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Save Ato.......!! SAVE ATO/OTTO

The files which can be accessed here present, next to Police Reports and Alert, the Facts. From the beginning on the Ikumas received a bad press (eg. Ann Arbor News ) and there is a strong believe that this is deliberately orchestrated against them. As you will learn when reading the police reports, alert and further observations and comments the Newtons all the time insisted in having Ato euthanized ! A vendetta ?
On August 23, 1998, Ato bit Alex Newton, a 13 year old newspaperboy, who cracked the door, went into the house in order to deliver the newspaper. The newspaper was found neatly placed 5 feet inside the house, meaning that Alex Newton must have been in house! There the nightmare for Ato and his owners started. Coco and Roger Newton (Alex' parents) distributed in the neighborhood an Alert, with the request to the readers to react to the city attorney (R. West) for having Ato euthanized. In December 1998 a jury returned a not guilty verdict. The City sued the Ikumas in Civil Court then and Ato remained prisoned. That imprisonment became really abusive for both Ato and the Ikumas. Regular the Ikumas were locked up in Ato's cage and had to wait for the attendant, when wanting to leave. 
Horrific sounds of dogs being put to death were regular heared....
During the whole time, up to September 2000, the whole case was one powergame conducted by the assistant city attorney (R. West) and supported by the local newspaper "Ann Arbor News" and ruled by some judges, who did not take the time to investigate the case thoroughly in order to get a clear picture of the truth.
In the meantime we know that Ato, after having been on Death Row for near 23 months, has been liberated (during the night of the 16th. on the 17th. of July 2000) by an animal liberation movement. But the officials are still after him..they are obsessed in having Ato all means. Further here how the city of Ann Arbor is reacting against the 'concerned' supporters, who learned through 'Save Ato's webpages' about the case. The assistant city attorney, Robert West, describes the websites as a lie....Click "West versus Ato".

Facts as reported by the Ikumas Police Reports and Alert ...West versus Ato

Ato's Questions Ato's Dream....a Poem

Below a coverage which appeared in Ann Arbor News. Further a number of reactions to the editor. The News Editor (Mr. Petykiewicz) is very selective in publishing......Even the Forum at Ann Arbor News is 'controlled'. A letter to the FREEP News Editor can be found here too. For more articles, which appeared in the press, please click Newsfiles.

Ann Arbor News coverage of the April 14 court hearing
Letter to the Ann Arbor News editor - 1
Letter to the Ann Arbor News editor - 2
Letter to the Ann Arbor News editor - 3
Letter to the Ann Arbor News editor - 4
Letter to the Ann Arbor News editor - 5
Letter to the Ann Arbor News editor - 6
Letter to the Ann Arbor News editor - 7
Letter to the Ann Arbor News editor - 8 !!!!
Ann Arbor News Forum, entry #831 !!!!
Letter to the FREEP News editor - 1

Feel free to write your comments on Ato's case to:
The Ann Arbor News Editor, Ed
The FREEP News

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Updated May 13, 2001