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Tig the Thrush.

Hello there - I'm Tig the Thrush!
I'm taking my flying test.
I've been practising a lot,
And I'm going to try my best.

I'm not very confident -
It's not easy for a thrush.
But here comes my instructor,
He's about to speak, hush!

"Hello tiddler, I'm your instructor,
And I'm going to help you to fly.
When I've finished with you, little one,
You'll be able to fly so high!"

"Thanks for the confidence boost, mister,
But I'm afraid I'm not all that good.
I'll try my very hardest,
And I'd pass if I could!"

"Don't worry my dear Tiggy!
You'll pass with no problem at all!
(oh and don't be scared -
I'll catch you if you fall).

So up I go - up, up, up!
Then all of a sudden it's down!
I land with a thud on the instructor's head
Who says "you silly clown!"

"Don't fret, don't worry, don't stress on it,
My fine feathered friend.
All you need is confidence,
Not to go round the bend!"

So on went the test, we did loads of stuff
Flying high and low.
Before you could say 'Smackaroony!',
My confidence began to grow!

Then to my dismay the test ended.
My how time did rush.
"So how did I do? Did I do well?"
"Wait and see my freckled thrush!"

After a week, the instructor came,
He came right to my nest.
"My furry friend, I have some news-
You've passed your flying test!"

In The Car.

We are going on a holiday -
Everyone piles in.
The car starts up
And the arguments begin.

We are going on a holiday -
Everyone's getting away.
The kids are really bored, but
Mum and Dad have plenty to say.

We are trying to go on holiday -
Everyone's shuffling about.
The kids are now amused,
So is Mum with the map book out!

We are attempting to go on holiday -
Everyone's counting the cost.
The kids are not amused
When they hear Dad say - "We`'re lost!"

A silence falls over the car
The only sound being the radio.
The kids are now praying,
When Mum says "Oh no!"

It looks like there'll be no holiday -
Rowing resumes to familiar sound.
The kids say "Here we go again!"
As Dad turns the car around.

We've abandoned another holiday! It is an awful shame.
Now the kids await the next gruesome chapter,
Called Who's Going To Get The Blame?

The Griblog: Visits Redwood!

My name is Gary Griblog
My home is Planet Zike.
But I've come down to Earth,
Just to see what it is like.

First I`ll try a school visit,
They call this one Redwood.
It`s different to schools on Zike,
Coz they're in swampy mud.

I`m in Mrs Harley`s class
To see what they all do.
I hope I can be good
And work as hard as you.

"Time for P.E. in the hall!"
I'll hold the rope tightly!
Must impress that lady there,
I think that's Mrs. Whiteley!

Wow, we're making hand puppets,
Punch and Judy are great.
Teaching me about seasides.
Ooo, here's dinner - I can't wait!

Gosh, I am eating Earth food,
So healthy in my tum.
And I just met Mrs. Hill,
She's nice just like my Mum!

We`re painting after dinner
That's easy, Maths is hard!
It`s fun becoming clever,
So`s playtime on the yard.

There are no books on planet Zike,
A story is being read!
They'll teach me so much info,
Mrs. Fitzgerald said.

I just heard a bell sound ring,
My day is at an end.
But I don't want to go home,
Coz Redwood is my friend!

Shall I go back to Zike's mud?
Or come back here again? ...
Yes, I'll be back tomorrow -
I`ll go to Mrs. Bacon`s then!

by Jonathan Fitzgerald

The Griblog: Visit 1.

I am Griblog
From the planet Zike.
I have come down to Earth,
To see what it is like.

First I`ve come to school,
They call it a `comp`.
It`s nothing like the schools on Zike,
Because we have them in a swamp!

First I turned invisible
Then found an empty seat.
I copied all the work from the board,
And wrote really neat.

And then I wrote some more:

My name is Griblog,
I live on planet Zike,
In some lava with my Mum and Dad,
And my brother Spike.

And after my very hard day,
The teacher said: "okay, pack away!"
I slowly rose from my chair,
To go on a visit, elsewhere.
It is really good at the `comp`.
But I think I prefer it at my old Zike Swamp!

It's Not Fair!

Wednesday morning
Very very boring,
I'm lying in bed
With a pounding head.
Wish I was elsewhere,
It's not fair!

Wednesday dinner time
And I start to whine.
I'm lying in bed with a painful head.
This I cannot bear!
It's not fair!

Wednesday afternoon
School's out soon.
I'm lying in bed
With an awful head
I'm missing Art there...
Wait...this IS fair!

All For One

What is a Dad?

A Dad is exciting,
And fun.
He’ll play games,
Make jokes
And run.

