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The Poetry of...

Victoria Stanley

Victoria, right, as Ali Baba's camel!

Young Victoria first came across PP when she starred wonderfully in a play written and directed by PP's Jonathan Fitzgerald. It is now clear that her talents lie in other creative areas too as she shares with us for the first time her current crop of thoughtful, personal and emotion-jerking poetry.

Few will fail to understand her honest, beautifully portrayed sentiments on the world around and we hope Victoria can now further develop her writing talents in other areas too, here with PP!

Jonathan is watching his back :)

Poetically Constipated

My Creative juices aren’t flowing,
My brain has turned to mush,
My flash of inspiration,
Has sizzled it to dust.

I had it in my head,
And now it’s disappeared,
My whole thought system's dead,
My brain’s completely cleared.

If only I could keep them in,
Long enough to write,
I wouldn’t be up at this time,
I need an early night!

Copyright ©2003 Victoria Stanley


You are my little bubble,
My happiness in one,
You remind of the good times,
Of my days in the sun.

You make my life complete,
A whole again once more,
You make me remember,
The fun we had galore.

I want you to stay forever,
And to never leave my side,
I’ll make it through this life,
With you as my guard and guide.

Copyright ©2003 Victoria Stanley


The deafening ticking of a clock,
Footsteps echoing round the room,
Pencils, pens and clattering rulers,
Sighs of despair and grief,
Faint mutters and Ssh! Sounds,
Crisp turning of pages,
Scents of sweat and rage,
Sights of worried workers,
Rubbing heads and eyes.

Copyright ©2003 Victoria Stanley


Teardrops fall like a waterfall,
Untamed, free,
But trapped by torment and grief,
Empty and hollow my body lies limp.

I feel their cold but gentle hands,
Folding, folding round my body,
Gently soothing my guilt,
My shame and disbelief.

My cheeks glow violet,
As I scream in pain,
Why me? Why?
Why now?

Copyright ©2003 Victoria Stanley

All Because of You

Yesterday I was happy,
Now I’m sad,
Yesterday I had friends,
Now I’m lonely,
Yesterday I was smiling,
Now I’m crying,
And it’s all because of you.

Today I had no one,
You made sure of that,
Today I felt ashamed to be me,
You helped me to do that,
Today I felt picked on,
You made me feel like that,

Tomorrow I’ll be gloomy,
And you’ll be glad,
Tomorrow I’ll be on my own,
And you’ll have all your pack,
Tomorrow I’ll have mental scars,
And it’s all because of you,

You made me feel unloved,
Ashamed to be me,
Just because you saw a difference,
Between you and me,
You made me wish myself invisible,
You made me feel like that.

Copyright ©2002 Victoria Stanley


The sun glows like a ball of fire.
It opens it's orange petals over the land,
as a flower when it wakes.
It warms the rustling grass,
the whole world at it's command.
Controling the lakes,rivers, and seas.
The enormous rolling heat wave,
gradually soaring over me.
The landmarks black against the brightness,
Of it's gathering mass.
The morning dew glistens,
creating rainbow light.
It's amazing merge of colours,
that makes a perfect sunrise.

Copyright ©2001 Victoria Stanley

Me and You

I am small, but you are big.
My hands are little, but yours are large.
I look up, and you look down.
I am young, and you are old.
I look around and you’re always there,
You'll be there whenever I’m down.
You'll be there in my heart, and in my mind.

Copyright ©2001 Victoria Stanley

Brown Eyes

As I stare at you,
You twinkle like stars.
You follow me everywhere,
Like a lost puppy.
You smile at me,
In your own little way.
And your Brown eyes.

Copyright ©2001 Victoria Stanley

It Shouldn't Matter

Black, White,
Rich or poor.
It shouldn't matter.
Small, Large
Creed or Colour.
It shouldn’t matter.
Good, Bad,
Right or wrong.
It shouldn't matter.
God made us different,
For a Reason,
Free will, independence,
But most of all to be unique.
Don't ever doubt yourself,
Because you are you,
And no one can deny you that.

Copyright ©2001 Victoria Stanley

All I Am

All I am is because of you,
You loved and cared for all those years,
You understood you knew my fears.

So my dearest friend,
If you are ever in fear,
Just remember,
I am here.

This time it's my turn to be near,
To be the shoulder,
You cry on.

Copyright ©2001 Victoria Stanley

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All work on this page is copyright © 2001 and ©2002 to Victoria Stanley,
all rights reserved. It may not be copied or reproduced
without expressed permission from the author.

All work submitted to Paramount Poetry is assumed to be
the original work of the author and PP can take no
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