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The Poetry of...


Introducing Majik, whose thoughts on the Universe and everything are deep and thoughtful, yet Universal and thought-provoking to their reader. A thinker, a watcher, an observer of the world, Majik tells PP:

"I have only been in this wondrous state we call life a very short time, though my journeys speak of many a lifetime. I am new at this world, so please foresee that my intent is merely observation, and handing down the legends of which my journeys have seen."

Currently based within the East Coast of America, Majik receives influence from many sources, but predicably nowhere more so than his own soul:

"I appreciate many a work by many a teller, but my inspiration drives from within. Since way before my time I have been transposing the inner channels of my mind, my soul, and my spirit, bringing fourth the inner depths of one’s mind, one’s thoughts, consciousness, and one’s state of being. To share a thought, to bring a dream to life, to be in the place of the owner’s space, who has never been there before. To bring an awakening to a world within a world, and watch it come to life, as it shines beyond it’s never ending boundaries."

Interestingly, Majik shares a philosophy of my own - that for all Man's material inventions, he will never create anything more powerful than words:

"I, through my travels, have healed many, with words. Words that whisper, words that rhyme, words without speaking, words that shine. A very powerful tool words are. Words that can be as sharp as a sword, yet be delicate enough to comfort a rising fall."

Yet for all these expressions from the place in the mind where emotions live, Majik admits that from such a perspective, "the surface has merely been but scratched." That's fine by PP - it can only mean there is more to come...


What Do You Imagine...

Mezmerized within the dwelling of the universe...
Universe who?...what is this place?
It is not.
What do you imagine...
It is, what you are.
You are where it takes you...and there is no other place like it.
Where Fire lights Purple, as it stains the sky...
So cold as the Willow blows, softly it weeps...
Where the line is so thin between playing for keeps...
The Mystery lives without hesitation to the view...
As images dance in the glow within the hue
And when you begin to wonder, not just wonder how...
Who do you resemble when you gaze into the mist...
If it hasn't gotten to you first...
Step into the light, and then you will feel
You will feel what it is like,
What it is to be real.

The Beginning

Collaborative piece with Lisa Guliani

Have you ever seen combusting dreams,
Followed by a star.......
Or touched the flame that flickered
In a realm of windless Night......
Where real is an illusion, and dark defies the light....
And you drift on a whim, in an endless dance...
Everyday's a whisper, within everyone's a chance....
Linger on a strand of shadow,
Tell your secrets to the Sun.....

To wonder - and wander - this stretch of eternity....
And anxious to be, to be all that I see.....
And ruffle the wind with Featherzz of steel....
The Majik is in me,
The Majik is real...........
Where lust is the ultimate lining of sinning,
Playing for keeps is playing for winning,
All that you touch and all that you feel
Carry the torch while taking the wheel
Tasting the Fire,
Digesting the flame
Eat for future, fortune, and fame...
Now carry me back , with all that I've given;
As eternal the glow, as it were
In the Beginning...


Intertwined between the lines
Of dust turned into bones,
A swirling message forming now
Is cast before the stones.
In essence is the righteousness
Unlocking unbound hands,
To feel the touch upon you
In falling grains of sand....
You shudder, you shake
As you look into the hills....
You hang up your belongings
And trade them in for thrills.
Now this just might seem childish
And may appear aloof.
Until you've had experience
You haven't had the proof.
So, on your way -
Enjoy your stay
And never to forget
That while you ride
Inside you hide
And cast aside regret.
The Four Winds are blowin' now
They're whisperin' my name.....
But honestly, I know I should draw closer to the flame...
So, on this note, I will appear
Before you in the Sun...
And drive away your loneliness
Till have none!

Quick Thoughts on the Moment

May all your dreams come true to life, with happiness to spare.
Experience the essence of life, without despair...
Forever is the power, Forever is the gift...
When you live within the moment, nothing will be missed.
For any time you spend in sorrow,
And locked within the rain,
I send a soft and gentle mist
To wash away the pain...
To this, I raise my clenched fist high
I do this not in vain.
Just to share the victory
That no words can explain...
So for now, I say ado,
And leave you wisdom with a thought..
A gift, is a gift, is a gift....burn bright.....
With no money can be bought.....

Carry Me Home

There's a chip of a piece
That isn't there
It is not part of anywhere

There's a hole in my soul
Where the light used to shine
Which now resides at the home for the blind

As they carry home my lifeless limbs
With all my morals
And all their sins

Today they claim a victory
It's a bittersweet day
For the Mob the say

They've carried my body
To the edge of the sun
Where Majik and Mystery have only begun

They are frightened to sleep
To frightened to die
Unknowing of love
They are too scared to cry......

You can't run away from what is real
To taste a touch
An' see the feel

They've cast me out
Within their minds
We live in such deceiving times

For all they fear
Is my existence
No Quarter signifies persistence

There's power in numbers?
Ahhh...."Not Quite True!"
For I have cast myself on you.....

The power now, it seems
Has shifted
Among the none.... among the gifted

Pleased to meet you
How do you do
Believe in Zero, as do you...

Did I ever know you
Haven't we met
Are you still fearing the sun....... will set

Breath Of A Lifetime

The Breath of a lifetime
Dreams but once upon a star
As it hovers for only a while...

So easy is it out of reach
When we seek to touch it
Tells of a journey for many a mile...

See the boats come floating in
From exhausting hours at sea
As familiar waters welcome them home...

The Sun is only but a miracle
Resting captured in my soul
But I just can't seem to find it today....
Its destination is unknowing, its journey is unknown

The sky reflects the water's veil
Everything surreal
Mysteries of Heaven's path that shall not to be revealed...

All truths lie between the lines
Within the spoken word or phrases
And should we dare to seek them out....
We get caught up in their mazes...

Why is it, the more we're drawn
The more we're pushed away...
Is it not supposed to be this way?

As I walk along the distant shore
I am in Thought within each step..
I am changing the Sands Of Time...

For now, and forever after..
Impressions in its wake
Impressions of mine....

And how is this all possible...
And why is this all real...
The Deeper I go, The Higher I feel....

It's time for me to settle in
From exhausting hours of flight.....
As familiar skies..... Welcome me home....

Copyright © 2001 Majik

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All work on this page is copyright © 2001 to Majik,
all rights reserved. It may not be copied or reproduced
without expressed permission from the author.

All work submitted to Paramount Poetry is assumed to be
the original work of the author and PP can take no
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