I don't work for McDonalds anymore..thank God, but this page is just too good to be my here's how it happened.
In the beginning...

About two weeks ago we were asked if we wanted to be in a contest telling why McDonald's has been a fun and rewarding job. This helped me add to my already in motion idea of making a page telling why working at McDonald's is a pain in the are some things that still amaze me that people can actually be this stupid, lazy, or whatever other word I can think of...*lol*


The little redheaded bitch..(otherwise known as Kochina or Katrina) It never fails to amaze me how much of a heartless bitch you really can be.
Crazy Van you think you could learn how to cook sometime soon?!?!?
People who come through the drivethru and specify that their order is "to go"....ARE YOU SURE?!?
People who order 49 cent cheeseburgers without the cheese...Are you that fucking cheap?
The guy who comes through and refuses to admit that a hamburger with cheese is indeed a cheeseburger...
People who come through the drivethru 2-3 minutes before we close and order a shitload of food
People who say "Hang on, I can't see your sign from here"....Like McDonald's hasn't had the same stuff for 40 years!
People who have band booster supersizing cards and refuse to take the upsizing because " says supersize"
When the people that you've corrected about the supersizing before come in and you ask them what size meal they would like get snotty and say "Well whatever I can get with the card"
People who come in and tell stupid the one about the cereal killer that killed Cap'n Crunch and Tony the Tiger..*heheheduh!*
People with groups of screaming kids that don't know what they want
People who sit in the drivethru taking their sweet ass time ordering and we're getting bitched at because our drivethru times are sky-high
The red-headed ditz (Not to be confused with the red-headed bitch)
People who order a basic or small hamburger or cheeseburger...what do you think this is..White Castle?
People who order food at the counter and go sit down expecting you to bring it to them...would you like us to eat it for you too?
People who purposely leave their trash on the tables, knowing that you saw them do it and can't say anything about it.
People who empty stuff in our drivethru lane. Like you can't wait 4 seconds after you get your food to pull up and at least attempt to put it in the trash can!
People who hold their hand out the window waiting for their change
People who don't reply when you say thank you have a nice day WELL FUCK YOU TOO!
Little old ladies that threaten to beat up the drivethru person because she's too dumb to realize that on Wednesdays the cheeseburgers are 49 cents...but they ARE the same cheeseburgers...
The lady that comes in and gets 2 daily small meals with sprite and like 18 apple pies...
When pyschotic bitches back into the side of our building call the drivethru person a fucking asshole and tell me and my manager that we can stick the ice cream up our ass...PEOPLE LIKE YOU NEED THERAPY!!!
When trainees that don't know what the fuck they're talking about start telling you how to do your job.
People who are too dumb that getting food in the value meals might save them money even if it means throwing the fries away!
People who order the same thing every'd think they'd get tired of it.
When you put a handful of onion on Mrs. Hummel's hamburger and she says that you didn't put anything extra on it.
People who order hamburgers and ice cream, eat the ice cream first and a half hour later bitch because their hamburger is cold...DUH!!!
People who order supersized double quarter pounder meals with DIET COKE!!! I realize that some people are diabetic and cannot have sugar but can all that grease be good for you?!?
People who order senior drinks or small drinks because they can get 400 refills..
People who ask "What do you have on sale today" and then order the most expensive thing on the menuboard
People who come through the drivethru JUST to get water! I understand if your friend is in the drivethru or handout but some people just come JUST to get water..what you don't have water at home?
People who hand you 7 or more dollars in CHANGE and wait for you to count it out because "I think that's right..."
Crew making out in the breakroom...I realize that you two have been forbidden to see each other but none of us wanna see that either...sorry.
When drivethru or counter people hand out the wrong food and bitch because grill doesn't have it
When you ask people to wait and they start ordering anyway
When tell people it'll be just a minute after you've told them to wait once and they started anyway and they say "Well hurry the fuck up" We can hear you ya know...
When your co-workers CONSTANTLY ask you for cigarettes...IF YOU'RE GONNA SMOKE..SUPPORT YOUR HABIT!
When parents let their kids order for themselves and the noisy little shits don't know what the fuck they want
When parents get mad because we ask their kids to please leave their socks on to play in the playplace FINE BITCH...NEXT TIME YOUR KIDS CAN GET SOME NASTY FOOT FUNGUS!
When Jackoff Jimmy and Onion Woman come in and fight about her catching him jacking off in the E-Z boy and him not cleaning it up..C'MON..YOU GUYS ARE LIKE 70 YEARS OLD...WE DON'T WANNA HEAR ABOUT IT!
The cigarettes that magically disappear from the breakroom...
The lady that keeps insisting that we should put up a sound wall so that we don't have to have people pull to the second window when there's a train coming. DO YOU SUGGEST WE BUILD IT OVER THE WHOLE FUCKING TOWN OR WHAT?
The guy that yelled at Jeremy for asking if he could take his order..
People who don't understand that they are not our only priority


Please add any comments or questions in the guestbook...Thanks!
P.S. Even though I don't work there anymore...a lot of friends of mine still do. So you never know...this page may grow again. lol

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