....the bad influences in my life....

Hi. Welcome to my Offline Friends Page. As most of you know, I don’t get around to updating this page much. So any problems you find with this page..uhh...let my secretary know. hehe.

First off, I wanna say that I feel so blessed to have you all in my life. I do not know what I would do without you. I once read that “many people will walk in and out of your life, but a precious few leave footprints in your heart.” I’ve lost more than a few good friends in my life, and I was hoping not to lose anymore...but now I'm beginning to wonder. I think it's about time we all grew up and started living our lives for ourselves..especially those of us over the age of 18.

In no particular order...

Stacy: We’ve been best friends forever. I wish we got to spend more time together now but hey, that’s life. Don’t ever forget me. I know that I’ll never forget you and all the fun that we had growing up. Like “homemade whiskey” that turned out just to be sand and stick water, proclaiming that we were going to marry Les and Jimmy, Les’s “head” quarters, playing kickball with the people at the end of the street, floating down the street in our inner tubes when it was flooded, watching the cops every weekend at Les’s house, all those fights we got in over STUPID stuff, when Ryan W. came to your house and I chased him around because he was a hottie (what did I know…I was like 8), going to the gas station every day for Tootsie Pops and hanging out at Peggy‘s. Then as we got older there was more…like Joe and Travis and the night from hell, the infamous Escort that you destroyed, you having no people skills and us bickering like two little old ladies, me always standing up to your boyfriends if they said something to you that irritated me…bring him on…I could take Ryan! Thank you for a lifetime of memories. Take care of yourself and I'll be waiting here to have fun with when you get back from Mexico...I love you Nay Nay. WHOOT WHOOT!! You're back...and I'm soo happy!

Sha-Nelle: If I wouldn’t have broken my arm in the fourth grade…I’d probably still think you were a bitch. But since I did break my arm and you complained constantly about having to carry my books…now you’re stuck with me. Although we haven’t been friends as long as Stacy and I have, we’ve still got just about as many memories and if you don’t like it “You can pack your shit and move to your dads!”, wanna go toilet paper Lea’s house, drink Miller and OJ, hide in the trees, or make mashed potatoes at 4 a.m., or we could always steal your mom’s car? We need to pack it up and head on down to Memphis and try to find that hottie that I lied about my age to. I know, I know, you just keep me around for entertainment because I’m a crackhead. Remember J.R. and Phyllis the lesbian?, all the fun we had at Mamaw’s and Bud’s. putting your name on your car, blowing your car up, Kibbles ‘n bits and bits and no more bits, Momma…where my chicken at?, when my brother tried to hit on you, That one guy that we met on North street…you know when I was going out with Stevie…what was his name…umm..Bobby!, Cherie and how we waited to hear from her and never did, Gateway, getting our nails done, going shopping, that HOT waiter at the restaurant in Muncie we were never supposed to go to by ourselves. “Shut the door Amy, hey…was that Amy ?” Oh geez….what about the gold in Nevada…know what I’m saying? Playing basketball at 3 o’clock in the morning and your mom coming out and yelling at us, the way you gag at about everything gross that happens in movies. I love you Shel.

Eby: Sometimes I think you’re the only person I can talk to about things. You are wise beyond your age. I’ll never forget when you got your hair permed just to be like me. lol. I really enjoy embarassing you in front of the guys you think are hot that come into work. You know like the Biddlestone’s guy, or the GAY truck driver, Hanson freaks, or Aaron. UPDATED: 9-13-03...Babes...all I can say today is OOOOOWWWWWW! Ack..you got more balls than I Ames. Never change...for anyone!

Lisa: Lots of memories to choose from here too. I’ve know you forever. It seems like you’ve been my friend since like birth. Remember playing “The egg, wolf, and storekeeper”, the lamest game in existance?, and what about the time I cut my hair and you had to fix it and I had like half an inch of bangs. I know that you and Clete are going to be very happy for a long long time. See…I told you he’d finally come around. You don’t think I let him cheat off of me all through school for nothing did you?…I had to get some kind of inside information on who he wanted to be with.

Stephanie: I don’t really remember when or how we became friends, but I’m really glad that we did. All I know is that we’ve fought over more boys than me and any of my friends. And look…they’re all JERKS! I know you’re still making fun of me for when I was at Stacy’s slumber party and got scared watching Friday the 13th so I hid under my blanket, but I know you’re still laughing about what we did to Susan when she fell asleep, I know I am. You were my sidekick in Industrial Tech our freshman year…we both failed and forged our parents names to drop the class but the school never knew. Remember Ducky and how mean we were to her…putting that picture of a penguin in her locker….geesh… we were mean…ah well. She deserved it. Don't ever forget to watch for DUCK CROSSING signs.

Armando: Who’s my favorite Jew? I love you baby and I can't wait to see you again. You are prolly one of my bestest friends. Even if you are Bin Laden's son...hehe..I'll always be your jew..and don't you forget it!

Danielle: I loooove you Danielle!! You know I only pick on you because you're one of my favorites.*wink wink* I'm always here if you need me. You should come hang at my place...everyone else does. lol. Thanks for always making me laugh by saying something stupid to insult someone. Someday things are going to work out great for you...I know what you're doing...don't roll your eyes at me girly! Ack..it's good to know that someone is trained to act and talk just like me if anything ever happens to me..you know...like..if I get thrown in jail for oh...let's say...contributing...ack...anyway..love you D.

Matt Kov: Thanks for always giving me good advice when I need it. You've been there for me through some heavy stuff...you know Billy and all that other stuff. I don't know how you put up with my whiny ass sometimes. Thanks for everything and I special thank you for leaving me the "presents" tonight...you'll never know how much they mean to me. Long live the SHIT BANDIT and that book that doesn't exist!

Kyle: I know sometimes I'm bitchy...and you know that sometimes you're REALLY annoying..but you know what..I really had a lot of fun this summer. It was nice having a roommate for a while. But now...I would like you to leave. =P hehe..joking. No, but seriously...get out. And I hope you fall off a cliff in the middle of the OSU campus.

Luci: I don't know what to say...but since I was never your friend to begin with I guess I shouldn't have to say anything. The new addition to my homepage should be something familiar for you. It's that pathetic letter that you left in my mailbox. Whaaaaa. Cry me a freaking river. I don't have any regrets for the things that I've done. I don't live my life regretting things. I make my decisions and if they come back to kick me in the ass, so be it. I'm not looking for attention, I'm out to have fun.

Tyler: I love you TZ! Remember where you're supposed to be the day you turn 18! =)

Zach: You are a trip dude...and you know what I'm talking about. I miss you lots and wish you were here...I'll talk to you soon though. Love you.

You are...
My friend,
             my companion,
             through good times and bad
             my friend,
             my buddy,
             through happy and sad,
             beside me you stand,
             beside me you walk,
             you're there to listen,
             you're there to talk,
             with happiness,
             with smiles,
             with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there, throughout the years!

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