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Religious Poetry

Heavenly Passage

"Barriers, roadworks, my route is blocked,
I cannot find my way.
The path is gone, or overgrown,
Or from it I did stray."

"An open heart means open eyes
My Child, receive My Message.
Belief and Trust will be thy guide,
And reveal the Heavenly Passage."

Is This Reflection?

Is this ingenious?
Created by ingenious (?) for It's own destruction.
Was this His instruction?

Is this progression?
Creating more: backward powerful invention.
Was this His intention?

Is this satisfaction?
Creators of war and deprivation.
Was this His anticipation?

Is this unification?
A world of Love fading, small hope of resurrection.
This is His dejection.

Sky Writer.

Born to live,
Live to die,
Cradle and coffin
Covers of a life.
Pages in the middle,
Words mean what?
Life, a riddle.

Book of life
By Author On High,
Creator of the world,
Man wonders 'Why?'
What is Life?
A mystery.
Answers known only
By writer heavenly...

Ungodly Hour

2 a.m. jam.
But I hope God will not judge me too harshly.
I ponder late,
I question until late,
A plum jam sandwhich is sustinence, and my thoughts keep flowing.

A little music too.
But I hope God will not think too badly of me.
I consider late,
I search for Him until late,
Some comforting music stablises, and aids my thoughts.

My light bulb is still on.
But I hope God will try to understand me.
I write late,
I ask of Him until late,
My bulb is my light, keeping me safe, in thought.

Do I have a right to this jam?
Do I have no use for this music?
Do I have no need for this light?

But until God presents himself to me,
I'll wonder late,
I'll look until late,
Sat in my bed, staring out to the stars, deep in thought.

Where is God?
Who is God?

For now, all I can do this 2 a.m. is provide my own
and Safety.

Unless they are already from Him?

All poetry on this page is © Jonathan Fitzgerald and is the sole property of its owner.
It may not be used or reproduced without the author's expressed, written and signed permission.
All images are either personally designed or thought to be freeware.
