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Save Ato.......!! SAVE ATO/OTTO
Here a reaction to Ann Arbor News, Ms. Cobbs, on how this newpaper is reporting about Ato and the Ikumas. See further below the reaction from Ann Arbor News ( Ed Petykiewicz; You must be a local reader...... Besides, just see the inaccuracy ......Mr. Petykiewicz, the news editor,  replies to Ms. Cobbs.....his reporter. Moreover he suggests that he had published numerous letters expressing support for Ato !
Well, come on Mr. Ed them to your readers !

Subject: Your Letter from Dr. Robert Nixon
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 13:00:29 EDT

Dear Ms. Cobbs,

I have sent several letters to you (and/or your newspaper)  over the past few months expressing my support for Dr. and Mrs. Hiroshi Ikuma and their dog, Ato, who have been the objects of a smear campaign in the media, from all that I have read.  None of my letters have been published.  I am wondering why.  Is it because I live in Atlanta, Georgia, and people in Ann Arbor would not care to know my opinion?  Is it because you have received too many letters of support for Ato and not enough letters calling for his death?  I have been a regular reader of the Ann Arbor News on the Internet since I learned of the injustice brought about by the assistant city attorneys in Ann Arbor.  I was planning on a long letter to you, when I happened upon a copy of the excellent letter sent to you by Dr. Robert Nixon of Peotone, IL. 
After reading his letter in detail, I realized he had captured exactly what I felt and wanted to say.  So I will just let you know that I would like you to read again Dr. Nixon's letter and then please read my name at the end of it.  Like Dr. Nixon, I can't help but wonder why your paper has been so "one-sided" in its reporting.  Always quoting assistant attorney Bob West, as though he was the oracle, possessor of all truth and knowledge, which of course, is far from the truth.  I think Mr. West's ego is so caught up in this case that he is determined to kill Ato despite all of the facts.  Were he the city attorney for Atlanta, I would personally lead a petition drive to 
have him removed from office.  What a disgrace to the city of Ann Arbor. 
Please in any future articles about Ato, present a factual, unbiased, account or none at all.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Michael G. Chapman, 
Atlanta, Georgia 

And here the reply Mike Chapman received from AA News.........

Subject: RE: Your Letter from Dr. Robert Nixon
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 08:06:56 -0400
From: Ed Petykiewicz <>
To: "''" <>

Ms. Cobbs: Our space for letters to the editor largely is reserved for local readers. In this case, we have published numerous letters expressing support for Ato, and concluded there was no need to add redundant opinions for points far and wide.
