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The Poetry of...

Lisa Guliani

(aka Featherzz)

Thoughtful, often deep and personal poetry, but with a communicative quality, the poems of Wisconsin's Lisa Guliani have an endearing glow about them. A true writer at heart, it seems, 34 year old Lisa has "...been writing poetry and short stories most of my life, the last two years actually getting published. I have regarded my acceptances as tiny steps toward the fruition of my dream goal. I am working on a poetry collection and also write children's literature."
Hailing from the beautiful Northwoods, Lisa finds influence in her poetry from her surroundings: "I am inspired by natural places, and live in a cabin in the Wisconsin Northwoods, where the landscape further enhances my life's journey.
Fittingly, she ends by telling PP:"I enjoy talking and communicating with other writers. 'Don't just write poetry - live it.'"
Now read the absorbing evidence...

The Melting of Time

Tomorrow stretches a sheet
Across the bed of life.
Its center soft and uncertain,
Yet gathered at four corners;
The fit is tenuous and loose,
No promise of permanence.

With each tug, twist, and turn
Dreamers toss secrets to the moon
Or hide them beneath the pillows.
Today blankets a sullied sky,
Stained wet with October rain;
Whipping my hair with angry gusts,
Defiant, remembering Yesterday.

When Summer fell out of focus,
Seasons blurred before me;
The Maple shook her leaves,
In Fury and Release,
A soundless shuddering,
Wrinkling the moment.

Turning, I beheld the western sky
Catching but a glimpse,
Glory fading with passage.
Twas but a subtle slinking
As a molten sun melted
My horizon with one
Last, lingering kiss

Shadow to Sun

Mesmerized by the Pulse
Lost in the Swirling words
Majik it was , the Capture,
Overtaken subtly and swiftly –
Her eyes saw only Fantasy,
Puddle-jumping thru Dreams
With a Warlock Poet………
”Beware my Majik,” she warned;
Laughter in reply, as He savored the thought……
Days slid silently into Nights,
Yet still they dared to Dream,
Whilst Seasons merged, then melted;
Time dissolved into liquid,
A cocktail of Fire, Sun, Moon, Rain…
Iced with the sparest sprinkling of stars,
Twas such a Night two souls Embraced…
Into the Sun He stepped,
With Featherzz of steel, she ruffled the Winds….
Illusion faced Reality with an unblinking Eye,
Diamonds hung low, glinting in the clear sky…..
Twas the Most Majikal Eve, she later recalled….
Yet, spells cast in Dreams seldom work in the world;
Silver-spun visions conjured by Thought and Word,
Rarely survive once Conscience be heard….
So we Love and we Lie,
Hearts do break, Then we Cry…..
Yet to live it again,
From Shadow to Sun,
Is to Breathe the Majik of Life
Chase the wind as You run………..
There are no good-byes,
No longer teary eyes…….
I hear no confession of sin
Nothing, but a whispered Name in the wind………


He leaves behind civilian life,
A dog, two kids, a pretty wife,
His dreams and goals, a mini-van,
Heads instead to a distant land.
What thoughts race thru his troubled mind,
As he leaves his countrymen behind;
To perform his duty, in Freedom's name,
Beat the enemy at an evil game
Does he know how much he's missed at home?
Does his focus waver whilst he roam?
He is charged with serving Lady Liberty,
To ensure our Flag keeps flying free;
He's a father, a brother, and a son,
A Soldier with a loaded gun;
He knows he did not start this War,
But knows just what he's fighting for.
He won't be home till this mission ends;
He and all his soldier friends;
Till Justice shines her golden light,
The evil deeds are put to right,
The world set free of all the madness;
Gentle rains wash away the sadness.
Some will lose their lives, we know;
Our hearts are heavy as they go;
But the soldier holds love, which is the key
Element that keeps us free;
Love of country and humanity;
Tho' freedom has its price, 'tis true
The heart of a soldier,
Red, White, and Blue,
Beats for all of us,
For me and you


