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May - June 2000

Writing A Petition

Updated: June 28, 2000

Ann Arbor, 27 June 2000 'Successful First Supporters Meeting'
To-day the first Ato Supporters Meeting in Ann Arbor took place. From quality point of view the meeting has been very successful. All attendances expressed very strong their supportive involvement and concern in the case and were extremely compentionate. Tears were seen as furious words heard. Constructive ideas, opinions were exchanged and an action plan elaborated. A leaflet will be completed very soon for further distribution all over the town. Attorney Mullins is in the process contacting the Consulate General of Japan in Detroit and evt. further the Embassy of Japan in Washington DC..
Next meetings for the Supporters group are scheduled on July, 18 and August , 1, 2000. 
Facts on Ato's case can be found at "Standby/Summary"and for writing protests see "Writing Protest"

Updated: June 20, 2000

Ann Arbor, 19 June 2000
After the very disappointing hearing on June 16, 200 at the Court house , where Judge Goodridge persisted in demanding Ato's execution, further steps against this unjustice are in preparation. One of the forthcoming events is the First Ato Supporters Meeting in Ann Arbor on June 27, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. (Amistad Community Church of God, 2730 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor ).
Ato's homepage has been updated and facts (complete review on the case) can be found at Standby/Summary. Further the list of "Writing Protest" has been updated too. E.g. included is now the address of the HSHV.  Please continue in writing your protests, incl. to the HSHV (e-mail:

Updated: June 17, 2000

First Ato Supporters Meeting in Ann Arbor, June 27, 2000 !
On Tuesday, June 27, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. a first meeting of the "Save Ato the Dog Support Group" is called. The meeting will take place at the Amistad Community Church of God, 2730 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor, MI. All persons are invited, far and near, who wish to assist with saving the life of Ato, and protecting and defending the civil rights of Dr. and Mrs. Ikuma. The intention is to solicit ideas for action locally and organize to combat the outrages that both Mr. and Mrs. Ikuma have been made to suffer.
More details and info to follow later.

Ann Arbor, 16 June 2000; "District Court Hearings about Ato"
On June 16th, 2000, 10:00 a.m. the hearings at the 15th. District Court of Ann Arbor were held. Both Judges, Connors and Goodridge, refused Attorney Mullins motions of their disqualifications. Judge Connors, stating he is heading the 15 judges in the Washtenaw County, concluded that Judge Goodridge is qualified.  Next Goodridge persisted in demanding the execution of Ato. Regardless of all facts presented by Attorney Mullins she is refusing a further trial. The  assistant prosecutor of the City of Ann Arbor, Bob West, stated during the court session that he had inquired many vets to euthanize Ato ! So far all vets were reluctant to euthanize Ato. Further he asked Goodridge to rule against the defendants. "In fairness to everyone involved I ask that this be concluded".
As soon as the court transcript will be available and studied Attorney Mullins will file another Motion to "Ato's Execution of Stay" to the Appeal Court of Michigan.

Its not easy for those judges to admit that they made wrong conclusions at earlier court sessions. Keep further in mind that election time is near. When these judges follow their "lawyers ethics" they should have disqualified themselves or at least have withdrawn themselves from the case.  How strong are they involved with their own personal emotions ?
Facts seem to be ignored again and not considered at all. No common sense in this juridical system.........
Please remain sending your protests.  You can find the facts on this case at Standby/Summary .
NL/Peter, June 17, 2000

Updated: June 15, 2000

Ann Arbor, 15 June 2000
On June 16th, 2000, 10:00 a.m. two hearings at the 15th. District Court of Ann Arbor will be held. One hearing deals with the Motion to have Judge Creal-Goodridge disqualified and since Judge Conners presides this hearing attorney Mullins will request to have Judge Conners removed (himself) from this case as well. Essentially for the same reason as for Judge Goodridge. A Motion against Judge Conners has been filed earlier. Judge Conners made at one of the previous hearings an interlocutory decision regarding the case, to wit that the Dog Law of 1919 could be used to kill Ato. When he ruled on the appeal to affirm the lower court, he was in essence affirming his own decision ! The appearance of biasness seems to be present.

