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Dear Mr. Ed Petykiewicz:


The Ann Arbor News

We are Hiroshi and Seiko Ikuma who have lived in the City of Ann Arbor over 32 years and subscribed your news that many years.

On February 14, 2000, in the morning our attorney and we came to your office to submit our news release including the brief which were left to Kelly.

By taking this opportunity, we would like to mention a few things for your reference as follows:

1. Our case was appeared in your local pages 2 times, by Mr.John Barton with the headings “ Boy takes witness stand to describe vicious dog attack” on Dec.8,’98 and “Owner acquitted, but dog’s fate uncertain” on Dec. 15, ’98. We had not been contacted by Mr. Barton for these articles. Obviously, these articles were written without any fair and careful investigation and research of our side. In addition, Mr. Stephen Lapedis sent a letter to the Editor, “Judge should permanently rid of violent dog” on Feb. 22, 99. He does neither know us nor our dog at all. We have never known him. All we could presume is that Mr. Lapedis must be quite knowlegeable about the other's business and be very brave to write to you this slanderous article naming me. Many people (14 we know of) who know nothing about us and the true story of the case sent letters against us to the city prosecutor. This type of action may represent the so-called “American Democracy”, but it appeals to me as a lynching mob approach as the Nazi’s took.

2. I would appreciate if you would visit the website which our family friend David set up for further information. The email address is <>

3. As you may know, Mr. Joe Holtz of the circulation department testified twice at the 15th District Court twice on this case.

4. All court transcripts are available for the public.

Thank you for your attention and understanding on this matter.

Mrs. Seiko Ikuma (wife of Prof. Hiroshi Ikuma of the University of Michigan, Department of Biology)

3533 Frederick Dr.

Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Tel. (734) 662-5796
