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The following letter appeared in the Ann Arbor News’ Letter to the Editor section on March 27, 2000.

Do the right thing if you have a mean dog

This concerns the Feb.29 story about the Ikumas’dog. We had the same type of stituation with our dog Corkie.

Corkie was not a purebred, but he was still a great pet and dog to to us. He was sure a beautiful dog, but in the last year he was with us, he became very mean. When anybody came into the yard, he wanted them bad. Bad enough someday we would come home to find he had broken his chain.

My wife and I have worked hard for what we have. We could not afford a law suit or to see a child or meter reader get bitten. These people have a job to do. So, my wife and I did something that was very hard and had Corkie put to sleep. Why take all this time up in courts? Do the right thing, and if you want the paper delivered, the meters read and the mail delivered, five in and get a dog that has good behavior. Put Ato down.

Dave Hager
