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The Poetry of...

Sean Kingswell

It is often difficult to share your poetry, especially when it is deep, personal writing from within, but here lies proof in the benefit of sharing the 'written emotion'. 24 year-old Reading-based Sean tells PP:

"I have always had a deep seated love of all forms of the creative word. I believe that writing from the heart (a bit cliched I know) is in fact the very esscence and soul of writing."

Cliched for a reason - the very essence of personal poetry from the soul, laid bare before all, is the bravest and often most honest type.

"The job I am currently in (software tester) allows me to free my mind, which is a good thing when writing as inspiration can strike at any given time."

Read on then, as Sean puts in to words his thoughts on existence and internal conflicts - made external for the 1st time, on PP.

The Demon of Self-Doubt

The Demon of Self-Doubt, my dear
Sits at your shoulder, whispers to your ear.
Telling you things that you don't wish to hear -
Words are scented with misery and fear.

The Demon of Self-Doubt, my friend
Will hold you back, your dreams will end.

The Demon of Self Doubt, I fear
Exists in my mind, no where but here.

A Curious Tale

Coming to a fork in the path, I wonder which way to go.
The road ahead is hazy, thick fog obscures the view.
Both roads look uncertain so fearfully I tread, moving ever closer to a future unknown.
I question to myself “Do I decide, or does fate take me regardless?“.

Whilst pondering my question, I notice a traveller stood beside me.
The shambling figure obscured under cloak and heavy cowl.
The traveller speaks without voice, words pass fleetingly from invisible lips.
Face lost in the depths of the dark and shadowy folds.

As the words come, realisation washes over me.
The path I walk is not set in stone, the choices I make are mine alone.
The shadowy figure beside me, is but a reflection of myself.

Realising the Way

Two halves of the same whole
In conflict with each other
A constant rage of turmoil
Starting to spill over

Now the “Whole“ takes a stand
To begin the journey for control
An old way of life
A new way of thinking

My true “Self“ awakened by the battle
Reality sets in
I walk once more the path I left
To reach a dream forgotten

It begins in this instant
The moment of deep pain
No glorious end awaits me
“Realisation“ of the path, the aim.

Return to the “Self“ (or a poem of regressive evolution)

I feel myself slowly regressing
To the “Self“ I should have been

The path I walked instead
Many years ago
Has been more beneficial
Than perhaps I'll ever know.

But now I find myself returning
To a sense of “Self“.

The path I walk is clear now
The “Dual“ selves combined.

To create a sense of harmony
A balanced state of mind.

Life's journey is long and arduous - throughout it we are set upon by choices and decisions that will shape it. We never know if we have made the right choice until the path has been walked upon.

But life is not about knowing whether it is right or wrong, but simply doing what is right for others and forsaking our own wants and needs. Sacrifice your “self“ for the benefit of others and the reward will be ten fold. But you must do this for the purest of reasons and not hold expectations of reward in the physical sense. It is the sense of “Self“ that one must aim to achieve in order to attain a greater sense of being.

You must not remain closed minded in your perception of the path that you are walking, but rather remain open and aware of all the others that surround you. They may lead you closer to or further from your destination, but each way serves only to heighten and enrich your soul.

Do not lose faith in the light when all around you is darkness, rather you should remain in hope that you will find your way back again.

A once poetic soul wrote a long time ago “Life is but a window, Death is but a door, time is but a feeling which we all abhor“, the wisdom in its simplicity sums up life's journey to me.

I claim not to be a wise man, I am nothing and I am everything, I proclaim not to be one thing or promise to be another, I simply am. I am but one man, nothing more, nothing less, walking the path of life heading inevitably to my final destination.

How long it takes to get there I know not and nor do I care. I will overcome the obstacles thrown at me for they are not meant as barriers but as lessons to learn and grow from, to strengthen my spirit for the final encounter. When I reach the doorway at the end, my soul will have the strength and resolve to push through it without the need to look back, safe then in the knowledge I have fulfiled my purpose in this life, which as yet has not been revealed to me, though nor does it have to.

Simply walking through life as I do, bringing (I hope) happiness and enrichment to others just as they bring unto me, is enough of a reason to carry on my journey, to its inevitable, unknowable end.

The Eternal Struggle

All consuming rage boils unwanted
Origins unknown
I fear for the safety of my friend
s As the “Beast“ within me stirs.

Unwillingly the anger takes over
No gentle release available
I need to turn this “Beast“ to slumber
'Fore it takes over and drags me under
Back to the dark place
Where no light is let in.

Two halves of the same whole
Constantly battling for control
I know in my heart that neither can win
“One“ cannot be fully functional without the other.

The “Dark Half“ begs to taste freedom again
To be let loose upon this world.
To bring with him once again
A world shrouded in darkness, misery and pain.

In forced meditation my “Self“ sits in silence
Waiting for this war to end.

Copyright © 2001 Sean Kingswell


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All work on this page is copyright © 2001 to Sean Kingswell,
all rights reserved. It may not be copied or reproduced
without expressed permission from the author.


All work submitted to Paramount Poetry is assumed to be
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