Updated: June 10, 2000

Protests, 10 June 2000
The injustice against Ato and his owners continues. So far you did not read all about it on Ato's homepage listen here at the Mike Callagher Show on Ato's case  while surfing. Its observed that Ann Arbor News is ignoring the complete facts on Ato's case and not publishing Ato supporters' opinion, neither do they refer to Ato's homepage.  Feel free to contact this newspaper and provide them your opinion/comments, incl. the url of Ato's homepage ! (
The Ann Arbor News, 340 E. Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, U.S.A.
News Editor,Ed Petykiewics (734) 994-6870 ; 
Reporter Liz Cobbs:
On line letter to editor:
Other important authorities for your protests:
Abigail Elias, City Attorney' for The City of Ann Arbor , 100 N. Fifth Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48107, U.S.A.. Tel. + (734) 994-2670
Ingrid B. Sheldon, Mayor of the City of Ann Arbor, 100 N. Fifth Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, U.S.A.. Tel. + (734) 665-5893. E-mail:
Check for a complete list of addresses 'writing protests'.
Show the world that you completely disagree the way the city of Ann Arbor is acting against Ato and his owners, already for 22 months !

Ann Arbor, 9 June 2000
The City of Ann Arbor has filed a Motion for Judge Creal-Goodridge to clarify her euthanation order. Its scheduled for Friday, June 16, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. before Judge Conners. A Motion to disqualify Judge Conners has been filed by Attorney Mullins on June 9, 2000. The hearing for this Motion is foreseen to take place at the same date and time when reviewing Judge Creal-Goodridge's order in which she refused to remove herself from the case.

Updated: June 6, 2000

Various Sources, 5 June 2000
The voice that injustice is taking place against Ato and his owners is heard all over the world now. The support in favor of Ato is enormous, even in spite of some stalkers. Ato needs to be released immidiately. Even the Mike Callagher Show paid attention to the case on June, 5, 2000. Mike's conclusion is very clear ! Listen to that Mike's show through Mediaplayer here.
Continue in writing your protests to the authorities and media

Updated: June 2, 2000

Ann Arbor: 1 June 2000
Ato's Stay of Exceution became pending.........The reason for this is that Attorney  Ray Mullins disqualified Judge Julie Creal Goodridge with the ground that her decision was biased and prejudiced. She denied these...... 
Attorney Ray Mullins complained and asked to where he should make a motion of her disqualification.  Judge Goodridge requested Attorney Mullins to go to Chief Judge Elizabeth Hines, who was obviously out of the office................
Prior to the this 'incredible' Hearing Attrorney Ray Mullins filed a Complaint against the Human Society Huron Valley (HSHV), where Ato is sheltered.
The fight is not over...........please let hear your voice and sign Ato's guestbook (see below) and send your protest mails to the authorities and media. Keep in mind that Ato is now 'prisoned' 21 months, which is a time frame comparable with 15 years in prison for a human.....

Updated: June 1, 2000

Ann Arbor: 1 June 2000
To-day will be the big hearing in the 15th. District Court Of Ann Arbor .....for the sake of Ato ! Time:10:00 A.M. EDT.
Ann Arbor: 31 May 2000
Attorney Mullins has filed the Application for Leave to Appeal in the Court of Appeals. Further a lawsuit  has been filed against the City of Ann Arbor,the City Manager the Animal Control Officer , Alex Newton (newspaper boy) , his father Roger Newton and his mother.
The lawsuit alleges depivation of civil rights and its officials, trespass on the part of Alex Newton, defamation on the part of Roger and Coco Newton and Malicious on the part of the Animal Control Officer and the Newtons. Others are antipicated.......
See Standby/Summerypaper.

Ann Arbor: 30/31 May 2000; "Press Conference","Press Release","Standby Paper"
A Summary/Standbypaper by Attorney R. Mullins has been issued on Ato's Homepage. Present during the press conference (May, 30 ) were Ann Arbor News (see file ), Detroit Channel 50. Attorney Mullins gave a sound bite to WAAM, the local Radio Station. An interview with WAAM is foreseen on June, 1, 2000. Mr. Ikuma had an interview with Channel 7 last week. 

