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Rob's Biography

My name is Robert Parker-Munn (Rob) I am an ancient 52 with beard and long hair baldishly outrageous, much renounced of material existence I am vegan and totally detoxed of all kinds of negative stuff. I live detached in Mid Wales countryside in long time family unit, play songs to the rushing warm breezes, paint pictures for posterity and write poems on the internet with massive phone bills yet unsolved. Much rue I dont teach much because I cant get the job though I broke blood vessels getting qualified, learn esperanto and work socially with elders of society writing their reminiscings. Sometimes do most menial of tasks like cleaning toilets since thats all I could get but stay cheerful. On holiday, just returned from BBC Lorna Doone set where I was a male dancing farmer for a few days. Very poor financially and unfulfilled materially, I believe the best is yet to come. Dont you? Just had a poem accepted for Poetry. Com in the U.S.A. and now addicted to Bananalotto. (How else am I going to pay for all this? )Originally from Cardiff with African (West) influences, Plymouth schooling and lots more. Is this enough for now?!
Unless your readers wish to request any more info, Rob?!...
