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Save Ato, Wright a Petition

Please help saving Ato's life in writing a petition !!!

  • Imagine a chow chow, called Ato, being on death row now for near 2 years.......
  • Imagine someone invades your home and your dog (read Ato ) chases the invader out of your home and, in doing so, bites the invader....(just in the butt...).
  • Imagine a judge, who applies Michigan's 1919 Dog Law in discreting to kill any dog that bites a person, regardless of reason and so orders the execution of the dog (read Ato ).
  • Imagine a judge, who could apply the more current law, the Dangerous Animal Act, which establishes standards for killing animals that bite.
  • Imagine a professional canine trainer, who tested the temperament of the dog and stated that the dog (read Ato ) should not be destroyed. A testimony which is ignored.
  • Imagine a City, called Ann Arbor, who might be succesfull in killing dogs (and so Ato !), who do nothing more then protecting their house.
Ato has been wrongfully condemned to death. When you are concerned with this case please view the petiton below;copy/print the text, fill in your name, address, etc. and send it to Save Ato the Dog, P.O. Box 130825, Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0825, U.S.A..For your convenience you can download the text in Word format by clicking here (petition).
Sending this petition is not limited to the citizens of Michigan only. Please react from all over the world !!!! 
Click for important (e-mail) addresses here.

Save Ato the Dog
P.O. Box 130825
Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0825

We the undersigned are concerned about the legal action taken by the City of Ann Arbor against
Dr. Hiroshi and Mrs. Seiko Ikuma and their dog Ato.
We object to:

1. The courts permitting the trial of Seiko Ikuma on the issue of the dangerousness of Ato
    after a jury by way of a not guilty verdict, found that Ato was not vicious; and
2. The Courts using Michigan’s Dog Law of 1919 to kill Ato, instead of the controlling 
    Dangerous Animals Act of 1988, which prohibits his destruction.
This action by the City of Ann Arbor, if successful, establishes a bad precedent and endangers our pets,
friends and often our protectors.
Dogs provide companionship as well as security. If the City of Ann Arbor prevails in their attempt to kill Ato,
our dogs, by biting a trespasser, attacker or intruder in the cause of protecting our property and/or us, 
might be killed in the same manner.
Therefore, we petition the Mayor, City Council, and administration of the City of Ann Arbor to closely review 
the activities of the Attorney for the City of Ann Arbor, immediately, order a cessation of the prosecution 
of Mrs. Seiko Ikuma and permit the release of Ato and return to his loving home.

Date                 Name                   Signature        Address/City/Zip            RegisteredVoter(Yes/No)




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July,09, 2000