Well since you're here..I might as well tell you some stuff about me eh? Here goes!

Name: Amy
Sex: Female
Nicknames:Ames, Kinz, Amythest, Amykinz, Hooker, Lou, Junior, Cracker, Steve, Da Retard, Weetard, Paddy, Amos, Tongue, Scenic Route
Height:5' 3"
Age/Birthdate: 23...August 26, 1981
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Funniest Horoscope you ever read: You are the logical type and hate disorder, your shit-picking attitude is sickening to your friends and co workers. You are cold and unemotional and often fall asleep while fucking. Virgos make good bus drivers and pimps For the record: there's no proof this has ever happened to me, I'm pretty sure I got all the videos destroyed...
Best friends offline: Eby, Stacy, and Sha-Nelle
Who are your favorite people to spend time with: George, Eby, Keith, Danielle, Tory, Jennifer, Stacy, Shel, Melvin, Kyle, Matt, Jenny, Spiderman, Jess and Dustin
Chat names: I don't chat much. When I do, I use l2etards_l2ock
Favorite Color: At one time it was blue, but now it‘s red and white. (Thanks a lot Tyler)
Best friends online: Jimmy, Jeremy, and Charity,
Favorite Song: Hm…today my favorite song is: Confessions by Usher
Favorite Movies: The Breakfast Club, Saving Private Ryan, Tombstone, Erin Brockovich, Chasing Amy, My Best Friends Wedding
Future sons name: Mathew Ryan, Lucas Daniel
Future daughters name: Larkin Elisabeth, Amaya Marie
Are you a good friend: I'd like to think so….there‘s times I could be a better one, I‘m sure.
Are you closer with friends online or offline: It all depends on what friends we're judging on.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I sleep with a little stuffed tiger that George gave me.
Favorite brand of gum: The kind you don't have to buy because you can bum it off someone else...but if I have to buy it's Extra Wintergreen...I hear it glows in the dark..
Favorite candy: Tangy Taffy, Skittles, Reese Cups, Snickers, really it all depends on what I‘m in the mood for.
Do you believe in yourself: Sometimes
Favorite Board Game: Scrabble...'cause I get to make up words and argue that they're real.
Are you right or left handed...or both: I'm right handed, but if my right hand gets tired, I've been known to use the left.
Do you have a crush right now: Crush? Pffft…I‘m past the crush. I‘m in love.
Favorite type of shoe: Wal Mart….oh yeah.
Concerts you've been to: Audio Adrenaline, Ty England, Diamond Rio, Bleach, Johnny Q Public
Last big event you attended:The Demolition Derby at The Great Darke County Fair…we got rained on…big time!
Hobbies: Reading, Playing pool & putt putt golf, coloring, writing, um…other things =P
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years: I'd like to be married, with a kid or two...but I doubt that's what happens.
Favorite Store: Dollar Tree...'cause like...everything is a dollar...EVERYTHING!.
Favorite Cartoon: South Park
Who do you wanna marry (ideals): I wanna marry a nice guy with a great sense of humor. Someone who is understanding and makes me feel complete.
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Fountain Coke
Favorite alcoholic drink: Bacardi Silver
Favorite Quote:

To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others. To leave the world a better place, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition. To know one life has breathed easier because you have lived. THIS is to have succeeded.
:::Ralph Waldo Emerson:::

