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The Poetry of...

Nikki Swainston (aka Ammie)

Redcliffe, Brisbane

"My birth name is Nikki Swainston - but am otherwise known as Ammie," this bright new writer from Brisbane tells us. Her writing shows great promise and sensitivity with a romantic and hoping, idealistic yet still realistic edge.
"Im 35 years young, unpublished and my work is alas sporadic...a bit like me!" We hope then that there is now more to come from Nikki as she finds her poetic feet with us here on PP - it's certainly a good start! Welcome to PP...

Peridot Green

His eyes
His eyes are Peridot green.
Deep pools of love wisdom & devotion ~
speckled with brown stepping stones peering through
the watery reflection of his soul.

His essence is staring back at me, enlightening
invigorationg & exciting the inner core of my

Its the known & unknown that intrigues me.

The wonderment of his vibrance & vitality inspires to
dive further ~ deeper ~
into his eyes
His eyes of Peridot green.


Beautiful to some
Ugly to others

Meaningless, yet such responsive words
Drew anger, perhaps loyality abandoned?

Amorous, captivating, delicious words
Breed love, then discontent quite often

Intent ~
Inspire, aspire & reinvent
Received ~
Sadness, anger & misunderstanding

Those words
Beautiful to some
Ugly to others.....

Copyright © 2001 Nikki Swainston


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All work on this page is copyright © 2001 to Nikki Swainston,
all rights reserved. It may not be copied or reproduced
without expressed permission from the author.

All work submitted to Paramount Poetry is assumed to be
the original work of the author and PP can take no
responsibility for stolen copyright then, or hereafter.