Updated: May 30, 2000

Ann Arbor: 30 May 2000
As a a press conference is taken place at Amistad Community Church, United Church of Christ, 2730 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor. Time: 3:00 PM EDT. 
Further a press release is expected in course of the day.
More actions are scheduled within the forthcoming days ! 
Please check regular Ato's homepage..........

Ann Arbor: 26 May 2000
Attorney Mr. Ray Mullins has filed a Motion to Disqualify Judge Julie Creal Goodridge.
This Motion will be held at the same time as the Motion to Continue the Stay of Ato, i.e. Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. (see update Ann Arbor 19- 22 May 2000 below).

Updated: May 24, 2000

Ann Arbor: 24 May 2000
A press conference, for the sake of Ato and against the ongoing unjustice, is scheduled on Tuesday, May 30, 2000 , 3:00 p.m. EDT by Attorney Mr. Ray Mullins .
Place: Amistad Community Church, United Church of Christ, 2730 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor.
Rev. Herbert Lowe, a long time civil rights activist is the pastor.  He has consented for the use of his church.
All who are interested to learn about the truth are kindly invited to be present.

Ann Arbor: 23 May 2000
The Ann Arbor News has published an article on Ato' s case written by Liz Cobbs. The complete article can be found on "Save Otto's"  homepage at Ann Arbor News 5/23/00. Comments can be found their as well. 
For any comments  on the content of that article please react directly to:
The Ann Arbor News Editor, Ed Petykiewicz: 
 Reporter, Liz Cobbs :
The fight is not over......raise your voice against this unjustice !

Updated: May 22, 2000

Ann Arbor: 19-22 May 2000
Hearing before Judge Julie Creal Goodridge on June 1,2000
On Thursday, June 1 at 10:00 a.m. a hearing will be held in the 15th. District Court Of Ann Arbor before Judge Julie Creal Goodridge (See update May 21, 2000).
All supporters are invited to be present.
Your reactions, comments, etc. on this unfair issue against Ato and his family can be addressed to;
Honor Julie Goodridge
15th. District Court Judge
Washtenaw, State of Michigan
County Courthouse
101E. Huron St., P.O. BOX 8650
Ann Arbor, MI. 48107-8650
Tel. number: U.S.A. (+) 734-994-2740 ;FAX NUMBER: (+) 734-994-2617
* Be consicous, polite and direct on your concern and protest ! Include your name and address.
The fight is not over......raise your voice against this unjustice !

Updated: May 21, 2000

Ann Arbor: 19 May 2000
A motion to stay execution of Ato pending appeal and other relief was filed in the 15th District Court of Ann Arbor.  A hearing will be held on Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. before Judge Julie Creal Goodridge. Supporters are invited to be present at this hearing !
The motion is designed to keep Ato alive until the appellate process has been exhausted and to attain better living conditions for him.
Next week, an Application for leave to Appeal the recent decision of Judge Conners, which affirmed the Judge Goodridge's order to euthanize Ato will be filed in the Michigan Court of Appeals.
The fight is not over.....your support is still needed !

Updated: May 17, 2000

Ann Arbor: 12 May 2000
Mr. Mullins, the attorney of Mr. and Mrs. Ikuma, received a copy of Judge Connors' Opinion and Order regarding their appeal.
The appeal has been affirmed !!!!
As a consequence the Order provides to the family to secure the euthanization of Ato.........
Obviously judge Connor considered the issue raised by attorney Perkins only.
The fight is not over............
An appeal will be filed with the Court of Appeals.............


The fight is not over and your support is more then needed ! Raise your voice......against unjustice.

Ann Arbor's CITY CODE !!!!
Pull down Chapter 107 to Animals.
Withdraw your conclusions on justice .........!!!!!!!!


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Ann Arbor's Mission;
Our Mission: The City of Ann Arbor is committed to providing excellent municipal services that enhance the quality of life for all through the intelligent use of our resources while valuing an open environment that fosters fair, sensitive and respectful treatment of all employees and the community we serve.
(passed by City Council on Monday, March 3, 1997)

The Mission of the Washtenaw County Trial Court;
To provide opportunities for people and organizations to obtain the peaceful resolution of public and private disputes in a fair, efficient, and timely manner.

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