Dreams summon doubt and hesitation
To the cognitive shoreline,
Carry us across rivers of fear,
And crooked creeks of remembrance.
We are reckless riders where rivers meet,
Colliding with Tendency, Fault, and Failing
With each journey inward.
Dreams defy reason with impossibility,
Challenging our sensibilities with
Subtle ironies and subconscious whisperings.
We confront Faith, splashing
Through puddles of memory and metaphor.
Dreams flex our mental muscles
And play with our prayers.
Dreams enfold the soul in nostalgic embrace
Or stir it with restless imaginings.
They tether lucid threads of conflicting realities
To forgotten rituals and ancient rhythms.
Our dreams tell stories in unmetered Time,
Of yesterday reposed, tomorrow undefined.
They lead us beyond birth and death
To a crossroad of spirit and soul,
A merging of wind and water
And uncounted wishes......


I sit on a veranda
Alone with my words.
Dawn tips her colorpot
Spilling molten tangerine
Onto periwinkle sky.
Earth yawns with sleepy stirrings,
All is ablaze with promise.
Serenity, this kiss of sunlight
As the Universe enfolds me
In sweet embrace.
For one lingering moment,
I know bliss.

The Bells of Death....

Where were you on that fateful day,
11 September, on a clear Tuesday?
When Hatred stole the sky,
We kissed our peace good-bye,
In disbelief , we watched Twin towers fall,
The Fanatic Reaper came to call;
So many gentleSouls were lost
Brave men dearly paid the cost;
Madness gripped a nation
Clawed at a generation;
Despite Democracy,
In a land of Liberty,
The Bells of Death do sound
On sacred Zero Ground,
Where in the Rubble lay
True Heroes of that day;
Our Sorrow turns to Rage,
America , center stage
Before the World, will Rise
Patriots will sound the Cries;
Our Eagle leads the way
Resolved to fly,to sieze the day,
Talons sharp and pointed true,
Defend our honor, Red, White, and Blue;
Avenge humanity so denied
The day that Freedom crashed and died;
The Evil cannot hide
The Twisted shrink inside
A Nation Proud and Strong
Is charged to right the wrong;
The Sword of Justice swings
For priests and foreign kings;
America will overcome,
Challenged all and one,
We shall Rise again, for
Noone has died in vain.
Angelic Armies shall unite
Vigilant , in shining Light
Tomorrow, History will tell
What was won and lost
The morn the Towers fell.

In Stillness

Inner rhythms intensify need,
Thought and word entwine with deed,
Raw energies, qual and one,
Cosmic cocktails, psychic guns.
We unlock doors of potentiality,
Tap into spirituality,
Spark intuition by discovery,
Soul's journey through the house
That Mind built.

A sleeping man sees all things,
Threads of Truth revealed in dreams,
Free will and choice decide destiny,
Each day provides opportunity.

Prophet is the Self at center,
Voice of Truth, soul's defender,
Of realms and reasons we've forgotten,
Familiar woods once well trodden,
So many lifetimes lived before......
We lift a veil between dimensions,
Explore new pathways of expression,
Sense the God-light of the soul,
Divinity which makes one whole,
Transcendant, eclipsing death.....

Accident and coincidence,
Karmic beat of consequence,
The scale balances experience,
Learn from Wild Cards in the deck......


Spring calls to me, a breezy whisper
Of rebirth in a sunrise of season;
I listen for her song, yearning
To be kissed by the dawn.

I taste her red wine, greedy
For warmth and the heat
Of sunlight, a slow and spreading
Caress, liquid fire of my soul....

Winter is reluctant to release
His steely grip, yet knows he must,
For he has not the power
To still the hands of time...

Spring whispers words of love
Stirring spirit to awaken
From her deep slumber,
A promise of life anew
In the heart of a windswept blossom.

Misty Lake, Northwoods, WI

Moonlight Majik

You are there
As the snow flies
And I, breathless
In the wind, Stand
Enfolded within the
Circle of your arms.

You are there
As Sun melts
Upon a dusky
Horizon, its body
Nothing more than
Liquid flame,
Yet, nothing less.