Favorite Place: George‘s arms
What is your outlook on life: Never live your life in regret. You‘ll question yourself and end up regretting everything you‘ve ever done, live for the moment, and cherish the time you‘re here.
Greatest accomplishment this far in life: Never being arrested.
What color is your purse/wallet: Blue, and blue.
Words or phrases you use too much: The F Word, Uhhh…you wanna dance?, Oh my God, are you fuckin kidding me, Gary!! Come fix my fuckin stacker!, Stop it Keith, Stopppp, You A-hole, No! You can‘t rub my thigh.
Are you serious or funny: I‘m funny most of the time, only serious when I‘m mad or something.
Are you a witch: I‘m sure I have definite witch potential.
Favorite Band: How can you pick a favorite band?
Would you ever want to live on a farm: 'cause that smell never goes away. ack.
Would you ever go bungee jumping or skydiving: Sure...why not?
How many kids do you want to have: An even number, if I have triplets first..we get rid of one or have another...really this is a joke. All children are blessings and however many I get blessed with is fine by me. (remind me I said this during labor and you get a spork to the neck)
Do you have split personalities: No, but we sometimes pretend to...
Have you ever been in love: Yes
How many fingers do you have: 8 fingers...2 thumbs
Do you like animals: Most animals…there‘s a few I‘m not too crazy about. Such as Mice, Raccoons, Possums, Mean dogs, Possessed cats, I like nice animals, ones that aren‘t going to bite off my arms…or fingers.
What's under your bed: A bunch of crap that should have probably been thrown away weeks ago.
What does your screen name mean: Amy_Haydon...I guess someone named Amy Haydon made this friend Jimmy gave it to me...sorry Amy..I'm you now...don't be scurred.
Eye/Hair Color: My eyes are dark brown, My hair is originally dark brown also, but I just dyed it so it‘s kinda dark reddish brown now.
Favorite Sound: George‘s voice, Jon’s accent (it’s true, he’s really got one!), Armando’s voice, slow piano music
Favorite Smell: Watermelon, Strawberry Shortcake, Honeydew
What do you remember most about last year: I left a good job for one closer to home. Got laid off after the first of the year, but I like where I am now….so it‘s all good.
Worst feeling in the world: Knowing things will never be the same again.
Best feeling in the world: Being loved for who you are, someone knowing and understanding the real you.
Have you ever smoked weed: Yes
Skinny-dipped: Yes
Saved your chat conversations: Yahoo archives's great.
If you could do anything to the one person that you hated the most what would it be: I don't hate anyone.
Which do you prefer mud or jello wrestling: Jell-o sounds kinda fun…and I mean…it can be licked off. I‘m game.
Thunderstorms cool or scary: Both
IF you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be: My grandma (my real grandma...not Dustin)
How many rings before you answer phone: Usually two
What's on the walls in your room: Posters, pictures, quotes, hats, more pictures.
Would you ever ask a guy for the shirt off his back: Not if I didn't really need it.
Do you eat the stems of brocoli: Do I eat brocoli? Yuck!
Rollercoasters, scary or fun: Both
If you could get a tattoo what would it be and where: Well, since I‘ve got my sun, moon and stars on my leg now….I‘m all about my fairy on my right boob.
Pick a song that describes yourself or that you can relate to: Incomplete by um…I think it‘s Joe? Maybe not…I dunno.
Do you wear a watch: Sometimes.
When I die I want to come back as: Someone else.
One pillow or two: I'm thinking more along the lines of three or four...right now it's four.
What's better e-mail or chat: Definitely chatting...
Cats or dogs: No thanks, we just ate
Favorite person: My daddy
Favorite Food:Campbell's chicken noodle soup, Homemade mashed potatoes, and turkey.
What do you do to relax: Play online, read, play pool, swim, listen to soft rock, play in the snow, try to sleep, sit outside.
Can you close your eyes and picture yourself with kids: Scary enough, I can, but not right now. I need things first. Job security, a man, a house, job security...oh yeah..I already said that. Well, can't ever have enough of that.
Nationality: I'm American. Irish too, I think. Hell I don't know.
Do you get along with your parents: Really well with my dad, working on it with my mom.
Favorite Relative: My daddy
Siblings: Mark, 31 and Eric, 25
Favorite Flower: daisies
Favorite Number: Eight
Favorite Tv Shows: Days of our Lives, Frasier, Room Raiders, The Real World, 7th Heaven, South Park, The Golden Girls
Favorite Actor: Tom Hanks, Sylvester Stallone
Favorite Actress: Julia Stiles, Gabrielle Union
Favorite Magazine: JANE
Favorite Author: Janet Evanovich
Favorite Book: The Accident by Todd Strasser. I‘ve read it so many times, the pages are all worn and the cover has fallen off.
Favorite Soundtrack: Dazed and Confused
Favorite Music Video: Letters From Home, John Michael Montgomery
Favorite c.d.: Twiztid: Freek Show, Bowling for Soup: Drunk enough to Dance, and Kenny Chesney's Greatest Hits.
Favorite Villian: Sami on Days of Our Lives
Favorite Salad Dressing: Salad? *blech*
Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Vanilla
Favorite Holiday: New Years.
Have you ever broken the law: Yes.
Have you ever thought you were going to die: A couple times
What's the most embarassing thing you've done recently: So Jenny and Darren decided to stop by George‘s and left pretty quick…..omg, I KNEW I heard someone on the steps.
Have you ever cheated on a test: Just how do you think I graduated? Everyone's done it once, or tried to.
Have you ever lied: Again, this is something that I think everyone's done at least once or tried to. hehe
Have you ever used swear words: Ooh...those are my favorite kind of words...trying to tone it down some now. More kids around me. Parental discretion advised.
Have you ever had a medical emergency: Not personally.
Do you believe in love at first sight: Lust, yes. Love,no. Love takes time to grow. Lust your just like...c'mon baby pull that mothafucka out and lemme see it...get's true...and it works!
Do you believe in luck: Yes
Chevy or Ford: As long as it runs, we ain't picky. But, if I have the choice, it's gonna be Chevy.
Nike or Adidas: Errrm...Wal-Mart
Gay or straight: I'm straight, thanks. Really, this is none of my business. You are who you are...not what you are. I love people all the same.
Abortion; are you pro-life or pro-choice: For myself, I'm pro-life...for everyone else I'm pro-choice..
Oranges or apples: Taste of apples, smell of oranges....why must I be complicated?! I know, I'm hopeless.
Tall or short: Short...but taller than me.. =)
Shampoo or conditioner: I opt to use both.
Tv or radio: You mean I have to choose? Guess it all depends. How did people ever survive without these two things?
Pen or pencil: Depends on what I'm doing...
What do you notice first about the opposite sex...honestly: Personality.
Do you consider yourself non-romantic, semi-romantic, hopeless romantic: Hopeless. (I know this answer just shocked someone)
What do you hate most about the opposite sex: I love them so much I hate them..or hate them so much I love them...ack..they confuse me too.
When was the last time you cried: a week or so ago.
When was the last time you watched Bambi: I don't know. I was 6 or so...I really don't remember much except for the ma dying, I cried.
When was the last time you ate pizza: Had pizza from BP the other day for lunch
When was the last time you punched something: I punched Melvin earlier, but it was a fake punch. I haven‘t really punched anything since, a couple weeks ago when I was crying….punched a locker at work.
If you could streak in front of anyone's house whose would it be: I don't know...that's kind of a kinky question don't you think?
What's your favorite line from a movie:
"That‘s all you got lady, two wrong feet and fucking ugly shoes“ Julia Roberts, Erin Brockovich

