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On September 11, 1973, the Chilean military (with support from the US) overthrew the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende, who committed suicide during the coup. On September 11, 1993, the 20th anniversary of the coup, my wife and I were living and working in Santiago. We went to observe and photograph the protests which quickly erupted into a riot (as they do each year). The police and protesters battled for several hours through the streets of downtown Santiago. While the protesters hurled rocks at the police, the police countered with tear gas, rubber bullets and water canon. When it was all over, several hundred protesters had been arrested, and three had been killed. The photo above shows police guarding the body of one of the killed protesters as other protesters shout "Assassins, Assassins" at them.

Stay tuned for a full page of political protest pictures (including more pictures from this riot) on this website. In the meantime, visit for some photos of the 25th anniversary riot.