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Meet The Three

On Saturday, August 11th, 2001, we brought home three baby boys.

The Baby


This is Impulse Bartholomew Allen (born June 6th, 2001), named after the superhero with the most energy and shortest attention span. Impie has been a ball of fire from day one when he kept trying to get the lid off of his box while we drove him home. He also has yellow eyes, like his namesake.

The Twins

Ranger and Shaman (Born April 22, 2001)
"Stay behind me, Chief. Chief? Chief! Hey! Get back here!"


This is Shaman Satchmo Blair, named for the anthropologist in The Sentinel. Shaman is the more outgoing, talkative twin, and he may turn out to be the smaller of the two.
"Jim: (translates) He passes over the way of the shaman to you. He wants you to guide me to my animal spirit."

Jim to Blair (translating Incacha'a last words) WARRIORS - The Sentinel


This is Ranger Sparks Ellison, named for the cop in The Sentinel. Ranger is shy and quiet, but definitely the action hero type.
"Blair: (picks up a picture from the ground) Take a look at this. Jim's old army ranger unit."
Blair to Joel SECRET - The Sentinel

Tail of Two Kitties

Shaman shows Impulse the propeller ears trick


"Boy, don't you HATE when people just take off and do whatever they feel like?
What?! What'd I say?"
- Impulse, Young Justice #5

Lissie hugs Impie . . .and he's OFF!

Shaman, "I caught it!"

Can I have some??


Yum! Yum! Yum! It's good to be spoiled!

Okay fold your paws. Good. Now I lay me, down to sleep . . .

Shaman and Impulse, 8/20/01

Shaman and Impulse, 8/20/01
Brotherly Love

Cat IN the bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cat OUT of the bag
Shaman, 8/22/01

Impie sitting pretty

Ranger and Impulse, 8/22/01
Couch potatoes

Ranger is KING of the Chair!

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