labs that we will be doing during the 1999-2000 school year. It also provides you with current schedules, homework, notes, test reviews, extra credit opportunities, and links to help you research any topic.

**NOTE**  To preserve space, not all of the links below are active at this time.

New!New!New!New!-  Field Trip Report and Photos

Course rules and syllabus Current schedule Class Notes Test Reviews Reference Links
Geography World Music Ancient Civilizations Greece Rome
Byzantium Islam Middle Ages Renaissance Age of Exploration
Asia South America Africa Revolutions World War One
1920s-1930s World War Two The Cold War Extra Credit Fun Links


Play "Where's Mr. Landreth" for Extra Credit. 

torress.jpg (3754 bytes)

Just click on the picture.


Visit Mr. Landreth's Photo Gallery.

hagiasophiass.jpg (4544 bytes)

Just click on the picture.


Contact Mr. Landreth with any questions, comments, or suggestions.