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The Poetry of...



Alone in the dark
Without a spark
Of hope.

Searching for peace
Surrounded by soldiers
Of vanity

Leaving the game
Proud to be one of
The losers

I know if I try
Place all things aside
Success will arrive

Here on my pedestal
To see what's beneath me
Head hangs in shame
With failure


Knock, Knock, Knock at the door.
Harvey's jaw drops straight to the floor.

It must be Mother, the vicar perhaps
Harvey must clean and tidy these scraps

Surely it cannot be three o'clock yet
Its Mother and Father, they're coming I bet

Now he's resigned himself to the fate.
He shouldn't have started the cleaning so late.

Before he can budge, they've opened the door.
The first thing he sees is the dirtiest paw.

It isn't his Mother, the Vicar or Dad
And so there's a reason we all can be glad.

Its Willie, the puppy, come home from his run
He's hoping to see cleaning Harvey has done.

The sight of the dog makes him think that instead
He'll spend the next thirty five minutes in bed.


Busy streets, exciting times
Pretty people and catchy rhymes

Lost for words, Tongue is tied
Fear grows with every stride

Everywhere, things to do
Full up, every portaloo

Salesman seem to swarm like flies
selling their crud, coated with lies

If I'm so lost, then why is it
Strangers are the ones that fit

I sense familiarity
It simply makes me want to flee

If I should stumble, trip and fall
I would, then, feel so very small

They all know how to handle this
They jump around and hug and kiss

At last, I sense, escape is near
I chase it down and grab its rear

Its waiting, now, to take me home
Where then I can be free to roam

For, just in time, I've managed to nab
A stinking dirty taxi cab

Copyright © 2001 "Blackheart"

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