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The Poetry of...


Donna is from the country town of Horsham in Australia's smallest yet most densely populated state - Victoria, in the Grampians (above). Given the beauty of the place, you could be forgiven for thinking this is where her inspiration comes from. Donna appears to be more influenced, however, by the personal things in life. A single mother of "three beautiful children, I love writing from the heart". This shows in her wonderfully honest, down to earth, yet gripping, and very moving poetry, which is accessible to all. Advised to submit to PP by a friend, Donna admits "I am more into writing stories". Watch this space then, as we intend to advise a further submission or two ourselves...!

21-12-1927 to 17-12-1997

Your eyes, they held the pain you felt
Your words, they did not tell
Your love, was ever flowing
On hate, you did not dwell

You laid there in that bed all day
Your mind, was far away
You didn’t let on how sick you were
Your thoughts, you could not say

Your body, it did work no more
Your smile was so sad
You never heard me say these words
I love you so much, Dad

If you gaze down and see me now
I hope I make you proud
And please forgive me for never saying
Those three small words out loud

Copyright © 2000 Donna Mcintosh

Situation Vacant

This pain I have deep in my heart is way too hard to bare
I see you sitting so close by me, but, you are not there
Your eyes no longer smile, for they are but pools of grief
We’d never part, you and I, that once was my belief
But now I am surrounded, by emptiness and pain
Oh how I wish with all my heart, that we could laugh again
The world will go on turning, oh so very slow
I tried so hard to make things work, yet still you have to go
For years I held you close, within my heart so dear
And yet no matter how I tried, you did not see me here
And so the time has come for us to kiss just one last time
I know within my heart and mind, you are no longer mine

Copyright © 2000 Donna Mcintosh


In the early hours of the morn before the sun comes up for the day
I toss and turn in my bed, knowing you’re slipping away
You try so hard not to make a sound
Yet I still hear you moving around
You’re drifting away from me

I get up just a few hours later
To find you sitting at the computer
Talking non stop to your pal
Without a thought for me, your gal
You’re drifting away from me

I could try for an internet affair
But for you, I really care
I’m getting lonelier each passing day
In your heart, I want to stay
You’re drifting away from me

I wish this hurt would leave my heart
Along with this sense that we must part
The good times seem so far away
I dread the thought of each new day
You’re drifting away from me

In my mind are thoughts of you
I do not know what else to do
I sit here day and night alone
Wondering if you’re really home
You drifted away from me

Copyright © 2000 Donna Mcintosh

A Truckies Wife

You spend all day driving in your truck, seeing places far away.
You don't get time to watch your children, to watch them grow or play.
The words that i fear most of all keep playing in my head
I hear them through the lonely nights as I lay alone in bed.
I fear the day the phone will ring or a knock upon the door.
His rig ran off the road last night, he will be home no more.
He hit a concrete pole, already gone when he was found.
The next time I'll be near to him is when they place him in the ground.
I don't know how I'll ever cope, raising the family on my own.
I thank God each morn when I awake and see you made it home.
Then when you say good-bye again, I worry endlessly
The days are long and tedious, the nights are so lonely.
I hear a car and hold my breath and then I hear a knock.
I know I have to calm myself, be as steady as a rock.
Your boss is standing at the door looking rather sad.
He says he has some news for me and I know that it is bad.
He says you had an accident but assures me you're okay.
I'm standing here just looking, I don't know what to say.
He says you wont be home tonight, they have to fix your truck.
I think your truck's possessed and it's bringing you bad luck.
It's had three accidents in two years, the drivers all survived.
I'll sit at home and wait for you. I'm thankful you're alive.
Remember when you're driving, my thoughts will be with you.
I'll never make you leave your job, it's what you love to do.

Copyright © 2000 Donna Mcintosh

Wolf In The Woods

As the darkness of the night falls among the forest trees
The trees begin to move, gently swaying in the breeze
I look into the distance, I see the eyes, the jowls
With bated breath I silently wait to hear the haunting howls
With my back against the trees and trembling in my knees
I wait for the beast to pounce, stay where you are, please, please
With thumping heart within my chest and trembling in my hands
The earth is rising up to meet me, I'm sinking in the land
As sweat forms thicker on my brow, and darkness overcomes me
I say a silent prayer to him, please wolf, please let me be
He is closer now, I feel his breath, heavy upon my face
He passes by, so silently, I realise I am safe.

Copyright © 2000 Donna Mcintosh

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all rights reserved. It may not be copied or reproduced
without expressed permission from the author.

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