-=online friends=-

Hello...and welcome to my Online Friends page! I'm updating this page on Monday, December 15th, 2003 because it's been forever. That, and most of the people that were on this page to begin with...I haven't talked to in like at least a year. First and foremost there are a few...that just HAVE to be here, and they're my friends from Coolchat. Back when Coolchat was fun we invaded the Singles Chat room, too bad now, NO ONE goes there and it's all used for cybering and stuff..ack!

Enjoy =)

Papa P:
Jon...I love you. You can make me laugh when no one else can. I'm really glad that you and I met in Coolchat so long ago and that we still talk now. I don't know how I would have gotten through some things without being able to hear your voice. You are my rock..scary eh? In time, I know that everything will work out for you and someday you're going to make some lucky girl very very happy. Can't wait til you get your stuff together so I can talk to you and Brandon again ON the phone. Love ya, mwah!.

Screamer, Jj, Jeremy:

You know what time of the year it is...drumroll please...lmao..YELLOW SNOW! We had some good times with that didn't we? I get to talk to you now more than anyone else from Singles...so I don't know if I should feel sorry for you...or if you should feel priveledged...hmmm..yep..priveledged..that's good =P Thanks for everything Jer, listening to me whine and complain, and just listening to me period...I know it's a hard job sometimes, but you're hired! And thanks for directions whenever I go to Indy. I'd be lost without ya.

I think you poked my eye out! hehe...even though you're one of the biggest smartasses I know and I hate you about half the time, you're still my friend. I hope everything is going good for you since it's been a while since I talked to ya.

Hey girl..you's the only girl on this list! Always keeping the boys company...even on my page. LOL - what can I say...you're awesome! There's a great plan for you. Someday it's going to become very clear. Keep rockin' girl.

Fishiehead Hi..thanks for listening when it matters, you know what I mean. =P

Goo-Goo Hiyas gf! I have lots of fun causing trouble with you in the mornings...hell...what am I talking about..we cause trouble no matter what time of day it is...hehe

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