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The Poetry of...

Sid Stovold

If music is the food of love, then poetry, it seems, is the food of music.
PP welcomes 29 year old Sid Stovold from Aldershot in Hampshire who draws his inspiration from music:
"I got into poetry via the punk rock music scene (of all things!) because a lot of obscure punk record labels released records by angry poets of the day." Sid told PP.
Also musical himself - he used to play guitar in a pop-punk band called "Inter" who had a record deal and released an album last year - Sid confesses that "Music is my life, but it's the words of songs that interest me the most!"
PP is proud to host such a variety of styles of poetry, and therefore welcome Sid whose no-nonsense, no frills, raw and yet thought-provoking poems are sure to strike a chord with some of our readers.
Sid also has a web site - 'Departure Records' - which is a small mail order company specialising in new and secondhand indie/punk/mod records. You can visit, without leaving PP, by clicking


Surrealism Begins at Wasp

what’s worse?
people who think they are
on my wavelength but are
actually nowhere near
or people who are nowhere
near to start with?

sometimes having a go doesn’t
make it any better, it
actually makes it worse.
if you’re not something
don’t try to be it,
be what you fucking are,
no one’s impressed.

Part One, Part Two

Pt. 1
what’s the fucking point of it all?
what are you trying to prove?
looking good for an hour or so
when eventually you move

Pt. 2
there really is no need
to swan about
as if you’re so bloody cool
and thinking you look really good
when in fact
(and if you’re honest you’ll admit
this yourself)
you’re trying to impress the
same people with exactly
the same behaviour and not
a single fucking one of you
at the end of one of your so-
called ‘good’ nights is going home
happy and contented with someone
they love.
what’s the fucking point of it all?

where do I bloody stand today?
do you want to be here or there?
we need some needed breathing space
to share our cared for air
where do I bloody stand with pain?
do you tell me false or true?
I need to feel exactly what
goes on with me for you.

I suddenly feel normal now
and I know it’s not really
right, I haven’t actually thought
too much over the last week
or so. I just seem to drift
into self pity and self obsession.
I’ve had a drink now, is this
the ultimate thing that I have
a problem with in this world?
I hate people who drink too much,
thinking it’s cool, or people
who change when they’re drunk
or people who binge drink and
yet ultimately I’m all of
those. I suddenly feel normal

Set my alarm for 7

i’ve never been encouraged
to follow all my dreams
i’ve just been taught
that we’ve never bought
anything not what it seems
just get a job, get a job
don’t try what you please
should be why I should be out there
screaming all my please

i’ll never fulfil my potential
never have and probably will
leaving it in the hands of the deceased
will see me over-kill

i’ll never be partial to anything
not in my dreams
when one day i
can say “one in the eye”
it won’t be through schemes
i’ve had enough, tough enough
to be what I need
a lonely place inside of me
rarely ever seen

I just want to back an ambition
me, myself and my will
i’ll not leave it open to offers
and you’ll not see me ill

Look For A Man

I think I’ve come back


with a bang

I’m returning

to who I think I are

I am

I’m really that sad

to be alone

I’ve been hiding my innards

and it’s showing

Who are you?

You bastard.

Copyright © 2001 Sid Stovold

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In the meantime, sign our guestbook and tell Sid what you think, beginning with "To Sid Stovold"

See Sid's web site, 'Departure Records', a small mail order company specialising in new and secondhand indie/punk/mod records. Visit, without leaving PP, by clicking

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All work on this page is copyright © 2001 to Sid Stovold,
all rights reserved. It may not be copied or reproduced
without expressed permission from the author.

All work submitted to Paramount Poetry is assumed to be
the original work of the author and PP can take no
responsibilty for stolen copyright then, or hereafter.