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Fan Fiction

DC and Marvel Comics Fan Fiction


Bedtime by Michka-A PrePrequel to Fraternity(No Slash)

Fraternity by Maverick (Dick/Tim)
IN Progress

Evolve or Die by Maverick and Michka (Bruce/Dick)
IN Progress

Knight of the King by Michka (Batman/Aquaman)

King for a Knight by Michka (Batman/Aquaman)
(sequel to Knight of the King)


"You Made Me Proud" by Michka - A Tempest Story (No Slash)

Son of the Sea - FINS by Michka - A Tempest Story (No Slash)


Scars - An Elseworlds Story by Maverick (No Slash)
A sequel to Life Among The Ruins by Dannell Lites

Other Fan Fiction Sites

The Batslash Archive

Valerie's X-Man Fan Fiction
The Titans Slash Archive
The Batman and Robin Adult Fanfiction
JC's Batslash Stories
The Incubator - eggblue's slashfic
FanFiction.Net - Batman
Fanfiction.Net - Nightwing
FanFiction.Net - Teen Titans
FanFiction.Net - X-Men
C-Fan: The Comic Book Fan Fiction Author's Network

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