What are you obsessed with: I collect quotes...from everywhere, movies, friends, the net, magazines, just everywhere. I think I watched Big Girls Don't Cry...They Get Even! too much when I was younger, ah...who'm I kidding...I still watch it.
What do you collect:Quotes, suns, moons, stars, .
What's your favorite Adam Sandler movie: Big Daddy
What's your favorite Adam Sandler C.D.?: What the hell happened to me?!
Guys with or without hats: Does this really matter?
Loudest people you know: Nathan, Shaylah, Jessica C., Gloria, Kyle, Jessi Bo Bo, and myself.
Expression you heard the most while you were in school: You have something to share with us?
Last 3 movies you saw in a theatre: Freddy Vs. Jason, Bad Boys II, and American Wedding.
Last movies you watched at home: Erin Brockovich, Darkness Falls, and The Pirate Movie
Do you have any piercings: My right ear is pierced 4 times and my left is pierced 3..and my tongue is pierced once.
Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork: I didn't know chicken had fingers.
Most humiliating moment: Hard to choose...I've had so about the numerous times I forgot how to walk in school. My brothers graduation was probably the worst though, I fell down like 18 steps and hit some old guy in the head.
When was the last time you got any real mail: Well in the last two weeks I‘ve gotten two letters from my psycho ex in prison….other than that…nothing new.

And now you're probably scared. It's ok to be scared. I would be too.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004 at 3:23 a.m.