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The ney flute is made from a wild cane named "Arundo Donax"
Links to Arundo Donax.
Some Pics. and growing info
Pure text
Other Link
The top of the flute is the lower part of the cane. Canes are wider at the base and thinner at the top. The mouthpiece goes at the wider part (the base of the cane when planted).
The cane for a turkish style ney should have 9 sections as in the picture. This picture ilustrates the positions of the holes in the cane in relation to total length.
(Click on the picture to enlarge it).
There are small corrections to this proportions but this is enough for a first try.
You can start without a mouthpiece choosing a cane with about 17 mm inner diameter where you are going to blow.
It's not easy at all finding a cane that meets all the measurments required.
Thanks to Fred Stubs for much of the information I've put here.
He made a thesis on Ney building from which I got much of this info.