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The Ann Arbor News

Sunday, March 12, 2000

Letters (to the Editor)

Why should court have death penalty for animals?

I am writing about the Feb. 29 article concerning the legal battle over the dog on the canine equivalent of death row. It disappoints me to know of the many who do not care about animal rights. There must be another solution to this problem besides death. Why do people see death to animals as something significantly less than the execution of a human life? It is still death.

I have not heard the case in its entirety, nor was I in the courtroom for the trial. Nevertheless, I cannot believe that after two years of evaluating the case, the city of Ann Arbor would still find death as the logical and moral way out.

I am pleased to learn of the Macomb County organization composed of lawyers interested in furthering protection for animals. In this particular case, the right of an animal to defend itself and its property should be respected. I regret that the young boy was hurt, but for Ato to die on the basis of his instinct is legally wrong, and most importantly, immoral.

Enough animals are put to sleep at the Huron Valley humane Society every day. Why add to the numbers? There is no death penalty in Michigan for humans, why should there be one for animals?

Amy R. Mellow

Ann Arbor