You are there
Wrapped in a cloak
Of billowy Night
As stars burn bright
Their tiny flames
Glittering in the sky...

You are there
Where my soul sleeps
In that mystical place
Beyond this realm
Where reason and logic
Dare not tread...

You are there
As my hands reach out
To hold you
Trembling with desire
At the very thought,
A bud of imagination
Growing from one seed
Of moonlight Majik.......

A Test of Faith

Swimming within
Sterile orbs,
I know futility.

Limping uphill
A slippery slope,
I am denied

Strangers pause
To gawk and point
Poison thoughts
My way.

Masked are those
With black intent,
To whom I cling
In my fear.

Where is God,
In the northwoods
Journey of my soul?

I am bundled
In burning blankets,
Torched from within
A smoky center.

I cry to Wind,
For mercy blind,


Sun, engulf me in color
Imprint a spectral splash
Upon this lens of sky;
Clear the mist before me,
Move these wings to flight...

Fear's sweeping presence
Does not blind me
Deep within the drifts
Of sleep and snow...

For Spring is awakening,
Shattering winter's icy glass -
A lone bud sprouts
Frail, yet stretching
Tendrils toward the Sun;
Born from the ashes
Of winter-long need......


When I see you
All the years will slip away
Like the tide as it runs from shore....

While I wait for you
Memory will guide me
Your face etched
Upon my stained-glass soul.

When you arrive,
Time will not exist
As it is for hearts bound in love,
And I will be released
>From this solitude
Which has held me
Locked within the rain..

You are a flower
In Mind's bleak backyard.
A splash of color bright
Amidst Winter's frozen white
A warmth that lingers on
For recollection to look upon...

Within our hearts, we don't forget
Those faces of our youth;
They are stamped forever
Within frameless memory
Bound in ribbons stitched in truth...

In This Moment

Are you aware of the Wind.......
Do you...raise your eyes
To look full upon the Skies?
Ever notice breathing the Air,
Ever see the Trees?
Or contemplate the many Colors
And Undulations of the Earth......
We pass an ageless Bridge but once
On the Path of this moment....
Onward then, a forward Journey...
Shake the Pouch
And let the Pebbles scatter
At Random...
That of the Earth
Embodies That which is Sacred....
Feel the Moon Tug at the Tides....
The Divinity of Prayer
Will lead you back to the Source....
Ever at the Beginning,
Where Self and Spirit
Offer Gifts of Fire,
Gifts of Words....
Within each of us lives an Oracle,
There too, lives the Sacrifice....
Through which self transforms The Self......
To reveal Matters Hidden.......
Know this: We are always
At the Beginning.....
In the Heart of Passion,
The Sun is Ever Rising........

Of Beginning

Deny their conclusions
For they are nothing
But empty cups.
Refuse their pity.
It is a deep crevasse
Into which one drops;
Fall, and return is uncertain.
Shrug off comparison;
Yours is a unique soul
Designed by a loving Hand.
Never grasp defeat
As a final solution;
Defend your spirit against
An army of futility.
Resist the urge to hide,
Shrouded in shadows
Of the Mind;
Forge a new trail
Through your fear;
Armed with Humor,
You will not fail.
A sunrise sought
Is a battle fought;
Dawn, a promise whispered,
One flower to behold;
Ever the promise
Of beginning..........

Kiss of the Jonquil

Jonquil has stretched
Toward the sky
Amidst a blanket
Of melting snow.
Her green burns
Bright in greeting
Sun, one small voice
Drifting in song;
A serenade to Spring
Plays in the stillness
As April appears
On the horizon.
A smile grows
Where there was none;
Slow and lingering,
So like the kiss
Of a breathless blossom.....

The Kiss

At the edge of the sea I listen
For the song of wind and wave..........
Their music is alive,
With its own wit and wisdom,
And hypnotic harmony........
I think I hear my name, over and over.....
I look out over the churning waters,
Far, far....out toward the horizon
Sun is dipping down
To kiss the Sea good night....
Sea sighs and the chop calms to glass.....
I stand in the coarse grains of sand
Hypnotized by the rhythms of eternity,
Dreaming the Sun kissed me
Whilst I drifted in the deep.......

