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The Poetry of...

Barry Arnold

Welcoming Barry to PP, who - despite displaying well-structured, flowing and rhythmic verse - does not believe himself to be a poet. More understandably, "I consider myself more a lyricist, playwright, and writer of fiction,"
A fifty-two year old native New Yorker, writer and designer, and currently living at the beach in Los Angeles, Barry's poetry certainly 'performs' for its audience, provoking thought and making sound personal points on the moment, as he explains:
"My background is Broadway theater and production of events like Times Squares' New Year's Eve Celebrations. 'For New York' was written while watching with horror my hometown under attack on September 11, 2001. 'Freedom's Light' was written a week later in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. 'For The Children' was written to commemorate the millennium."

He is optimistic, and yet realistic. Now read the words from the heart - to the heart...

A Soldier's Prayer

How still the night
How near the fear
What now may come
Is all but clear

The winds of war
The horrid heat
The smell of blood
All spell defeat
For those who love
Who pray for peace

What can we do
To save our souls
To find a place
Where hearts are whole?

Not torn by hate
Not filled with tears
Not lost within
The dreadful years
When children die
The young grow brave
And mothers cry
And vengeance craved
By hopeless dreamers
Filled with rage

What madness grips
The mind of Man
That makes us choose
To fight again
That take us to
The depths of hell
That fills the graves
With those who fell
For ancient grudges
Devils sell?

What good is war
When no one wins
When blood is spilled
And all our sins
Are strewn across
The fields again?

Now some would say
There's wrong and right
They'd rather die
They'd rather fight
That there is good
And there is bad
And though it might be
Very sad
We have no choice
The war's begun
And there are battles
To be won

But tell me
Have you ever heard
The echo of the soldiers' words
From the graveyards
Of the world?

Find a way
To live in peace
There is no solace
For our grief
If we had the chance again
We'd rather be alive than win

There's nothing to be
Gained or lost
The price we paid's
Too great a cost

The highest act of bravery
Is obvious for all to see
Discard the seeds
Of bigotry
Defeat our age old enemies

The world's a gift
For all to share
Love each other
Show you care

When you do
All war will cease
And everyone
Will live in peace

For New York

New York
New York
You're built on rock
Your heart is strong
You may be down
But not for long

New York
New York
City of power
Canyons of steel
Forever resilient
An American deal

New York
New York
People united
Hard as they come
Spirits unbroken
With work to be done

Up from the ashes
Ready to run
Let the world see your greatness
Shine proud in the sun
Your sons and your daughters
Have weathered the storm
Your future is waiting
A new day has dawned

From the blood of your martyrs
From the sweat of your brow
From the sorrowful smoke
That weeps from you now
A history's written
That shouts it out loud
You're stronger than ever
You make us all proud

New York
New York
We cry for you
New York

New York
New York
We sing to you
New York

New York
New York
We're proud of you
New York

New York
New York
Our love to you
New York

Freedom's Light

Lady Liberty weeps
Her torch held high
The shining light of freedom
Undimmed by scars of tyranny
Come to me she cries
The truth will conquer fear
Let not the demons blind you
No hate is welcome here

And in the light
A dove is seen
Flying toward the sun
New hope is born
For all to see
Our work has just begun

For in the light of liberty
Evil disappears
The past becomes the future
The way ahead is clear

Let loose the bonds
Of ancient ways
Find love within your hearts
Glory lies in brotherhood
Look beyond the stars

Our world is here for all to share
Right repairs the wrongs
The one true path
Is sympathy
Where all of us belong

There are no Gods
Of hate and wrath
There is no truth in fear
Release your souls from bondage
Listen and you'll hear
The gentle sounds of harmony
Whispering in your ear

For The Children

by Barry Arnold with Roy Hay

A new day is born
Our future begins
Now is the time
For all to look within

'Cause there's nothing to fear
This is our chance
To build a dream forever

We can do it
All together
For the love in our children's eyes

Sing for the children
Sing out for our future
We take this moment
To make this promise
You shall have tomorrow
You will have your day
Full of hope and love
For tomorrow is here today

For all that has been
And all that will be
Look in your heart
Believe in what you see

All the answers are there
Love is to share
We're in this world together

Find a way now
Love each other
See the dream in our children's eyes

Sing for the children
Sing out for our future
We take this moment
To make a promise
You shall have tomorrow
You will have your day
Full of hope and love
For tomorrow is here today

Look for the truth
Reach to the stars
The future is here

Sing for the children
Sing out for our future
We take this moment
To make this promise
You shall have tomorrow
You will have your day
Full of hope and love
For tomorrow is here today
Yes, tomorrow is here today

On Liberty Street

NB. The World Trade Center stood on Liberty Street in lower Manhattan.

They came to work
Their bills to pay
On a fateful morn
One September day

The took to the air
To find their way
From shore to shore
That September day

They didn't know
The evil plans
Of hatred's wrath
Against all man

There was no sign
Of the price they'd pay
When they would meet
That September day

No warning came
Of what would come
How their days would end
When the deed was done

The sky was clear
The engines droned
In a hail of glass
Of steel and stone
The innocents met
A dreadful fate
Planned by demons
Filled with hate

The alarm bells rang
The call went out
What they had to do
Was never in doubt

They came to help
They came to save
They came to ease
The dreadful pain

Again the demons
Struck a blow
Those who witnessed
From below
Felt a shock
A chill of fear
And in the dust
Filled with tears
A cry went out
Across the years

We will not bow
To demons' wrath
We will not stray
From freedom's path

The fires raged
The smoke grew thick
The towers shook
They took the hit

The day grew dark
The buildings fell
Their lives were lost
In a blast from hell

We won't forget
The strong and brave
Who gave your lives
That September Day
No, we won't forget
We know your names
Forever more
You'll live in fame

You are the best
You are the brave
You stood the test
To you we say

God bless your souls
And guide your feet
To heaven's gate
Your lives complete

And may you rest
In eternal peace
On the hallowed ground
Of Liberty Street

No, we won't forget
The strong and brave
Who gave your lives
That September Day
We won't forget
Your heroic names
Forever more
You'll live in fame

And may you rest
In eternal peace
On the hallowed ground
Of Liberty Street

Where the towers stood
On Liberty Street

Copyright © 2001 Barry Arnold


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All work on this page is copyright © 2001 to Barry Arnold,
all rights reserved. It may not be copied or reproduced
without expressed permission from the author.


All work submitted to Paramount Poetry is assumed to be
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