A Dad is quiet,
And kind.
He’ll listen,
Keep secrets,
Share what’s on your mind.

A Dad will shout,
To show his care,
A Dad will talk,
To show he’s fair.

A Dad is whatever
You want him to be…
What is a Dad?
He’s special, you see?

PUBLISHERS: Anchor Books
PUBLICATION:'To Mum and Dad with love'.

*This is where it all started...this is first poem I ever wrote! I was aged 9.*

I`m a Bad Boy.

I`m a Bad Boy -
Well, so says my Ma.
She says I drive her up the wall...
But how can I? - I haven`t a car.

She says I drive her crazy,
She says I make her mad.
She says I`m very naughty...
And so does my Dad!

I`m not really all that bad -
Though my Dad does shout and scream.
I only make my Dad mad,
When I`m feeling mean.

My Dad`s that sort of man you know-always working.
My Mum`s always on the phone.
They both call me a big pest,
And all I do is moan!

The Bully.

There is this bully that I know,
And he thinks he`s tough.
He can scratch better than me,
And can get quite rough.

But its okay, I`m in the clear,
He has this special need;
He can`t tell what I`m writing,
The poor thing can`t read.

You see, he`s thick, disliked,
And to top it he`s fat.
And I really have to be honest here,
I prefer our other cat.

A Sweet Christmas?

The 8th of December, 16 days to go,
And the whole town is covered in snow.
Christmas cards on the window ledge,
And outside a big snowball is really a hedge.
And oh dear, I can`t see my bike!,
This is the snow that I really like!
Everything is under as if trying to hide,
The swings, the see-saw, the washing line, the slide.
It looks like marshmallow all fluffy and white,
Marshmallow from heaven, fell silently at night.


A popular man with his home people,
Skilled in many ways,
In youthful sports and pastimes
And in arts and labours.

Many times he questioned old Nokomis
Of his Mother and Father,
Finally found the truth
Of his Fathers betrayal.

Out he set, to confirm the truth,
To his Fathers land.
To find if he had killed his Mother
Out he set, to the west-wind.

Nokomis warned,
Hiawatha ignored,
Mudjekeewis beckoned
To the west-wind door.

At the kingdom he arrived,
Mudjekeewis he met.
His father boasted
Whilst Hiawatha listened.

Then at last, Hiawatha discovered
Nokomis words were true,
"Tell me!", Hiawatha cried.
"Is there anything that can harm you?

The black rock yonder,
The fatal wawbeek,
Would frighten his father it seemed.
Now the question was reversed;

The big bulrush yonder,
The great Apukwa
Would send Hiawatha running
For his life, in fear, afar.

Mudjekeewis prepared to pick the bulrush,
"Stop!" cried Hiawatha.
"Stop, I say!"
And that he did.

Far they chased,
Mudjekeewis leading,
Hiawatha never stopped
Until at last, Mudjekeewis spoke;

"You cannot kill me Hiawatha,
For I am immortal.
But you have proved your courage to me
And you shall benefit.

"Go back to your village, my son,
Go back and live amongst your people
Until your death draws near,
Then shall come your reward."

"But what is it? Oh tell me do!"
Hiawatha cried in demand.
"You shall rule the west-wind, son,
You shall rule the land!"

Love For All Seasons.

Great, great, Spring is great.
Mummy, Mummy, I`m calling on my mate!
Great, great, the kids can`t wait.

Fun, fun, Summer is fun.
Icecream, icecream, I want some!
Fun, fun, see the kiddies run.

Windy, windy, Autumn is the season.
Blow wind, blow wind, blow all the bees in.
Windy, windy, let`s kick the leaves in!

Winter, winter, this is when the snow falls.
Quick guys, quick guys, let`s make some snowballs,
Winter, winter, is when a warm bed calls!

The Shadow.

There is this dark black shadow, which goes everywhere I go,
But why it keeps on following me, I do not know.
If I run inside, it`s a shame,
For the shadow is bound to do the same.
Each time I go to the shop for my Mum,
This silly old shadow will always come.
Everywhere I would go,
I knew the shadow would follow.
But the thing I discovered quite soon
Is that the shadow is darkest at noon.
So if the shadow was dark at midday,
Perhaps the opposite at midnight, it would go away!
My plan worked (of course!) very well,
And now there`s not much left to tell,
Except if your shadow goes wherever you go,
And why it keeps on following you, you do not know.
Then just ignore it during the day,
And at night, it will go away!

All poetry on this page is © Jonathan Fitzgerald and is the sole property of its owner.
It may not be used or reproduced without the author's expressed, written and signed permission.
All images are either personally designed or thought to be freeware.