The River

The river runs along the edge of the woods
Rushing toward some distant destination
Intent on reaching its resting place.
It leaves with no regret
Shows no mercy
Captures the foolhardy
Releases only the fortunate few....
The river doesn't love you
As you love Her......
The river only wants to move......
And keep moving....
She is not a stagnant pool of reflecting water...
She doesn't want your coins or your wishes...
Catch a glimpse as she passes by....
She may notice you,
But you will never stop her...
Furious, She rushes onward.......
In her race with Summer Wind.......

Toward the Sun

I think you know
What we had is gone
It clung to Winter's coattails
Fingers stiff with judgement,
Chilled with regret.....

Your eyes tell me tis true....
Those eyes I know so well,
They know the truth,
Or think they do,
As they watch without seeing.

It's so hard to turn away
Turn your back
On all of yesterday
Yet, so simple like falling....
One misstep follows another
Until it all goes out of focus.

We waited for Spring
To give birth to the past
But the weeds were too thick
Choking out all the good seed.
Winter cast its long shadows indeed.

Now we sit in the moment
Not knowing what to say,
Failing to capture, to control
Wild creature, Love,
As it bounds away across
Foggy moonlit fields
Toward the sun.......

Will You?...

Can you work one more piece into the puzzle
Clear some free space of unneeded clutter,
Set aside moments, hours, a day?
Free yourself from these chains
That don't allow you to play...

Do you reach for the stars
Dangling just beyond your reach?
Do you dance with the tide
As it runs from the beach
Have you ever stopped running
Long enough to decide
Into which corner of shadow
You might want to hide.....

Did you ever want something or someone intense
Did it feel like wind rushing
Did it make any sense?
Does the storm pass you over
Or crumble your deck
Can you stand in the rain
Laugh and say, "what the heck?"

Will you break your own rules
To allow this to be,
Will you bend Time's ear
And tell Him of me?
I ask you these things
As you build your glass tower
As you sculpt the clay of your life
Into money and power,
As you scoop up what's offered,
And all that you see
With those mysterious eyes
Will you ever see me?


Ever standing
At the Beginning,
Waits for me
To release Expectation,
Unleash Attachment,
Gentle the Wild Creature,
To become One with it...
Embraces Heaven and Earth
As my Eternal Parents......
Is the Wild Creature
Unshadowed by Thought
In Mind's Castle......
Its song is the Rustle
Of Feather Grass,
Thru a vast and misty field......
I am drawn to hear
Voices That Whisper
To me from the Past,
Voices that have whispered
To Others....
To succeed,
I simply need
To hold the Hand
Of Stillness......

The Wind Dances

The Sun's first rays
Spill from the Heavens,
Golden Swords of Light
Between which the Wind Dances....
As the First Rains fall
Earth yields and receives........
Her Garden blooms
Drawing from the Well
Of Eternity.....
Thunder's first Cracking
Splits the Skies,
Is it the Outer enemy?
Or simply the One from Within
That evokes a flinch.....
The first Moon
Rises high above the Sea......
Mistress of the Night,
Witness to every Beginning
And countless endings....
That which is coming to be,
And That which Passes away.....
She is Mindful
That the New Life
Is ever greater than the Old...
The First Soul Lives Still.....
Captured in a Whisper
Where the Wind Dances..........


A darkening of the Light
Gathered the Shadows
All around me....
Within the dimness,
I saw only Silhouette....
It called to me,
But I feared ......
I found no Voice
With which to Answer
Amidst a Web of Darkness....
Courage became an Elusive Cat
I could not capture......
My prayers went unheeded
In that Lost time;
So I wandered,
Blind ......and Fumbling
For my Faith....
In God,
In my Self........
No Hands reached out
To guide Me....
And I wandered this way,
Many a Season......
Until such Time
I found Passage
Thru Patience,
When one white Candle
Burst into Flame,
Lifting the Silence;
It was Then......
I found my Voice
And the Words came......


