Just my daily thoughts...nothing too important.

*****Whoooooha! Yesterday I enjoyed the most exhilarating WWE LIVE. I went with Danielle, Corey, Kenny, and two of Corey's little friends. Yeah, so now...we're definitely getting front row seats to something. That up there is JOHN CENA...word life. hehe..he's hott!! Really hott! Actually he kinda looks like a guy that we used to work with. Only thing is that guy barely had muscles, had a pretty bad drug problem, and was about as big 'round as my arm. Skinny little shit or not, I'd like to talk to Jim sometime.
*****More importantly than wrestling right now, was another event of yesterday; the breaking news of the US capture of Saddam Hussein. This mofo should've been killed when we had the chance all those years ago when I was in grade school. I had a penpal back then from the Gulf War, Jim Hernandez; wonder whatever happened to him. He was the shit! He sent Jeff and I boxes home from Saudi Arabia with the meals that you heat in the sand, and I got a rain parka. Jeff got a lot better stuff than I did. That kinda made me jealous..ah..I was a stuffy little 4th grader. I hope that Jim and Jeff are both doing well now, seeing as I don't have contact with either of them. Hopefully this means that our soldiers will be coming home soon. I know there's a lot of work still to be done in Iraq...but hey..if our troops can be home for Christmas that's just how it should be.
*****Yes, I know...I missed a few days. Well, today, as we all know...is Christmas. Yeee haw! Yay. Just what I'm not in the mood for. I guess this year I'm a bit of a Scrooge. I don't know how to have a good Christmas though, when my friend's son is in the hospital and they don't know when he's coming home...and we were just informed that we're going to be outta a job come January 19th. Yeah...so I'm not in the mood.

*****So I missed more than a few days...it's not like anyone actually reads this anyhow. Right? Which means I'm talking to myself. Ah..anyhow. How about that halftime show eh? Totally planned, in my opinion. The Jackson's are such a controversial family anyhow...how could they let such an important night go by without trying to get some sort of publicity? I tell ya...what people will do for the almighty buck...it's pathetic.
*****And this whole thing with Michael Jackson...oh where to start. He should have been locked up a long time ago. How many little kids do you have to molest before you get locked up as you deserved to be. And the parents who still send their kids to Never Never Land parties..ARE YOU OUTTA YOUR FREAKING MIND!?!? What the hell is wrong with you. Knowing how many allegations are against him now and in the past...how could you let your child go and stay there...regardless of whether or not you stayed in another house on the grounds. That's A-1 parenting for ya right there...I feel bad for the kids though, one that they have to go through that; and two that their parents are such idiots! That's enough for me. No more questions.
*****I nearly forgot how much fun it was to go out with friends and play pool and drink and fuck around instead of staying in and working our way into a drunken stupor. Not that we don't have a great time doing that too, but ya know what I mean guys. Who ever knew we could fit that many people into Lacey's car? We're definitely going to have to go out more often...lol. I found a rather interesting article in my email a few days ago. I recommend reading it. Being 20 Something Myself, being 20 something, it's something that I can definitely relate to. If anyone knows who wrote it, please let me know. I'll give them credit. Oh yeah...AIRGUNNERS ROCK! .
*****So...here we are again, like a month later. Hey! No one said this would be an everyday thing...who has time to update their homepage anymore eh? News, news...ooh..news! Wrestlemania 20...Where it all Begins Again....SUCKED ASS! I mean, like the only cool parts were..Lesnar and Goldberg getting stunned by THE MAN...The REAL Undertaker and that fatass Paul Bearer coming back...did anyone else notice that the followers were on fire?! Oooh yeah...and WAY TO GO BENOIT!!!!!!! Hell yeah..literally..screamed at the t.v. for Triple H to tap...everyone laughed at me. I don't care, Chris Benoit was the most deserving winner last night...aside from Eddie..and Eddie didn't even have to cheat, or steal...just lie! Speaking of cheaters, John Cena...used the knucks on the Big Show...ah well...he's still hot. He may have gotten him on another FU though if he'd have just tried, without the knucks, I mean. I 'bout had to laugh at him when he was all like stunned because Big Show kicked out. Christian and Trish...W T F ?! I'm not sure I understand that goofy shit...but I won't go there. Bobby Heenan...Mean Gene Okerlund..Harley Race..Tito Santana..Greg the Hammer...it's been YEARS since I've heard any of those names...was like walking into my childhood..listening to my grandpa scream at the t.v. Pete Rose...WTF was that? He couldn't make it into the Baseball hall of fame...so we let him in the wrestling one? Wasn't Shane's baby the cutest thing in the world...well...next to Shane...'cause Shane O'mac...he's scrumptious..mmmhmmm. OH MY GOD....how'd I forget this...Anyone other than me and my friends notice how extremely LARGE the Taker's tongue is...omg...I bet Sara is a happy happy woman...and that's all I have to say about that.
*****So my initial plan yesterday was to go get disgustingly drunk after something didn't go the way I'd hoped...but I decided it wasn't worth it. I'd rather have you as a friend than nothing at all Tony. Seriously...well that's good for today. .
So I got my apartment back and I'm overjoyed. Things have really taken a turn for the better. I have a great boyfriend who I'm in love with totally. I can't even imagine my life without George. He can make me feel good just by being near me. I just got my 3 month evaluation at work and I'm going to be getting a quarter raise....so I'm all about that. It's all about the green baby. I've been working Saturdays painting and stuff. But I guess we're not working this Saturday. Friday was a volunteer day....and I volunteered NOT to work. I have wayyyyyy too much stuff to get done around my apartment. Ha...so why you ask am I updating my homepage when I could be doing some of that stuff...why indeed! Toodles.