O Great Teacher,
I stand before You
In Question......
Help me to understand
The Source
Of this Suffering......
Allow me to know Why
I am in Standstill......
Weeds of Anger and Impatience
Choke me.....
In their midst, I cannot breathe.....
Show me, Teacher,
What will make me Whole,
Close the Circle........
Lest The Good Dreams
Never find their way,
And a New Autumn Moon
Reveals Me........

Face of Night...Mystic Erotika Verse.

Moon aglow,
You See and Know
Secrets of the Ages….
With distant Eyes
You scan the Skies,
Guide the Hand
That marks the Pages…
Silent is thy tongue, they say
Millennia it’s been this way…..
Witness to Every spoken word
.No solitary Thought Unheard;
Luna, Ruler of King and Sage,
Face of Night,
O Silver Light,
Illuminate the Page……..
Blend Shades of Shame
In a Whispered Name;
Desire and Greed
Court a Dirty Deed;
Tomorrow’s Twilight
Sets the Stage…….

Moccasin dancer

Moccasin Dancer,
Step Softly…..
Taste the Rhythm
Of Swirling Smoke
Beneath your Feet……
Wisps of Cloud
Flicker in Reflection,
As Shimmering Sunset
Melts Falls of Fire……
There flows Fantasy,
Adrift on a River’s Dream……
Silent and Still,
Moon Owl remembers
A Time without Tears,
When Noone Danced

The Words are there
In slanting scrawl,
For Thee to see,
But not for All...
The Words live on
Each dusty page
Songs of Lust,
Scenes of Rage....
Call the Warlock not
Into this cage.....
For He Sees Thru
Thy earthly game
He calls the Demons
Each by Name.....
With Fire and Lightning,
Blood and Ice,
Thy flesh will prickle,
You'll pay His price...
Within darkened rooms
Of the Mind
Lives the Fantasy,
Black Satin-lined......
Make your choice
By Light of Day,
Then take His hand,
It's Time to Play......

The House On The Hill..."dedicated to the Lumberman's Mansion", built 1887.

They say restless spirits roam the unlit halls
Scrawling defiance upon stenciled walls,
Punching through silence with gasps of fright,
Black-cloaked guests in nocturnal flight.

Racers, windless on midnight's wing
Alight atop the oak landing.
A dozen candles flame the dawn,
Suddenly the guests are gone
Into corners where shadows play,
Sensing the sunlight a wing away.

In the parlour, the old piano croons
Reluctant refrains of discarded tunes.
Still, dancers waltz to Death's Rhapsody,
Memory adrift with melody.

A century, a season, a secret untold,
Whispers and murmurs on cobwebs unfold.
Caught in the window between two dimensions
Where Door Number Two is thick with contention,
Somber stares encased in gilt frames
Remain dark-souled enigmas with Victorian names.


Raise my Desire,
A Candle
Flaming the Night...
Burning Hot,
Blazing Bright...
Torch my Dreams
With Erotic Schemes;
Set my Soul alight...
Bring this Majik
To my Table
He of Myth,
He of Fable...
Spin the Spell
Tell the Tale
Trick the Tongue
Let Mystery Prevail...
Follow the lead
Of Secret Will,
Pour thy Drink,
Watch the Goblet fill...
With Eyes Wide Open
You design Results
As You Mesmerize me
By the Pulse...

Something Hidden

Look into the Eyes
For it is All there
To be Seen...
Yet you will see it not,
As you walk among the Clouds
And never look down...
Listen to the Silence
As It whispers in your Ear
The Night long,
Yet you will be deaf
To that which unfolds;
When your lips move,
Other voices fade...
You can't hear the songs
Playing softly in the background...
The victrola has been skipping
For quite a long while...
The music just lies there,
And so it dies there...
You won't know this - and,
Armed with a Mighty Dose
Of Denial,
You won't feel a thing...
Truth be untold; rather,
Something Hidden......

Copyright © 2001 Lisa Guliani

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